President Trump INDICTED by NYC grand jury

Trumps core base may be motivated but that’s not enough. The indictment will be a disaster for him. 65% is a wet dream

[FONT=&quot]Americans 57 - 38 percent think criminal charges should disqualify former President Donald Trump from running for president again, if charges are filed against him as a result of multiple state and federal criminal investigations, according to a Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea-ack) University national poll released today.[/FONT]
The best thing that could happen to the nation, is that trump flees to the motherland to bask in the glow of Putin's adoration.


Yep, I think he'll pull an OJ and bail. Trump will be a fugitive of justice. But they'll find him and drag him out of his hole kicking and screaming. It'll be fun to watch. I'll bring the popcorn.
On Thursday evening, a Manhattan grand jury voted to indict former President Donald Trump in connection to alleged payouts made to porn star Stormy Daniels.

The felony indictment was filed under seal by the Manhattan district attorney’s office, and is set to be announced in the coming days, four sources familiar with the matter told the New York Times.

At that point, prosecutors working under District Attorney Alvin Bragg will have asked for Trump’s surrender and to face arraignment for the currently unclear charges.

So the democrats are now like a third world country and must use the courts to get rid of political opposition
Your posting tells us what that is true. You are way out in right field. Spros is a 92-year-old man living in Budapest and you are afraid of him.

You ignore this is a political stunt to help Bidenget elected. It will blow up in the democrats face