President Trump will be interviewed by Elon Musk TONIGHT at 8 pm Eastern on š¯•¸

wonder if he got his denture cream mixed up with his hemorrhoid cream.
if he did it couldn't happen to a nicer asshole.
have a nice day

Well, I made it to the 40 minute mark and gave up. Same old shit with Trump demeaning everyone he dislikes or opposes while praising himself and Elon there giving him a handy.
I did find a couple of sites that showed USA Today as slightly left of center, about where NPR and ABC are. I guess the leftists consider that extreme far right nazi white supremacist territory.

I did find a couple of sites that showed USA Today as slightly left of center, about where NPR and ABC are. I guess the leftists consider that extreme far right nazi white supremacist territory.
The ones here
And we know NPR has zero republican reporters
I listen to them every now and then and I really, really try to find a drop of objectivity. Not once ever. Iā€™m surprised any media bias ratings would consider them slightly left leaning. Much further left than ABC who at least tries to make a veneer of objectivity.
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And we know NPR has zero republican reporters
I listen to them every now and then and I really, really try to find a drop of objectivity. Not once ever. Iā€™m surprised any media bias ratings would consider them slightly left leaning. Much further left than ABC who at least tries to make a veneer of objectivity.
So you listen to Fox News where everything is "Fair and Balanced"?
I listen to them every now and then and I really, really try to find a drop of objectivity. Not once ever. Iā€™m surprised any media bias ratings would consider them slightly left leaning. Much further left than ABC who at least tries to make a veneer of objectivity.
Yeah I switched from NBC national news to ABC but I don't expect objectivity. Can't tolerate NPR resent my tax dollars being spent that way.
AllSides Media Bias Ratingā„¢: Lean Left

From two different sources now. lol.
Well I guess Althea is entitled to his opinion.
Disclaimer: USA Today has partnered with AllSides and other bridging organizations, such as America Talks, to promote and support conversation events in which people on the left and right come together to bridge divides. This is work AllSides applauds and is a part of. This media bias rating page serves purely as an analysis of the bias of USA Today's news reporting; AllSides' bias analysis is independent, and partnerships with USA Today did not impact news bias analysis.

As I said, their opinion pieces lean Right quite often. As much or more than pieces that lean Left.