Principal killed after lunging at shooter

Protection Or Peril? Gun Possession Of Questionable Value In An Assault, Study Finds

Sep. 30, 2009 — In a first-of its-kind study, epidemiologists at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine found that, on average, guns did not protect those who possessed them from being shot in an assault. The study estimated that people with a gun were 4.5 times more likely to be shot in an assault than those not possessing a gun.
The idea of arming teachers or principals is absolutely insane. What makes anyone think that these people would even want a gun? Does anyone have any idea how hard it is for the vast majority of people to shoot someone?

Is this really the big "solution" that is out there?
only to the people who see guns as the ansser to everything.

If more guns were the solution we would already be the savest nation in the world
allowing women to control what happens inside their own flesh has already been decided in this country.
Let's face it, maybe teachers should be trained and armed. At a minimum, are not our children worthy of protection from well trained and armed security personel, if not armed teachers?

Who's going to pay for the guns and training?

Like you really do? If they were sucked out of their mothers vaginas before they were ever born would you be blinking an eyelash this morning? Hell no

Playing the abortion card, how predictable.

The thought crossed my mind this morning that if the parents were asked the question "Would you rather that child had been aborted as opposed to being lined up and shot twenty times by a madman at the age of 5-6?" the answer would surprise us.