
Yes. Growing up in poverty didn't mean my life was worth less than yours, or even less fun. Have you never watched Titanic? Not only is there singing by Celine Dion, but there is also this story about how poor people are better than the rich. Maybe you didn't follow it well...

See, there was this chick who met this dude and slept with him in the back of a car in the cargo hold, he drew a picture then died. Somewhere between meeting the dude and before he died they showed that the rich were all stuffy and smoked cigars while arranging marriages for other people's children, while the poor danced like fun was air and only they knew how to breathe... The girl learned the lesson well and threw away a zillion dollar necklace so she too could be poor and therefore not be stuffy and arrange marriages, all that responsibility of pointing out who they would marry was troublesome and not as cool as dancing on tables while drunk and sleeping with people in the back of other people's cars.

After that movie, other than the whole dying thing, everybody wanted to be poor so they could get ripped and dance on tables.

Anyway, potential poverty isn't a reason to kill somebody, you need a better argument.

Maybe not for you but for some it is and SCOTUS says its legal and constitutional, thats really the crux of it and no, I don't believe the zygote is a viable human.
Your debating skills are amazing, you probably set DP on fire.....wait you are brilliant compared with the of AT, RSR, Red State and Tyr.......haven't heard rage on about Muslims and sharia law taking over America yet.

once again you demonstrate that you aren't here to debate but to beef about people that don't want anything to do with you.........
Maybe not for you but for some it is and SCOTUS says its legal and constitutional

The SCOTUS is a fucking gang of perverted fucking ideologues who decide nothing according to the Constitution unless it confirms the particular ideology of the majority of perverted ideologue bastards on the Court. The 9 are all partisan dickheads who were appointed by partisan dickheads and confirmed by more partisan dickheads.

Arguing that a Kangaroo Supreme Court Cartel ruling is proof of anything is the Mother of all fucking stupid absurdities!
The SCOTUS is a fucking gang of perverted fucking ideologues who decide nothing according to the Constitution unless it confirms the particular ideology of the majority of perverted ideologue bastards on the Court. The 9 are all partisan dickheads who were appointed by partisan dickheads and confirmed by more partisan dickheads.

Arguing that a Kangaroo Supreme Court Cartel ruling is proof of anything is the Mother of all fucking stupid absurdities!

Don't be jelly now!

You know what I think, you have have mastered the classic art of shrimpin', yeah thats it.
Don't be jelly now!

You know what I think, you have have mastered the classic art of shrimpin', yeah thats it.

Why should anybody give a flying fuck what you think? You’ve proven beyond any reasonable doubt that you’re a total moron!
Maybe not for you but for some it is and SCOTUS says its legal and constitutional, thats really the crux of it and no, I don't believe the zygote is a viable human.

The SCOTUS also said that it was legal and constitutional to own somebody and vote for them at the rate of 3/5 of a vote per slave. The SCOTUS is not a measure of what is right, or what should actually be legal, whether you believe it to be "viable" or not. If we go by "can do without their mother" no child is viable until at least 8 or so, does this mean we should be able to perform 7th trimester abortions on such a developing human?

Your arguments lack substance, they are shallow, and based on foolish bumper sticker nonsense. "The SCOTUS says so!" isn't an argument for or against anything, nor does it go any deeper than the surface. You can do better than this, surely. Show us that you've actually put some thought into your opinion. Or does changing a jersey mean that you must also flip on your central belief system?
The SCOTUS also said that it was legal and constitutional to own somebody and vote for them at the rate of 3/5 of a vote per slave. The SCOTUS is not a measure of what is right, or what should actually be legal, whether you believe it to be "viable" or not. If we go by "can do without their mother" no child is viable until at least 8 or so, does this mean we should be able to perform 7th trimester abortions on such a developing human?

Your arguments lack substance, they are shallow, and based on foolish bumper sticker nonsense. "The SCOTUS says so!" isn't an argument for or against anything, nor does it go any deeper than the surface. You can do better than this, surely. Show us that you've actually put some thought into your opinion. Or does changing a jersey mean that you must also flip on your central belief system?

It is my central belief system, as i've said before, personally i'm against abortion but don't believe I have the right to dictate that others must believe what I believe. You want to change it? Bring a case before SCOTUS and change it just as the pro choice crowd really is simple. If you can't muster that then its a mute issue.
Did you find that link that said Tip O'Neil defunded the mental institutions? LOL..............proven liar.

lol....I didn't realize you weren't aware of the you not recall the left's complaints about institutionalizing mental health care?.....