Proposal to board members

Nah, is the norm with you you misunderstand why ILA is a detriment to this or any board......................his use of "nigger", and more importantly his use of it where it has absolutely zero to do with the topic of the thread.

Lets say someone is looking for a place to discuss politics, they stumble upon JPP, the first thread they see is ILA dropping "nigger" every other post, are they going to stick around? Chances are no and i'm not 100% positive but I think Damo is in the business of growing his membership. Everything must have a few limits placed upon it, even forums.

Tell me you understand that because i'm kinda beginning to think that you lack cognitive thinking skills.

let the right stand up to him for once.

If everyone on the right who hates his tactic stood up to him and condemned him he would shape up or leave.

They don't want to have to clean their own trash.

they don't want to offend him so they can retain his vote yet pretend they don't depend on these peoples votes
let the right stand up to him for once.

If everyone on the right who hates his tactic stood up to him and condemned him he would shape up or leave.

They don't want to have to clean their own trash.

they don't want to offend him so they can retain his vote yet pretend they don't depend on these peoples votes

The more ILA is trashed, the more he will hang around. He thrives on being trashed.

It's possible he won't thrive on being ignored.

You can trash republicans while still ignoring ILA.

But obviously, it's your choice. The rest of us don't want to feed his ego.
We love freedom more than anything else here at JPP, otherwise we'd have rules against a lot of things. ILA has, thus far, broken no rules and in that regard is better than a lot of other posters here. But, to me, his whole demeanor and posting style is nothing but racist bullshit. If he wants to change his ways, then let him. If he doesn't, than we as a community can try and take some hand in forcing a change, without the use of rules.

I understand and even admire that but even freedom has got to have a few limits on it............the old "you can't yell fire in a crowded theater for shits and giggles" comes to mind. I realize his use of "nigger" isn't a bannable offense but accusing someone of pedophilia etc. etc. is, IMO they are kinda the same thing in relation to board persona.

His use of "nigger" doesn't bother me personally except for the fact that when he throws it out there its usually completely 180 degrees off topic, he's just trolling threads with it.
well I realy like posting .......

bask in the glory of that which is the republican base to highlight his racism and stupidity.

how about we all do that?

the right doesn't want to clean their own house.

they want us to help them

why would we?
let the right stand up to him for once.

If everyone on the right who hates his tactic stood up to him and condemned him he would shape up or leave.

They don't want to have to clean their own trash.

they don't want to offend him so they can retain his vote yet pretend they don't depend on these peoples votes

Desh this is a forum, it ain't the real world.
I think we can all handle his stupidity and that it should be there to reflect the entire republican base.

Its all about votes and republicans like him to vote right?
Desh this is a forum, it ain't the real world.

this is the new town hall.

this is how politics gets discussed in this country.

Hell I rarely talk about it to people I don't personally know.

in person people freak out when you bring up politics
I think we can all handle his stupidity and that it should be there to reflect the entire republican base.

I personally can't handle his stupidity - because he's not just stupid, he's vile and nasty and gross. I don't want to read that stuff every day.

And again, he loves it when people argue with him. Shunning him is more devastating to him.
I think we can all handle his stupidity and that it should be there to reflect the entire republican base.

Its all about votes and republicans like him to vote right?

You really believe that whats on JPP or any other forum for that matter affects votes and voting patterns? Really?
this is the new town hall.

this is how politics gets discussed in this country.

Hell I rarely talk about it to people I don't personally know.

in person people freak out when you bring up politics

People don't come to JPP at election time to figure out the issues and how to
I remember once I told my neighbor when we were about to invade "you know sadam had nothing to do with 911 right?" and she literally backed away from me like she was trying to escape a crazy person.

SHE brought up politics not me.
Desh, who do you think you are exposing ILA to? Do you think people on this board don't know who he is?

And I'm trying to put myself in your shoes. When ILA drops an n*bomb do you think other posters here might not think its racist therefore you feel the need to post 'you're a racist'?
People don't come to JPP at election time to figure out the issues and how to

you want to bet people don't visit political chat sites to learn about what people are debating ?

I have seen many a introduction thread that said JUST THAT
I remember once I told my neighbor when we were about to invade "you know sadam had nothing to do with 911 right?" and she literally backed away from me like she was trying to escape a crazy person.

SHE brought up politics not me.

How did your neighbor bring up politics when you told her "you know saddam had nothing to do with 911 right?"
As far as boards with no censorship regarding a few choice words or terms vs boards that have some censorship of course on the no cens. boards you will have a MUCH LARGER membership but along with that you will have many more trolls and it usually ends up in anarchy with very little discussion happening.................the trick is to find the halfy medium.

Go check out usmessageboard for evidence of that.
Desh, who do you think you are exposing ILA to? Do you think people on this board don't know who he is?

And I'm trying to put myself in your shoes. When ILA drops an n*bomb do you think other posters here might not think its racist therefore you feel the need to post 'you're a racist'?

You are making the mistake many many political internets posters do.

This is NOT about just the people doing the actual chatting here.

there are many many more perusing these sites and never say a word.

political parties monitor them for what arguments work and what doesn't.

THIS is the closest you will ever get to being on stage.

what we say here matters.

your a fool if you think its just us smucks talking