Proposal to board members

you want to bet people don't visit political chat sites to learn about what people are debating ?

I have seen many a introduction thread that said JUST THAT

I'd bet ya but there is ZERO way to verify it either way so that is useless.
I have literally seen jabs and or points I have made used on the tube AFTER I thought them up and used them
You are making the mistake many many political internets posters do.

This is NOT about just the people doing the actual chatting here.

there are many many more perusing these sites and never say a word.

political parties monitor them for what arguments work and what doesn't.

THIS is the closest you will ever get to being on stage.

what we say here matters.

your a fool if you think its just us smucks talking

I was going to say you have to be kidding but you might actually believe what you just wrote. I thought I had seen it all when SJJJS claimed Rush Limbaugh used to read the Rate Bush Board on AOL but maybe you two are kindred spirits. Bless your heart Desh.
You are making the mistake many many political internets posters do.

This is NOT about just the people doing the actual chatting here.

there are many many more perusing these sites and never say a word.

political parties monitor them for what arguments work and what doesn't.

THIS is the closest you will ever get to being on stage.

what we say here matters.

your a fool if you think its just us smucks talking

Desh I really think you are putting too much stock into forums. The parties don't monitor shit here or any other forum because there is no money in it for em'.
there is a VAST pot of political insite .

the people who post are most likely to vote.

that is who they NEED
I have literally seen jabs and or points I have made used on the tube AFTER I thought them up and used them

I'm almost to the point of wondering if Desh might be one of the best internet trolls ever. This almost has to be an act that we have all fallen for and she (or he) is just laughing their asses off.
Pretending no one is mining that HUGE political researchers dream of a free stream of public opinion on all kinds of matters is stupid
I'm almost to the point of wondering if Desh might be one of the best internet trolls ever. This almost has to be an act that we have all fallen for and she (or he) is just laughing their asses off.

I started calling the tactic of merely insults and no content "the your a poopy pants debate".

It was killing the idiots who were using it on me at the other site.

They had not comeback and greatly reduced their following me around and calling me names instead of debating whatever subject I discussed.

there were at times pages and pages of nothing but I hate you and you stink stupidity and NOT one real response.

they stopped when I started using that.

it embaressed even those trash heads so much they actually shut the fuck up.

then the election ended in Obama winning and rove was trashed for lying about Robmoney would wib by five.

Do you know what his defense was?

do you remember?

he said Robmoney lost unexpectedly because Obama kept calling robmoney a "Poopy head".

I laughed my fucking ass off
Nah, is the norm with you you misunderstand why ILA is a detriment to this or any board......................his use of "nigger", and more importantly his use of it where it has absolutely zero to do with the topic of the thread.

Lets say someone is looking for a place to discuss politics, they stumble upon JPP, the first thread they see is ILA dropping "nigger" every other post, are they going to stick around? Chances are no and i'm not 100% positive but I think Damo is in the business of growing his membership. Everything must have a few limits placed upon it, even forums.

Tell me you understand that because i'm kinda beginning to think that you lack cognitive thinking skills.

I can't help laughing as you try to reason with Big Money aka Legion Troll, good luck with that!!
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You have to be an idiot to not realize people look over EVEYTHING said on places like this.

Now Im not saying that ROVE read my posts.

Im saying some smuck who works for the assholes did.

then when asked for ideas some one floated it.

then it went up the channel.

until someone like rove uses it thinking his way down the line aid thought of it.
Im telling you folks people pay attention to what you say in the internets.

If it sharp and works.

you will see it in the tube
I started calling the tactic of merely insults and no content "the your a poopy pants debate".

It was killing the idiots who were using it on me at the other site.

They had not comeback and greatly reduced their following me around and calling me names instead of debating whatever subject I discussed.

there were at times pages and pages of nothing but I hate you and you stink stupidity and NOT one real response.

they stopped when I started using that.

it embaressed even those trash heads so much they actually shut the fuck up.

then the election ended in Obama winning and rove was trashed for lying about Robmoney would wib by five.

Do you know what his defense was?

do you remember?

he said Robmoney lost unexpectedly because Obama kept calling robmoney a "Poopy head".

I laughed my fucking ass off

Desh, you insult everyone, a lot, so please spare me the outrage and victimhood of one thing being said about you.
I personally can't handle his stupidity - because he's not just stupid, he's vile and nasty and gross. I don't want to read that stuff every day. And again, he loves it when people argue with him. Shunning him is more devastating to him.

Did he tell you that? Is there ....somethin' we should ...know about the two of you?