Proud of the Man Hunter is Today.

“Jill and I love our son, and we are so proud of the man he is today,” Biden wrote.
Hunter still isn't a Father to his 5 year old daughter Navy. I wonder if she wonders where Daddy is. How can Joe be proud of that? What kind of man spurns his innocent 5 year old daughter.
You have no idea about the relationship Hunter and his parents have with Hunter's daughter!

Or you would not be here lying about it today!
Yeah their donation plummeted after the Clintons lost power.

No reason to bribe them any more. :unsure: :ROFLMAO: The Clinton Foundation scam is still operating but it is on life support.

Clinton Foundation donations plummet 75%

2021? Do better, EW. :ROFLMAO:

Justice Dept. Investigated Clinton Foundation Until Trump’s Final Days​

President Donald J. Trump and his allies tried to cast the Clinton Foundation as corrupt. But the yearslong investigation sputtered to its conclusion without charges.

2021? Do better, EW. :ROFLMAO:

Justice Dept. Investigated Clinton Foundation Until Trump’s Final Days​

President Donald J. Trump and his allies tried to cast the Clinton Foundation as corrupt. But the yearslong investigation sputtered to its conclusion without charges.

I wonder why they had a 75% reduction in contribution when the Clintons no longer had significant political power.....

Nope just really really stupid but today is another day so there is hope you can redeem yourself.
"Speeches by a candidate’s spouse or children are generally meant to humanize him and to reassure voters that they’re voting for a loving family man. But Tuesday night’s vague testimonial by Donald Trump’s younger daughter, Tiffany, served only to make him seem more strange and aloof.

In a speech about five minutes long, Tiffany was unable to come up with a single meaningful anecdote about her father or his influence in her life. He wrote notes on her childhood report cards, she said, and called her on the phone after someone close to her died. Her attempted praise was edged with sadness: He’s good with advice, she said, but “he keeps it short.”

...Her father doesn’t follow her on Twitter, and he rarely mentions her.

Maples has said she was essentially a single mother. “I would bring her into New York a couple times a year and let her go see her dad in the office and let her go have dinner with him,” she said in April. “I wanted to create some consistency where she could see him.” A source told the New York Post last year that Tiffany would spend about two weeks at year at Trump’s estate in Florida but that her relationship with her famous family didn’t extend much beyond that."

:Googler: If I can google, you can too.
The Clinton Foundation is highly rated. The donors were probably trying to curry favor from Bill when he was in office. Why did dignitaries stop using Trump's hotel when he lost the presidency? When a diplomat came to see Trumpy, he mentioned he was staying at his hotel and was enjoying it. That was a direct connection. Giving money to the Clinton Foundation was not giving it to Bill and Hillary.
“Jill and I love our son, and we are so proud of the man he is today,” Biden wrote.
Hunter still isn't a Father to his 5 year old daughter Navy. I wonder if she wonders where Daddy is. How can Joe be proud of that? What kind of man spurns his innocent 5 year old daughter.
What's pathetic is that the only family member showing up to support his rapist dad during his porn star/fraud trial was Eric. No, Douche Jr., no Ivanka, no Tiffany, and most of all - no Melania. Whenever the trumptards accuse their hated enemies of anything it's totally a confession of their own issues.