Putin Blinks?

Oh 100%. If Putin backs down they will be FURIOUS. They know it, and they know we know it, that's why they spin out of control. Just a party of traitors now, across the board.

With statements like that, you're making Democrats look like the party of mass delusion.
1: of inferior grade or quality
2: being near that extreme of a specified range which is lowest, least intense, least serious, or least competent

Yes you are. You're also a repugnant, race hustling, lying, low IQ, worthless piece of human filth. ;)

gua·no | \ ˈgwä-(ˌ)nō
: a fertilizer containing the accumulated excrement of seabirds or bats broadly : excrement especially of seabirds or bats
No, because the western media suppresses any news coming out of Afghanistan.
Oh look, fake crocodile tears from conservatives who never gave a rat's ass about human rights in third world countries, let alone the welfare of Muslim civilians.

And it WAS an epic clusterfuck for the ages built on a foundation of arrogance and ignorance.
Praying for America to fail does not make it so. You conservatives practically guaranteed me Americans would be beheaded, and that this was an epic clusterfuck for the history books.

What the history books are going to show is that Biden got us out of a failed war previous presidents had failed to successfully execute. 13 Americans killed by a terrorist bomb is a tragedy, but it will only be a minor footnote in the history books.
Or, it could be that strong & decisive action from Biden was effective.

\ ˈhaf-ˌwit , ˈhäf- \
: a foolish or stupid person

de·lu·sion (dĭ-lo͞o′zhən)
A false belief or perception that is a manifestation of a mental illness
A false belief or opinion: labored under the delusion that success was at hand.
Can you imagine if Biden's predecessor had pulled this off?

THE greatest foreign policy achievement in the history of mankind - possibly in the history of the entire universe. Maybe even pre-Big Bang.

\ ˈhaf-ˌwit , ˈhäf- \
: a foolish or stupid person

de·lu·sion (dĭ-lo͞o′zhən)
A false belief or perception that is a manifestation of a mental illness
A false belief or opinion: labored under the delusion that success was at hand.
Oh 100%. If Putin backs down they will be FURIOUS. They know it, and they know we know it, that's why they spin out of control. Just a party of traitors now, across the board.


\ ˈtwit \
1: a silly annoying person : FOOL
"Russian President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday that Moscow is ready for security talks with the U.S. and NATO, as the Russian military announced a partial troop withdrawal from drills near Ukraine — new signs that may suggest a Russian invasion of its neighbor isn’t imminent despite snowballing Western fears."

I don't trust Putin, obviously, and I don't know if he will invade or not. What I do know is that traitors like Trump will be furious if he doesn't invade, because they are counting on running an "Biden is weak, and Putin walked all over him" campaign. And traitors like Legion and Annata will be fit to be fucking tied if Putin doesn't invade.

They need Putin to do it. So if he doesn't, someone better get them some meds.


Putin is smart to blink. The Ukrainians would not be rolling over, they would fight like hell and a lot of Russians would be going home in bags. If Russia thought Afghanistan was a disaster when they tried to take it just try taking the Ukraine.
Putin is smart to blink. The Ukrainians would not be rolling over, they would fight like hell and a lot of Russians would be going home in bags. If Russia thought Afghanistan was a disaster when they tried to take it just try taking the Ukraine.

^Dipshit thinks Putin blinked. :laugh: