Question for evolutionists

so say atheists and other young earthers......most of us don't share your belief in scriptural literalism.......

The Jewish people say this is 5779 years since God made the earth and they don't seem to have much trouble understanding that the Bible is neither history nor science... and they sure don't get caught up in nonsense about Gog and Magog or Armageddon or the Rapture nonsense.

The signs of Matthew 24 prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD not the second coming and certainly not some “Rapture” theology that was invented in 1830 AD by John Darby. When Christians saw the signs, they fled the city and were saved. That's what Jesus said they should do .
It's been shown that the sup par version that was the best blacks could do was turned into what only whites could have done. The best banjo players today and the past are white MEN not black boys.

No darling, you simply cannot face the actual historical reality, so you've manufactured an alternative reality with alternative "facts" you cling to like a primitive savage.

The banjo is a four-, five-, or six-stringed instrument with a thin membrane stretched over a frame or cavity as a resonator, called the head, which is typically circular. The membrane is typically made of plastic, although animal skin is still occasionally used. Early forms of the instrument were fashioned by Africans in the United States, adapted from African instruments of similar design.[1][2]

And since we're on a thread whose topic is evolution, why don’t you go on and tell us all how you did not evolve from African ancestry yourself.

During the 1960s and 1970s, hundreds of fossils were found in East Africa in the regions of the Olduvai Gorge and Lake Turkana. The driving force of these searches was the Leakey family, with Louis Leakey and his wife Mary Leakey, and later their son Richard and daughter-in-law Meave—all successful and world-renowned fossil hunters and paleoanthropologists. From the fossil beds of Olduvai and Lake Turkana they amassed specimens of the early hominins: the australopithecines and Homo species, and even Homo erectus.

These finds cemented Africa as the cradle of humankind. In the late 1970s and the 1980s, Ethiopia emerged as the new hot spot of paleoanthropology after "Lucy", the most complete fossil member of the species Australopithecus afarensis, was found in 1974 by Donald Johansonnear Hadar in the desertic Afar Triangle region of northern Ethiopia. Although the specimen had a small brain, the pelvis and leg bones were almost identical in function to those of modern humans, showing with certainty that these hominins had walked erect.[59] Lucy was classified as a new species, Australopithecus afarensis, which is thought to be more closely related to the genus Homo as a direct ancestor, or as a close relative of an unknown ancestor, than any other known hominid or hominin from this early time range; see terms "hominid" and "hominin".[60] (The specimen was nicknamed "Lucy" after the Beatles' song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds", which was played loudly and repeatedly in the camp during the excavations.)[61] The Afar Triangle area would later yield discovery of many more hominin fossils, particularly those uncovered or described by teams headed by Tim D. White in the 1990s, including Ardipithecus ramidus and Ardipithecus kadabba.[62]

You’re too scared to live in the real world son. Is wiki too primary a source for you? Need something even more dumbed down? All hominid life arose in Africa, there is no peckerwood you without Africans first. You are inferior in every way and you prove it every day.
There were 11 Jerichos that date back to the Natufian culture.. The area had lots of earthquakes.

Every culture reports local floods at different times, but there never was a global flood.

The topography of the earth hasn't changed much in the past 60,000 years. Noah's flood was 2900 BC.

America's biblical flood is more interesting, relevant and lastingly impactful regarding american society.

In 1927, the Mississippi River swept across an area roughly equal in size to Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Vermont combined, leaving water as deep as thirty feet on the land stretching from Illinois and Missouri south to the Gulf of Mexico. Close to a million people—in a nation of 120 million—were forced out of their homes. Some estimates place the death toll in the thousands. The Red Cross fed nearly 700,000 refugees for months. Rising Tide is the story of this forgotten event, the greatest natural disaster this country has ever known. But it is not simply a tale of disaster. The flood transformed part of the nation and had a major cultural and political impact on the rest.

Rising Tide is an American epic about science, race, honor, politics, and society. Rising Tide begins in the nineteenth century, when the first serious attempts to control the river began. The story focuses on engineers James Eads and Andrew Humphreys, who hated each other. Out of the collision of their personalities and their theories came a compromise river policy that would lead to the disaster of the 1927 flood yet would also allow the cultivation of the Yazoo-Mississippi Delta and create wealth and aristocracy, as well as a whole culture. In the end, the flood had indeed changed the face of America, leading to the most comprehensive legislation the government had ever enacted, touching the entire Mississippi valley from Pennsylvania to Montana. In its aftermath was laid the foundation for the New Deal of Franklin D. Roosevelt.

This is what climate change will come to look like in the not too distant future and I guess we'll toss paper towels out and howl about deadbeats and refugees.
No darling, you simply cannot face the actual historical reality, so you've manufactured an alternative reality with alternative "facts" you cling to like a primitive savage.

And since we're on a thread whose topic is evolution, why don’t you go on and tell us all how you did not evolve from African ancestry yourself.

You’re too scared to live in the real world son. Is wiki too primary a source for you? Need something even more dumbed down? All hominid life arose in Africa, there is no peckerwood you without Africans first. You are inferior in every way and you prove it every day.

Did you see it occur firsthand, BOY? If you didn't, keep on thinking you came from Africans. You're inferior level of existence goes right along with that belief. You group yourself with inferiority, you may as well believe you came from it.
Did you see it occur firsthand, BOY? If you didn't, keep on thinking you came from Africans. You're inferior level of existence goes right along with that belief. You group yourself with inferiority, you may as well believe you came from it.

Where do you think you came from?
Did you see it occur firsthand, BOY? If you didn't, keep on thinking you came from Africans. You're inferior level of existence goes right along with that belief. You group yourself with inferiority, you may as well believe you came from it.

Did you see Jesus yourself son?
Did you witness the birth of america first hand?

Someone did AND wrote about it. In fact, I can read the Constitution and history books based on what those that did wrote about it.

Has anyone that witnessed first hand what you believe wrote about it?
Reality can be what someone didn't witness first hand?

In 1927, the Mississippi River swept across an area roughly equal in size to Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Vermont combined, leaving water as deep as thirty feet on the land stretching from Illinois and Missouri south to the Gulf of Mexico. Close to a million people—in a nation of 120 million—were forced out of their homes. Some estimates place the death toll in the thousands. The Red Cross fed nearly 700,000 refugees for months. Rising Tide is the story of this forgotten event, the greatest natural disaster this country has ever known. But it is not simply a tale of disaster. The flood transformed part of the nation and had a major cultural and political impact on the rest.

Rising Tide is an American epic about science, race, honor, politics, and society. Rising Tide begins in the nineteenth century, when the first serious attempts to control the river began. The story focuses on engineers James Eads and Andrew Humphreys, who hated each other. Out of the collision of their personalities and their theories came a compromise river policy that would lead to the disaster of the 1927 flood yet would also allow the cultivation of the Yazoo-Mississippi Delta and create wealth and aristocracy, as well as a whole culture. In the end, the flood had indeed changed the face of America, leading to the most comprehensive legislation the government had ever enacted, touching the entire Mississippi valley from Pennsylvania to Montana. In its aftermath was laid the foundation for the New Deal of Franklin D. Roosevelt.


Not real?

Witness it first hand?

Witness WWI first hand?

Or is that fake too?
Someone did AND wrote about it. In fact, I can read the Constitution and history books based on what those that did wrote about it.

Has anyone that witnessed first hand what you believe wrote about it?

Oh now it's "someone"? Well isn't that interesting. See if you can read up on biology (developmental and otherwise), biochemistry, genetics and the scientific method. May help you out of this circular flushed spiral you're in publicly.