Question for evolutionists

Would you care to attempt to tie that to evolution and Darwin? Thanks in advance. Please work in a treatment on circulatory systems.

The Theory of Abiogenesis is part of neither. However, believers of the Theory of Evolution often also believe in the Theory of Abiogenesis.

Darwin has nothing to do with either.

You have not answered my question yet: Can you show me a form of life that has a circulatory system and no blood, or blood and no circulatory system?
No one ever learned more about the inner workings of any god, they merely became more delusional as they delved ever more deeply into self-perpetuational positive feedback loop group think.

Your way of looking at it perhaps, but to them they are learning the inner ways of their god. The inverse is also true. They look at your religion the same way.
No. Natural selection has nothing to do with "need", "need" is an anthropomorphic concept, like the concept of a male dominator god with the whole wide world in his hands, in his hands, in his hands ....

The need is the need to survive. That need does not mention any god or gods. Why do you keep bringing them up?
Your way of looking at it perhaps, but to them they are learning the inner ways of their god. The inverse is also true. They look at your religion the same way.
Science is testable, religion relies upon faith which is the purposeful suspension of critical thought.

Why is religion so threatened by science? And why are you?
The need is the need to survive. That need does not mention any god or gods. Why do you keep bringing them up?

There is no need to survive in terms of evolution past the point of depositing a copy of alleles into the next generation. You're bringing up religion. They typically have some version of god/gods/fictitious anthropomorphic sky beings. "Need" is anthropomorphically conceived as a concept. Nothing to do with science.
No, I'm not. The Theory of Creation, like the Theory of Evolution and the Theory of Abiogenesis, is not science. It is a religion.

You should really read up some more and come back.

Mutation, Mutagens, and DNA Repair
Copyright 1998 by Beth A. Montelone, Ph. D., Division of Biology, Kansas State University; originally written as a supplement to BIOL400, Human Genetics.

Natural Selection
Natural selection is one of the basic mechanisms of evolution, along with mutation, migration, and genetic drift.
Darwin's grand idea of evolution by natural selection is relatively simple but often misunderstood. To find out how it works, ...
No, I'm not. The Theory of Creation, like the Theory of Evolution and the Theory of Abiogenesis, is not science. It is a religion.

Evolution is not religion.

Bahrain was once called Dilmun ...

The elaborate records left by the Sumerians describe the site of a remarkable settlement which was located on the Persian Gulf near the earlier city of Dilmun. The Egyptians called this city of ancient glory Dilmat, while the later Adamized Sumerians confused both the first and second Nodite cities with Dalamatia and called all three Dilmun.

And already have archaeologists found these ancient Sumerian clay tablets which tell of this earthly paradise “where the Gods first blessed mankind with the example of civilized and cultured life.” And these tablets, descriptive of Dilmun, the paradise of men and God, are now silently resting on the dusty shelves of many museums.
No, I'm not. The Theory of Creation, like the Theory of Evolution and the Theory of Abiogenesis, is not science. It is a religion.

Evolution is not religion.

Bahrain was once called Dilmun ...

The elaborate records left by the Sumerians describe the site of a remarkable settlement which was located on the Persian Gulf near the earlier city of Dilmun. The Egyptians called this city of ancient glory Dilmat, while the later Adamized Sumerians confused both the first and second Nodite cities with Dalamatia and called all three Dilmun.

And already have archaeologists found these ancient Sumerian clay tablets which tell of this earthly paradise “where the Gods first blessed mankind with the example of civilized and cultured life.” And these tablets, descriptive of Dilmun, the paradise of men and God, are now silently resting on the dusty shelves of many museums.
LOLOL.. You'd think at some point they would check the facts instead of getting their butts whipped.

English naturalist 1809–1882

Charles Darwin was the founder of modern evolutionary thought, and the developer, along with Alfred Russel Wallace, of the theory that natural selection is a principle driving force in evolution.

Darwin is generally recognized as the single greatest thinker in the history of biology, whose contributions provided the basis for understanding the immense diversity that characterizes the natural world.

Darwin was born February 12, 1809, into a wealthy English family. A lifelong interest in natural history led him to embark, at age twenty-two, on a five-year voyage to South America aboard the HMS Beagle as the ship's naturalist. Darwin collected a wealth of specimens and made observations of both living species and fossils he encountered. Darwin was particularly struck by similarities he observed between the species found on the Galapagos Islands off the western coast of South America, and species of the mainland.

He also noted differences and similarities among species found on the numerous islands of the Galapagos. The evidence suggested each species had not been independently formed by the Creator, but rather had diverged from a smaller group of common ancestors.

Read more: ...deleted Holy Link...

Your reference is flat wrong.

Darwin did not develop biology at all.

Biology started in ancient Greece, around the 4th or 5th century BC, when Alcmaeon first began the practice of dissection to study anatomy.

Galen studied wounds in 2nd century AD.

Interest in developing education and the seeds for modern science took place during the so-called 'dark' ages, 8th to 15th century BC. It was during this time the concept of the Unversity was developed. Among the subject taught at these early schools was biology.

Leonardo da Vinci made his anatomical drawings by studying corpses 1489 through 1515.

The invention of the printing press and the use of woodcut drawings for it expanded the popularity of biology and the cataloging of various plants as well.

Vesalius further studies anatomy and was appointed a professor at the University of Padua in anatomy and surgery in 1537. He falsified some of the theories of Galen (who studied ape anatomy). He publishes a large reference work on anatomy in 1543.

Cesalpino developed a method of categorizing plants according the shape of their flowers, seeds, and fruits in 1583.

The first book on the circulation of blood was published in 1628 by Harvey.

The microscope was invented in 1661 by Malphigi, opening the door to studying bacteria.

Leeuwenhoek saw blood corpuscles for the first time and demonstrated that all life has a reproductive cycle in 1674.

Carl von Linné created the genus and species method of classification, still used today, in 1735.

William Smith begin his studies of paleontology in 1812 (Darwin was three years old at the time, hardly an influence on this work).

The Theory of Evolution is likewise just as old, and started in ancient Greece as well. Darwin did not create the Theory of Evolution.

The Theory of Creation also developed at this time among different cultures, even before the Israelites. Ancient Egypt helped to develop this theory through it's stories of the god Ra. In their case, the Theory of Creation used a god as the 'intelligence'.

What did Darwin do? He created the Theory of Natural Selection, which has been falsified. Still, he did note how species can adapt themselves to their surroundings. That creating a variety in species can occur naturally, not just by the hand of man. Basically, he showed that evolution does occur naturally, and not just by the hand of man.

Darwin did not develop biology. Neither did he develop the Theory of Evolution. Both biology and the Theory of Evolution was around long before Darwin himself ever was!
Your reference is flat wrong.

Darwin did not develop biology at all.

Biology started in ancient Greece, around the 4th or 5th century BC, when Alcmaeon first began the practice of dissection to study anatomy.

Galen studied wounds in 2nd century AD.

Interest in developing education and the seeds for modern science took place during the so-called 'dark' ages, 8th to 15th century BC. It was during this time the concept of the Unversity was developed. Among the subject taught at these early schools was biology.

Leonardo da Vinci made his anatomical drawings by studying corpses 1489 through 1515.

The invention of the printing press and the use of woodcut drawings for it expanded the popularity of biology and the cataloging of various plants as well.

Vesalius further studies anatomy and was appointed a professor at the University of Padua in anatomy and surgery in 1537. He falsified some of the theories of Galen (who studied ape anatomy). He publishes a large reference work on anatomy in 1543.

Cesalpino developed a method of categorizing plants according the shape of their flowers, seeds, and fruits in 1583.

The first book on the circulation of blood was published in 1628 by Harvey.

The microscope was invented in 1661 by Malphigi, opening the door to studying bacteria.

Leeuwenhoek saw blood corpuscles for the first time and demonstrated that all life has a reproductive cycle in 1674.

Carl von Linné created the genus and species method of classification, still used today, in 1735.

William Smith begin his studies of paleontology in 1812 (Darwin was three years old at the time, hardly an influence on this work).

The Theory of Evolution is likewise just as old, and started in ancient Greece as well. Darwin did not create the Theory of Evolution.

The Theory of Creation also developed at this time among different cultures, even before the Israelites. Ancient Egypt helped to develop this theory through it's stories of the god Ra. In their case, the Theory of Creation used a god as the 'intelligence'.

What did Darwin do? He created the Theory of Natural Selection, which has been falsified. Still, he did note how species can adapt themselves to their surroundings. That creating a variety in species can occur naturally, not just by the hand of man. Basically, he showed that evolution does occur naturally, and not just by the hand of man.

Darwin did not develop biology. Neither did he develop the Theory of Evolution. Both biology and the Theory of Evolution was around long before Darwin himself ever was!

Where did anyone say Darwin developed biology, and wtf does this have to do with your not understanding evolution?
Lol, and yet libs want to argue basic biological facts like when human life begins.

The theory of evolution is full of holes.

What holes? The Theory of Evolution states that 'higher order life' evolved from 'lower order life'. This theory is unfalsifiable. What holes are in it?
Your reference is flat wrong.

Darwin did not develop biology at all.

Biology started in ancient Greece, around the 4th or 5th century BC, when Alcmaeon first began the practice of dissection to study anatomy.

Galen studied wounds in 2nd century AD.

Interest in developing education and the seeds for modern science took place during the so-called 'dark' ages, 8th to 15th century BC. It was during this time the concept of the Unversity was developed. Among the subject taught at these early schools was biology.

Leonardo da Vinci made his anatomical drawings by studying corpses 1489 through 1515.

The invention of the printing press and the use of woodcut drawings for it expanded the popularity of biology and the cataloging of various plants as well.

Vesalius further studies anatomy and was appointed a professor at the University of Padua in anatomy and surgery in 1537. He falsified some of the theories of Galen (who studied ape anatomy). He publishes a large reference work on anatomy in 1543.

Cesalpino developed a method of categorizing plants according the shape of their flowers, seeds, and fruits in 1583.

The first book on the circulation of blood was published in 1628 by Harvey.

The microscope was invented in 1661 by Malphigi, opening the door to studying bacteria.

Leeuwenhoek saw blood corpuscles for the first time and demonstrated that all life has a reproductive cycle in 1674.

Carl von Linné created the genus and species method of classification, still used today, in 1735.

William Smith begin his studies of paleontology in 1812 (Darwin was three years old at the time, hardly an influence on this work).

The Theory of Evolution is likewise just as old, and started in ancient Greece as well. Darwin did not create the Theory of Evolution.

The Theory of Creation also developed at this time among different cultures, even before the Israelites. Ancient Egypt helped to develop this theory through it's stories of the god Ra. In their case, the Theory of Creation used a god as the 'intelligence'.

What did Darwin do? He created the Theory of Natural Selection, which has been falsified. Still, he did note how species can adapt themselves to their surroundings. That creating a variety in species can occur naturally, not just by the hand of man. Basically, he showed that evolution does occur naturally, and not just by the hand of man.

Darwin did not develop biology. Neither did he develop the Theory of Evolution. Both biology and the Theory of Evolution was around long before Darwin himself ever was!

Nobody said Darwin developed biology..

"Darwin is generally recognized as the single greatest thinker in the history of biology, whose contributions provided the basis for understanding the immense diversity that characterizes the natural world."
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....................
...deleted Holy Link...

Darwin did not create the Theory of Abiogenesis. That theory is very old, coming out of ancient Greece, just like the Theory of Creation, which came out of ancient Egypt. Darwin had NOTHING to do with either the Theory of Abiogenesis, the Theory of Creation, the Theory of Evolution, or the development of biology (which started in ancient Greece).
Nobody said Darwin developed biology..

"Darwin is generally recognized as the single greatest thinker in the history of biology, whose contributions provided the basis for understanding the immense diversity that characterizes the natural world."

That's how they do, it's like Don with rapidly evolving scandals, just keep it moving from one lie to the next rapidly. Assign views and assertions never made in chaotic psychobabble.
Darwin did not create the Theory of Abiogenesis. That theory is very old, coming out of ancient Greece, just like the Theory of Creation, which came out of ancient Egypt. Darwin had NOTHING to do with either the Theory of Abiogenesis, the Theory of Creation, the Theory of Evolution, or the development of biology (which started in ancient Greece).

Lovely, did you not like the evolution/mutation/natural selection discussion?
Charles Darwin was the founder of modern evolutionary thought, and the developer, along with Alfred Russel Wallace, of the theory that natural selection is a principle driving force in evolution. Darwin is generally recognized as the single greatest thinker in the history of biology, whose contributions provided the basis for understanding the immense diversity that characterizes the natural world.

...deleted Holy Quote...

Darwin didn't develop the Theory of Evolution, the Theory of Abiogenesis (which he believed in), or biology.

Darwin created the Theory of Natural Selection, which has been falsified.