Question for evolutionists

Some folks equate science and religion in the sense that both cannot exist side by side. It's intuitively obvious to even the most casual of observers that many male dominator god adherents feel threatened by the acceptance of science, biology and evolution by others. Silly. On the other hand many male dominator god adherents have no issue whatsoever accepting both into their perceptual reality and world view.

You really are tripping over your own fundamentalism.
Euro christian capitalists have been socialized to fear the natural world and view it merely as a source of resources and wealth extraction god gave to his believers for concentration and redistribution.

This disease that made landfall in the Americas in 1492, this way of looking at all life, and the planet, rolled out over the tribes of Europe first. We are all the descendants of tribes and a spiritual perceptual reality of the universe and the creator. That memory has been wiped out of white euro consciousness pretty much, their/our enslavement having happened long before the disease rolled out across the rest of the planet via colonialism and proselytizing.

That perceptual reality was replaced with a male dominator god perceptual reality which gave rise to the notion that this male dominator god gave mankind, only the “chosen ones” mind you, dominion over the natural world, the planet, anything they “discovered”, and any other human beings they could manage to whip into consent. And it got all intercalated with euro capitalism. So you bring that into a technological perceptual reality era where we are now, and we’ve all been enslaved to/by an economic system that has no other purpose than to continue the colonialization of all human beings, further redistributing and concentrating wealth into the pockets of fewer and fewer, much of that wealth coming from the natural world that was in place long before the humans who manipulate it into their own hands. In the same manner the system mines uranium or coal or gold, it also mines the energy, spirit, and soul of the human being to run these authoritarian systems that enslave us all. In essence, they mine the being part of the human being.

And so all of this racism, classism, sexism, religion, arises from the system’s need to keep the masses quibbling amongst themselves. The same applies to the american political system; it is designed to prevent any gathering of the masses against the aristocracy. It’s an illusion, this democracy and liberty. You have ostensibly “two” political parties who very comfortably don’t really have to do anything at all except point at the “other” party and with your consent present them as evil and scary; disconnected from what? Well, they’re not “real” americans like you and they don’t bow as deeply to the male dominator god as you do. Again, go back and look at Bacon’s Rebellion and the aftermath. The power structure learned that lesson very well. The system also learned very well from the 60-70s / the Viet Nam War / Civil Rights era, the last large scale questioning of our authoritarian system. And the beast is bigger and stronger now.

It’s useful for all of us to go back and study our tribal ancestry, go dig into how they got “civilized”, invariably, it was anything but civil, that’s the great lie, it was very brutal stuff, they had to be brutalized into “accepting” the proper perceptual reality, and thus consent. And so now that the colonialism has become globalism, the power structure no longer has any national affiliations at all. That’s for YOU to hold onto, again, because it will feed into the unsubstantial people’s fighting amongst themselves so the system doesn’t have to, and so that the unsubstantial people will line up to go to war and die in endless wars over resources and turf someone else sits on that the system covets. It’s really no different than the manner in which any street gang goes after turf.

We have been with our own consent and participation indoctrinated into submission, consent, and acceptance of this authoritarian system that runs on our energy and labor just as surely as we’ve all been indoctrinated into hating and distrusting the only possible allies we have in this authoritarian system.

Denial of history (revisionism).
Darwin didn't develop the Theory of Evolution, the Theory of Abiogenesis (which he believed in), or biology.

Darwin created the Theory of Natural Selection, which has been falsified.

The theory of natural selection has not been falsified. *mic drop*

Anyone can just assert things. But I don’t buy that one.

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Denial of history (revisionism).

The theory of natural selection provides that reasonable method of evolution. Natural selection essentially states that "the strong survive." The basic idea is that when change occurs, those organisms best suited to the new circumstances will thrive.
Science says different. Strange that archaeological finds say that the records of the 1st Dynasty (over 4000 years ago) in China contain stories of a Great Flood with a Noah like savior (Emperor YU) who gained the favor of heaven after digging great channels to allow the flood waters to dispel and make the land safe again. The Legend of Emperor YU is well known and documented on vessels found with inscriptions concerning China's 1st dynasty and Yu's fame for helping overcome the flood waters in a Noah like manner.

And Jericho? The Bible confirms the fact that Jericho's walls come down during the time of Biblical Israel, not prior to the Noahic Covenant. Simply present the objective archaeological evidence that proves that Jericho was never under water.....especially when the entire Topography of the Earth changed during the time of the Great Flood. The place where Jericho existed during the time of Biblical Israel could have been located at the bottom of an ocean floor before the flood. ;) Of course Jericho has not been flooded during the time of recorded history...God made a promise/covenant with a rainbow to never have the entire surface of the earth flooded again.

You will find stories of a Great Flood in every culture (except atheism, which denies all cultures except it's own).
What holes? The Theory of Evolution states that 'higher order life' evolved from 'lower order life'. This theory is unfalsifiable. What holes are in it?
Lol, and libs call other people "anti-science". Lol. As if the entire theory, and body of work associated with Darwinian evolution, could possibly be distilled down to such simplistic terms.
You will find stories of a Great Flood in every culture (except atheism, which denies all cultures except it's own).

Atheism denies cultures? Hahahahaha. What planet do you live on?

There was NO global flood .. Too many ancient cities were not ever flooded.

Welcome to the presentation of the The World’s First Temple, Gobeklitepe … a pre-historic site, about 15 km away from the city of Sanliurfa, Southeastern Turkiye. What makes Gobeklitepe unique in its class is the date it was built, which is roughly twelve thousand years ago, circa 10,000 BC.
Question? If all the earth's topography was changed during the flood, valley's rose and mountain's sank...….Just how did anyone provide a detailed OBJECTIVE copy of a supposed flood? The entire planet changed and YOU COME UP with a detailed map of Noah's flood? LMAO:bigthink: Again....SCIENCE details the fact that not one inch of the earth's surface was never covered with water at some point in its history, as confirmed by the fossil record and the science of geography with the sedimentary rock formations found on every continent on the globe.

Do you comprehend the difference between OBJECTVE and SUBJECTIVE. An objective statement can be proven truth based upon the testable reproducible evidence.....subjective is based upon OPINION, SPECULATION and CONJECTURE.

Your map is subjective and based only upon the opinion of the source from which you parroted/pasted it. I can paint or photo shop all the maps in my imagination and that does not make them accurate or truthful. The question then remains......if the areas outside your map were never flooded.....why is there layers of sedimentary rocks and fossils of whales found within the middle of the great deserts of this region?

No map of the Great Flood was ever published. We actually know very little about the Great Flood.

Was there more than one ark? We only have the story of Noah, the only survivor in his world. Did the Great Flood cover the entire Earth or just the world that Noah knew? What about Great Flood stories from other cultures? Cultures around the world have such stories. Do they have a common stem? Some of their methods of survivor vary. Some can be described as surviving in something akin to an ark of some kind.

The Bible came out of the cultures of Israel and Rome. It may be the word of God, it may not, but this record is attached to those cultures. What about China? Russia? The Americas? Did they exist, and in what form? Surely there is a lot more here than what the Bible describes.
oh, when did atheists write down Adam's birth date?......

The date of Adam's creation is unknown, obviously. There were no effective calendars in the Garden of Eden. The description of what happened there may be nothing more than many tens of millennia distilled down into a few paragraphs.

Atheists are trying to destroy the Bible by adding to it.
The date of Adam's creation is unknown, obviously. There were no effective calendars in the Garden of Eden. The description of what happened there may be nothing more than many tens of millennia distilled down into a few paragraphs.

Atheists are trying to destroy the Bible by adding to it.

There was no Adam hon. Zero evidence, now THAT'S religion.
High School Biology 5 points

The cytoplasm in a single-celled organism and
the circulatory system in a human both

(1) break down molecules into smaller components
(2) release energy to be used by the organism
(3) transport substances throughout the organism
(4) distribute blood to all of the parts of the

Let the semantics begin.

Cytoplasm does not circulate. It is also not blood. Blood also does not break down molecules into smaller components. It also does not release energy to be used by the organism. Try again.