Question for evolutionists

The date of Adam's creation is unknown, obviously. There were no effective calendars in the Garden of Eden. The description of what happened there may be nothing more than many tens of millennia distilled down into a few paragraphs.

Atheists are trying to destroy the Bible by adding to it.

The Jews count the beginning of the world 5779 years ago... but, since they don't reject education it doesn't seem to trip them up..

The creation stories both from Israel and Judah are pretty specific about the morning and the night of a day.
There is no reality in the Reality American Show, that's rather the point, the undefining of everything in lieu of alternative facts and alternative perceptual realities. Goes back to Edward Louis Bernays on this land mass.

Ignored as off topic. Stick to the subject of the thread.
Science is testable,
No, it isn't. THEORIES of science are testable for falsifiability. Science itself is not testable. It is defined by philosophy.
religion relies upon faith
which is the purposeful suspension of critical thought.
WRONG. A circular argument by itself is not a fallacy. Only the failure to recognize it is the fallacy.
Why is religion so threatened by science?
It isn't.
And why are you?
I'm not.
No, it isn't. THEORIES of science are testable for falsifiability. Science itself is not testable. It is defined by philosophy.


WRONG. A circular argument by itself is not a fallacy. Only the failure to recognize it is the fallacy.

It isn't.

I'm not.

So semantics and denial is the extent of your arsenal?
There is no need to survive in terms of evolution past the point of depositing a copy of alleles into the next generation.
That is a need, nevertheless. You can't have a species unless it reproduces. All things die.
You're bringing up religion.
Non-sequitur fallacy. I am not talking about religion at all. YOU are.
They typically have some version of god/gods/fictitious anthropomorphic sky beings.
...deleted symantic quibbling as off topic...
Religion does not require a god or gods. This thread is about evolution, not religion.
The theory of natural selection has not been falsified. *mic drop*

Anyone can just assert things. But I don’t buy that one.

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Yes it has. It produces a paradox.

The Theory of Natural Selection states that an organism survives because it is best suited to survive. Thus, that is the only form of organism to continue to reproduce. The Theory of Natural Selection therefore tends to REDUCE the available variations from which to select. It it turns around and says a selection from a variety is taking place. Where did that 'variety' come from, hmmmmm?

If variety naturally happens, then where is the 'natural selection'? Hmmmm?

1) Selection causes unselected species to die off.
2) Selection comes from a variety, that obviously is not selected to begin with.

Which is it, dude?
Atheism denies cultures?
That IS what I said. I stick to it.
Hahahahaha. What planet do you live on?
Same one as you. Earth.
There was NO global flood .. Too many ancient cities were not ever flooded.
How do you know?
Welcome to the presentation of the The World’s First Temple, Gobeklitepe … a pre-historic site, about 15 km away from the city of Sanliurfa, Southeastern Turkiye. What makes Gobeklitepe unique in its class is the date it was built, which is roughly twelve thousand years ago, circa 10,000 BC.
How do you know this city never flooded?