Rapture Doctrine invented by John Darby in 1830 AD

I attended several tent revivals as a young girl with a friends family, as a Catholic I was intrigued by how different it was from my religion.

The fundie services I've attended (i.e. been dragged to lol) over the years always seemed to me to be so undignified, coming from a mainstream religious background like yours. Guess now I see them more as the parishioners do... outspoken joy about their faith and god. I don't share that joy, but can still acknowledge it.
The fundie services I've attended (i.e. been dragged to lol) over the years always seemed to me to be so undignified, coming from a mainstream religious background like yours. Guess now I see them more as the parishioners do... outspoken joy about their faith and god. I don't share that joy, but can still acknowledge it.
It is a deep and abiding faith and love. I don’t share it, but it is genuine, as is the woman clutching her rosary beads in deep and ferverant pray. I have no problem with religion as long as it stays out of government.
It happened in 70 AD.

The meeting-place is the heavenly places in Christ – the spiritual kingdom.

1 Thes.4:16 sure sounds like Mt. 24:30-31.

In Matthew 16:28, speaking of when it would happen, Jesus claims the same timing as Paul: Jesus said, "Some of you standing here shall not taste death," Paul said "We who are alive and remain."

You have two events mixed up!
" the voice of the Archangel "!
The Bible tells us it will happen SOON, before this generation passes.. A generation is 40 years.. 70 AD was 40 years after the crucifixion.

You're confusing Mathew 24 with
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
No Where!does it say 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 will happen before that generation passed!
There are still unfulfilled prophesies!
It is a deep and abiding faith and love. I don’t share it, but it is genuine, as is the woman clutching her rosary beads in deep and ferverant pray. I have no problem with religion as long as it stays out of government.

Ditto, but would add "and off my front porch."
You're confusing Mathew 24 with
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
No Where!does it say 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 will happen before that generation passed!
There are still unfulfilled prophesies!

But the main purpose of Paul's letter is to deal with a special problem that developed after Paul left the city. Paul shared with the Christians at Thessalonica his belief that the end of the age would come in the very near future.

In part an inheritance from Jewish apocalypticism, this belief held that the messianic kingdom would be ushered in by a sudden catastrophic event, at which time the heavenly Messiah would descend on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

When the first Christians accepted the idea that the man who had died on the cross was the real Messiah, they were convinced that he must return to earth to complete the work that he had begun.

The manner of his second coming was conceived in accordance with the apocalyptic conceptions. This belief was common among the early Christians, and Paul accepted it along with the rest. Although the Christians were quite insistent that no one knew the exact time when this second coming would take place, they felt sure that it would occur during the lifetime of those who were then members of the Christian community.


After Paul left Thessalonica, some of the people who belonged to the church died. Because Jesus had not returned, serious doubts arose in the minds of those Thessalonians who were still living, for they had been led to believe that Jesus the Messiah would return before any of them died.

As they saw it, Paul was mistaken on this point, which then caused them to wonder whether he might also be mistaken on other points as well. Obviously, an explanation of some kind was in order, and this situation, more than any other single factor, prompted the writing of Paul's First Epistle to the Thessalonians.



Remember Paul died BEFORE the destruction of the Temple and before the Book of Revelation
But the main purpose of Paul's letter is to deal with a special problem that developed after Paul left the city. Paul shared with the Christians at Thessalonica his belief that the end of the age would come in the very near future.

In part an inheritance from Jewish apocalypticism, this belief held that the messianic kingdom would be ushered in by a sudden catastrophic event, at which time the heavenly Messiah would descend on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

When the first Christians accepted the idea that the man who had died on the cross was the real Messiah, they were convinced that he must return to earth to complete the work that he had begun.

The manner of his second coming was conceived in accordance with the apocalyptic conceptions. This belief was common among the early Christians, and Paul accepted it along with the rest. Although the Christians were quite insistent that no one knew the exact time when this second coming would take place, they felt sure that it would occur during the lifetime of those who were then members of the Christian community.


After Paul left Thessalonica, some of the people who belonged to the church died. Because Jesus had not returned, serious doubts arose in the minds of those Thessalonians who were still living, for they had been led to believe that Jesus the Messiah would return before any of them died.

As they saw it, Paul was mistaken on this point, which then caused them to wonder whether he might also be mistaken on other points as well. Obviously, an explanation of some kind was in order, and this situation, more than any other single factor, prompted the writing of Paul's First Epistle to the Thessalonians.



Remember Paul died BEFORE the destruction of the Temple and before the Book of Revelation

All Righty!
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 have not come to pass yet!
You won't get to eternity thru cliffsnotes!
I only got a B in English using them!
You need less books,more Holy Spirit!
All Righty!
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 have not come to pass yet!
You won't get to eternity thru cliffsnotes!
I only got a B in English using them!
You need less books,more Holy Spirit!

Paul was writing to this new Christian community in Thessalonica to comfort and encourage them not to people 2000 years into the future.

Paul believed it would happen soon.. and it did.. Paul just didn't live to see the destruction of the temple and the tribulation.
Paul was writing to this new Christian community in Thessalonica to comfort and encourage them not to people 2000 years into the future.

Paul believed it would happen soon.. and it did.. Paul just didn't live to see the destruction of the temple and the tribulation.

Read 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
If it already happened all dead Christian 's and live Christians would have been caught up in the air with Jesus!
Leaving No Christians on Earth!
You don't even read the scriptures you comment on!
Stop wasting my time with your nonsense!
Read 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
If it already happened all dead Christian 's and live Christians would have been caught up in the air with Jesus!
Leaving No Christians on Earth!
You don't even read the scriptures you comment on!
Stop wasting my time with your nonsense!

Some had died after Paul's visit to Thessalonica.. He was telling them that the dead would also be in the heavenly kingdom.

Christians didn't escape the tribulation.
There was a study done and in that study there was no discernible language of people speaking in tongues, sorry.

That still doesn't answer my question,was the study done in the first century,when followers preach in other people's language.
Or a modern study ,where they mumble gibberish?
That still doesn't answer my question,was the study done in the first century,when followers preach in other people's language.
Or a modern study ,where they mumble gibberish?

In the first century it was mostly Greek and Aramaic with a little Hebrew .