Rapture Doctrine invented by John Darby in 1830 AD

Latin was the language of law and the Roman military .. and Jesus was unlikely to be familiar with the vocabulary of these worlds.

Greek is more likely. It was the lingua franca of the Roman Empire - used by the civilian administrators.

And there were the cities of the Decapolis, mostly in Jordan, where Greek language and culture dominated. So Jesus would probably have known some Greek.

The Decapolis was a center of Greek and Roman culture in a region which was otherwise populated by Semitic-speaking people (Nabataeans, Arameans, and Judeans).
The Decapolis was Greek speaking and evidently far more prosperous and cosmopolitan than Israel or Judah.

In fact.. the Thessalonians were Hellenized Jews.
Celsus, Chrysostom and Origen all thought speaking in tongues was not valid and disparaged it.
Paul was a prisoner in Rome.. and died about 64-68 AD before the destruction of the Temple and the tribulation. Its a good question.. I don't know... probably some.

Paul wasn't a prisoner from day one of his time in the Roman Empire,he either spoke Latin,or he spoke Latin thru speaking in tongues!
Paul wasn't a prisoner from day one of his time in the Roman Empire,he either spoke Latin,or he spoke Latin thru speaking in tongues!

Most of the Roman Empire spoke Greek.

Speaking in tongues is nonsense.. Even today most people in the Middle East speak 3 languages...

Here's a time line of Paul's travels.. He wasn't in Rome long.


61 Spring: Arrives at Rome Embassy of Jews comes from Jerusalem to petition about the wall.
•Autumn: Writes PHILIPPIANS.
Burrus dies; Albinus succeeds Festus as procuratory of Judea; Nero marries Poppaea.
63 Paul acquitted at Rome; goes to Macedonia and Asia Minor Daughter Claudia born to Poppaea
64 Paul goes to Spain (?) Great fire at Rome; Roman Christians blamed and persecuted by Nero.
65 In Spain (?) Gessius Florus made procurator of Judea; conspiracy of Piso and death of Seneca.
66 Summer: from Spain (?) to Asia Jewish War begins.
67 •Summer: Writes 1 TIMOTHY from Macedonia
•Autumn: Writes TITUS from Ephesus.
•Winter: At Nicopolis
68 •Spring:In prison at Rome, writes 2 TIMOTHY
•Summer: Paul executed at Nero's orders.
Death of Nero in middle of June.