Reality check on America's racial mindset.

I'll spell it out for you:

It's inconceivable to these folk that a black family can live just like them in their neighborhood...go to work, pay bills, raise kids. So if some neocon/teabagger/libertarian lunkhead comes along an tells them that the voting rights act need no longer apply, they're more likely to accept that lie and all it entails.

Remember, want scared the shit out of Americans is when Ron Paul stated on national television that he would support the right of a diner owner to discriminate against someone by not allowing them seats or service. So it's no big leap of that mindset to allow all the voter suppression BS to resurface.

Oh! So you’re saying that black folks are fucking idiots that believe everything that "neocon/teabagger/libertarian lunkheads" tell them. They can’t think for themselves. They’re so fucking incompetent and unable to read or know the laws that they need their white racist leftist Mommies & Daddies to do it for them, and make their voting life as easy as possible for them because they’s y’all’s stupid ass littl chillin, right Goober?
What does it entail? They can still vote. No different than before.

Voting is a right.

Businesses can refuse service to anyone at this time. Which means businesses have rights. Being honest, if some racist didn't want me in their store, because of my color, I wouldn't want to spend my money there. This has nothing to do with voting though. Poor example.

Now you're just being stubborn to the point of insipidness. See my responses to that idiot "Classic Liberal"...or do some honest research yourself and see just how and why the Federal Gov't had to step in to insure black folk their Constitutional right to vote.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
For the willfully ignorant:

Yeah right! The good old New York Times that bastion of biased fucking leftwing non-facts and innuendo.


Here’s the NY Times argument,

“The law requires a government-issued photo ID card to vote, but doesn’t allow student IDs, public-employee IDs, or photo IDs issued by public assistance agencies. It shortens the early voting window, bans same-day registration during early voting and prohibits paid voter registration drives. Counties will not be able to extend voting hours in cases of long lines, or allow provisional voting if someone arrives at the wrong precinct. Poll “observers” are encouraged to challenge people who show up to vote, and are given new powers to do so.”(NY Times, Opinion Page)

Of course you’re gonna allow my confused ignorant ass to ask for your fucking pea-brain explanation of just exactly “where in the North Carolina Law is anybody prevented from voting who is legally eligible to vote?” “Where is any unequal hardship placed on any person of color, gender or economic condition?”

Oh! That’s right y’all fucking leftist bastards have never been able to answer those questions yet about voting rights laws. The fact is the reason the fucking leftist bastards like you are all up in arms about voting rights laws is because you know your fucking crooked Democrat Party wants to and is bribing the vote of the thousands of illegal non-citizens that are in the country with government socialist programs and you’ve had them illegally voting for years now and your scared that voting rights laws will RIGHTFULLY prevent them from voting.

My, but you are one willfully ignorant little right wing bigot, aren't you?

Here's what you left out:

None of this has anything to do with fraud. Out of 7 million ballots cast in the state in 2012, there were 121 allegations of voter fraud, a rate of .00174 percent. Republicans aren’t even claiming the measure will reduce fraud — only that it will provide reassurance to those who worry about it. It “would make nearly three-fourths of the population more comfortable and more confident when they go to the polls,” House Speaker Thom Tillis explained to NBC News.

In pursuit of that comfort, 319,000 people who lack a photo ID will have a hard time voting, a disproportionate number of whom are black or poor. (No back-up IDs or sworn statements are allowed.) Eliminating same-day registration during early voting — two provisions that have been popular among Democratic-leaning voters — would have eliminated 4,766 votes in Durham County alone, according to one estimate. And as all Republican lawmakers know, President Obama won North Carolina by about 14,000 votes in 2008.

If people cannot register in time, then they can't vote in the upcoming election. Got that genius? I hope so, because your childish rants make it clear that you've got a comprehension problem. Carry on.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
I'll spell it out for you:

It's inconceivable to these folk that a black family can live just like them in their neighborhood...go to work, pay bills, raise kids. So if some neocon/teabagger/libertarian lunkhead comes along an tells them that the voting rights act need no longer apply, they're more likely to accept that lie and all it entails.

Remember, want scared the shit out of Americans is when Ron Paul stated on national television that he would support the right of a diner owner to discriminate against someone by not allowing them seats or service. So it's no big leap of that mindset to allow all the voter suppression BS to resurface.

Oh! So you’re saying that black folks are fucking idiots that believe everything that "neocon/teabagger/libertarian lunkheads" tell them. NO stupid, I didn't say that. Are you having a reading comprehension problem? They can’t think for themselves. :palm:They’re so fucking incompetent and unable to read or know the laws that they need their white racist leftist Mommies & Daddies to do it for them, and make their voting life as easy as possible for them because they’s y’all’s stupid ass littl chillin, right Goober?

Are you really this dumb? Every can see you avoid the FACT I put out regarding Ron Paul, and I was referring to the white folk in that town, NOT the black people, who's bigoted mindset makes them susceptible to the dreck YOU obviously embrace.

Jeez, get an adult to explain it to you bunky.
Now you're just being stubborn to the point of insipidness. See my responses to that idiot "Classic Liberal"...or do some honest research yourself and see just how and why the Federal Gov't had to step in to insure black folk their Constitutional right to vote.

None of that's going on. No one is being prevented from voting, unless they're not a citizen.

Give me an example if you think so.
profiling is human nature in action....and perfectly normal behavior....and EVERYONE does it to one degree or another everyday....and it has nothing to do with racism.

noun: profiling

the recording and analysis of a person's psychological and behavioral characteristics, so as to assess or predict their capabilities in a certain sphere or to assist in identifying a particular group of people.

Why does your party try so hard to keep certain people from voting then?
My, but you are one willfully ignorant little right wing bigot, aren't you?

Here's what you left out:

None of this has anything to do with fraud. Out of 7 million ballots cast in the state in 2012, there were 121 allegations of voter fraud, a rate of .00174 percent. Republicans aren’t even claiming the measure will reduce fraud — only that it will provide reassurance to those who worry about it. It “would make nearly three-fourths of the population more comfortable and more confident when they go to the polls,” House Speaker Thom Tillis explained to NBC News.

Every ounce of that is totally irrelevant Goober. Your accusation was and is that folks and particularly folks of color will be disenfranchised and thereby unable to vote because of the law. As of this point in time you haven’t produced a fucking thread of valid evidence or a rational argument to support that absurd accusation. You could rationally argue with the above rhetoric that the law is ”unnecessary”, but the rhetoric you post produces absolutely no credible evidence that a single soul who is constitutionally eligible to vote will be denied that right. In other words you’re fucking full of fucking shit!!!

In pursuit of that comfort, 319,000 people who lack a photo ID will have a hard time voting, a disproportionate number of whom are black or poor. (No back-up IDs or sworn statements are allowed.) Eliminating same-day registration during early voting — two provisions that have been popular among Democratic-leaning voters — would have eliminated 4,766 votes in Durham County alone, according to one estimate. And as all Republican lawmakers know, President Obama won North Carolina by about 14,000 votes in 2008.
If people cannot register in time, then they can't vote in the upcoming election. Got that genius? I hope so, because your childish rants make it clear that you've got a comprehension problem. Carry on.

Let’s see Goober, the fucking Democrats have no problem with getting their vote out on election day, they’ll even send the voting truck around through the ghettos to haul the black vote to the polls, to the welfare signup stations and to the places of voter registration, but for some unknown reason they can’t get them to the “voter ID card place.” where the State government will verify they are legal voters and give them a fucking FREE voter ID card. That’s the totality of your stupid fucking argument.

You and the fucking leftist New York Times and the fucking leftist bastards at NBC and MSNBC are nothing less than card carrying communist leftist radical racial bigots hell bent on dividing and conquering America with fucking lies and pathetic rackets.
Are you really this dumb? Every can see you avoid the FACT I put out regarding Ron Paul, and I was referring to the white folk in that town, NOT the black people, who's bigoted mindset makes them susceptible to the dreck YOU obviously embrace.

Jeez, get an adult to explain it to you bunky.

Oh! But that’s not what you said Goober. You insinuated that white southern Republicans were all racist who could simply convince idiot blacks with a single law that the days of voter rights had been abolished.

So now that you’ve been called on those fucking racist remarks, you wish to change your fucking leftist racist tune and call white southern Republicans racist and bigots and claim that was your intent all along.

Allow me to inform you, you racist communist low-life bastard that your fucking scam has been exposed.
Oh! But that’s not what you said Goober. You insinuated that white southern Republicans were all racist who could simply convince idiot blacks with a single law that the days of voter rights had been abolished.

So now that you’ve been called on those fucking racist remarks, you wish to change your fucking leftist racist tune and call white southern Republicans racist and bigots and claim that was your intent all along.

Allow me to inform you, you racist communist low-life bastard that your fucking scam has been exposed.

Classic thinks that dropping F bombs constantly will throw people off his trail to "no point village".

Lol, might be the biggest tool on the web currently.
Classic thinks that dropping F bombs constantly will throw people off his trail to "no point village".

Lol, might be the biggest tool on the web currently.

Sorta like when Blackasshole calls people "motherfucker" and "bitch" doing the angry nigga routine.
He doesn't even come close to you. Hey, do you have any Wal-Mart camo or Rustler jeans someone can borrow? How about a velvet painting of dogs playing poker?
Classic thinks that dropping F bombs constantly will throw people off his trail to "no point village".

Lol, might be the biggest tool on the web currently.

CL exposes the fucking racist bastards like you who hang out on political forums pretending to be tolerant bleedin heart saints feeling the Black Pain and victimhood. In reality you’re nothing less than fucking racist bastards that promotes the racket that folks of color are too fucking stupid to care for themselves, or have ambitions and incentives to succeed. You work day and night to convince folks of color they are victims and need your lily white assed fucking extorted government hand outs and pats on their little colored heads. Your fucking agenda is to keep them enslaved to government and bribed of their vote. You’re a fucking low-life racketeer!!! You’ve been exposed!!! Your own fucking words expose you.

It’s you and your ilk that cause blacks to live in squalor on your government extorted pittance to commit the most crime and become the most racist people in America who get taught their racism from the likes of crooked socialist bottom dwelling racketeering scum sucking racist bastards like you.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Yep! While Jackson & Sharpton have done things that I am NOT in 100% agreement with, they wouldn't be needed if the aforementioned crap didn't exist.

2 wrongs make a ....

Balance any wrongs they did with the "rights", toodles. Like I said, if the crap like what went on in the opening posts didn't exist, folk like you wouldn't be whining and bitching about Sharpton or Jackson.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
My, but you are one willfully ignorant little right wing bigot, aren't you?

Here's what you left out:

None of this has anything to do with fraud. Out of 7 million ballots cast in the state in 2012, there were 121 allegations of voter fraud, a rate of .00174 percent. Republicans aren’t even claiming the measure will reduce fraud — only that it will provide reassurance to those who worry about it. It “would make nearly three-fourths of the population more comfortable and more confident when they go to the polls,” House Speaker Thom Tillis explained to NBC News.

Every ounce of that is totally irrelevant Goober. Your accusation was and is that folks and particularly folks of color will be disenfranchised and thereby unable to vote because of the law. As of this point in time you haven’t produced a fucking thread of valid evidence or a rational argument to support that absurd accusation. You could rationally argue with the above rhetoric that the law is ”unnecessary”, but the rhetoric you post produces absolutely no credible evidence that a single soul who is constitutionally eligible to vote will be denied that right. In other words you’re fucking full of fucking shit!!!

Swearing doesn't make your assertion valid, toodles. The information points to the FACT that the basis for all the neocon/teabagger hoopla DOESN'T EXIST! To follow the train of thought you put forth here, one has to wait AFTER THE FACT before pointing out the flaws in the current RE-ISSUE of voting laws in various red states. But anyone with a little high school history and civics knows that the laws that are being struck down were put there because of FACT BASED PROOF that black folk were being disenfranchised. If you could pull your head out of Rush Limbaugh's fat posterior long enough and READ the other information provided here, you'd see how absurd and ignorant your statement is. But in case you're too cowardly to do so:

In addition, the Southern Coalition for Social Justice plans to file another lawsuit today challenging the voter ID provision in state court, alleging that under Article 6, Section 1 of the North Carolina Constitution, the legislature doesn’t have the power to set new voter qualifications. The plaintiffs will include college students who will not be able to vote in North Carolina because they have out-of-state driver’s licenses and their student IDs will not be accepted, and elderly residents of the state who were not born in North Carolina and will have to pay to get a birth certificate to validate their identity, otherwise known as a poll tax, or they cannot get a birth certificate at all. One of those people is Alberta Currie, a 78-year-old woman from Hope Mills, North Carolina. Currie was born at home with a midwife, like so many African Americans in the Jim Crow South, and doesn’t have a birth certificate. Her driver’s license from Virginia is now expired. Though she’s voted consistently since 1956 — back when African Americans couldn’t even register to vote in the South or had to move to the back of the line when a white voter showed up at the polls — she could be disenfranchised by the new law. “I won’t have no rights if I can’t vote,” she says.

“North Carolina has a long and sad history of official discrimination against African Americans, including official discrimination in voting that has touched upon the right of African Americans and other people of color to register, vote, or otherwise participate in the democratic process,” notes the SCSJ and ACLU lawsuit. “Over the past 30 years in North Carolina, there have been over thirty successful cases brought under Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act and forty objections to discriminatory changes to voting laws lodged by the Department of Justice under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act…. Based on concerns about intimidation at the polling place, the United States Justice Department sent federal observers to North Carolina.”

In pursuit of that comfort, 319,000 people who lack a photo ID will have a hard time voting, a disproportionate number of whom are black or poor. (No back-up IDs or sworn statements are allowed.) Eliminating same-day registration during early voting — two provisions that have been popular among Democratic-leaning voters — would have eliminated 4,766 votes in Durham County alone, according to one estimate. And as all Republican lawmakers know, President Obama won North Carolina by about 14,000 votes in 2008.

If people cannot register in time, then they can't vote in the upcoming election. Got that genius? I hope so, because your childish rants make it clear that you've got a comprehension problem. Carry on.

Let’s see Goober, the fucking Democrats have no problem with getting their vote out on election day, they’ll even send the voting truck around through the ghettos to haul the black vote to the polls, to the welfare signup stations and to the places of voter registration, but for some unknown reason they can’t get them to the “voter ID card place.” where the State government will verify they are legal voters and give them a fucking FREE voter ID card. That’s the totality of your stupid fucking argument.

Fascinating how you IGNORE THE FACTS put forth in order to blather on with a slew of UNSUBSTANTIATED claims and assertions (which YOU haven't provided on valid documentation for). But that's the extent of your ability to honestly debate...when YOU can't deny the facts, you just blow smoke.

You and the fucking leftist New York Times and the fucking leftist bastards at NBC and MSNBC are nothing less than card carrying communist leftist radical racial bigots hell bent on dividing and conquering America with fucking lies and pathetic rackets.

Are you still in grade school or a junior high? Because that last sentence reminds me of some ignorant teenager parroting the low information/willfully ignorant mouthings of their parents and/or right wing media.

My statement and documentation stands. Feel free to fuss and fume.
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