Reality check on America's racial mindset.

Oh! But that’s not what you said Goober. You insinuated that white southern Republicans were all racist who could simply convince idiot blacks with a single law that the days of voter rights had been abolished.

We are discussing the opening post of this thread, you simpleton. Where did I write "white southern Republicans"? Don't get pissed at me if the mindset immediately reminds YOU of a certain segment of society.

So now that you’ve been called on those fucking racist remarks, you wish to change your fucking leftist racist tune and call white southern Republicans racist and bigots and claim that was your intent all along.

You need to stop drinking alcohol and get a grip, toodles. Unless you can copy and paste IN CONTEXT the paragraph/post where I write EXACTLY what you accuse here, then you're lying.

Allow me to inform you, you racist communist low-life bastard that your fucking scam has been exposed.

Get the crack out of the pipe, toodles. You can't disprove any of my source material, nor can you refute the logic derived from my related story. You're just pissed because little Archie Bunker knock-offs like yourself don't have the brains or the guts to face reality as to the consequences of your mindset. Carry on.
CL exposes the fucking racist bastards like you who hang out on political forums pretending to be tolerant bleedin heart saints feeling the Black Pain and victimhood. In reality you’re nothing less than fucking racist bastards that promotes the racket that folks of color are too fucking stupid to care for themselves, or have ambitions and incentives to succeed. You work day and night to convince folks of color they are victims and need your lily white assed fucking extorted government hand outs and pats on their little colored heads. Your fucking agenda is to keep them enslaved to government and bribed of their vote. You’re a fucking low-life racketeer!!! You’ve been exposed!!! Your own fucking words expose you.

It’s you and your ilk that cause blacks to live in squalor on your government extorted pittance to commit the most crime and become the most racist people in America who get taught their racism from the likes of crooked socialist bottom dwelling racketeering scum sucking racist bastards like you.

Ahhh, nice to see one of glen beck's idiots (his words, not mine) have an outlet for their anger. Now if this buffoon can tell us all just exactly what harm black folk seeking civil rights and fighting congenital racism have done to him personally, perhaps we can get to the crux of his problems beyond the white supremacist rhetoric.
Ahhh, nice to see one of glen beck's idiots (his words, not mine) have an outlet for their anger. Now if this buffoon can tell us all just exactly what harm black folk seeking civil rights and fighting congenital racism have done to him personally, perhaps we can get to the crux of his problems beyond the white supremacist rhetoric.

No doubt in my mind that you know all about white supremacy. Y’all socialist bastards have used it for decades to enslave people of color to your fucking government vote buying racket and phony “I feel your pain” bleedin heart propaganda.
We are discussing the opening post of this thread, you simpleton. Where did I write "white southern Republicans"? Don't get pissed at me if the mindset immediately reminds YOU of a certain segment of society.

Right here Goober “
and I was referring to the white folk in that town, NOT the black people, who's bigoted mindset makes them susceptible to the dreck YOU obviously embrace.”

You need to stop drinking alcohol and get a grip, toodles. Unless you can copy and paste IN CONTEXT the paragraph/post where I write EXACTLY what you accuse here, then you're lying.

Here’s your exposed insult of black folks you racist bastard! Here you’re saying that blacks are stupid enough to believe “neocon/teabagger/libertarian lunkheads” and not smart enough to review the NC law for themselves
if some neocon/teabagger/libertarian lunkhead comes along an tells them that the voting rights act need no longer apply, they're more likely to accept that lie and all it entails.
Right here Goober “

Here’s your exposed insult of black folks you racist bastard! Here you’re saying that blacks are stupid enough to believe “neocon/teabagger/libertarian lunkheads” and not smart enough to review the NC law for themselves

Good job.

I still wish he would give an examples of people who are restricted from voting.

But of course,,,, he can't,,,, and won't.
Good job.

I still wish he would give an examples of people who are restricted from voting.

But of course,,,, he can't,,,, and won't.

That’s because the only rational and honest example the racist bastard could come up with would be the fucking non-citizens the racist socialist bastard Democrats smuggle into the polls for ever election. They’re the only people that voter ID laws would create any problem for.
That’s because the only rational and honest example the racist bastard could come up with would be the fucking non-citizens the racist socialist bastard Democrats smuggle into the polls for ever election. They’re the only people that voter ID laws would create any problem for.

That's the only thing that makes sense.

It's exactly what I was thinking.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Ahhh, nice to see one of glen beck's idiots (his words, not mine) have an outlet for their anger. Now if this buffoon can tell us all just exactly what harm black folk seeking civil rights and fighting congenital racism have done to him personally, perhaps we can get to the crux of his problems beyond the white supremacist rhetoric.

No doubt in my mind that you know all about white supremacy. Y’all socialist bastards have used it for decades to enslave people of color to your fucking government vote buying racket and phony “I feel your pain” bleedin heart propaganda.

Okay folks, it's plain to see that this guy going by the name "classic liberal" is clearly some racist, right wing crank who is just babbling on and on with mantras gleamed from David Duke like websites and rants heard on right wing radio (Beck, Savage, Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Crowley, Malkin, etc.). When pressed to prove his point using facts and logic or tell us all exactly what black folk and the civil rights movement have wronged him personally, we get instead the ranting and ravings that avoid the question or facts put forth.

"classic liberal" is just another intellectually impotent coward who hides behind his bigotry. So unless he's willing to honestly and rationally debate an issue, I'll just ignore his childish rants and insults.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
We are discussing the opening post of this thread, you simpleton. Where did I write "white southern Republicans"? Don't get pissed at me if the mindset immediately reminds YOU of a certain segment of society.

Right here Goober “

Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
and I was referring to the white folk in that town, NOT the black people, who's bigoted mindset makes them susceptible to the dreck YOU obviously embrace.”

All one has to do is click back to the post in question to see what a babbling idiot "Classic Liberal" truly is. NOWHERE in that post do I refer or infer to "white Southern Republicans" as I am CLEARLY talking about a TOWN IN THE NEW YORK SUBURB OF LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK. Once again, the chronology of the post makes a fool out of another David Duke wanna be.

Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
You need to stop drinking alcohol and get a grip, toodles. Unless you can copy and paste IN CONTEXT the paragraph/post where I write EXACTLY what you accuse here, then you're lying.

Here’s your exposed insult of black folks you racist bastard! Here you’re saying that blacks are stupid enough to believe “neocon/teabagger/libertarian lunkheads” and not smart enough to review the NC law for themselves

Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
if some neocon/teabagger/libertarian lunkhead comes along an tells them that the voting rights act need no longer apply, they're more likely to accept that lie and all it entails.

And once again we see a prime example of how 3rd rate white supremacist propaganda in Classic Liberal......he just repeats his idiocy despite the FACT that the post in question clearly does not state or infer what he is claiming. Typical of the racist lunkheads....they just lie about what they read (or what they cannot comprehend), and repeat it ad nauseum. The chronology of the posts exposes this idiot, and he has YET to copy and paste any quote from me that states EXACTLY IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS what he asserts. See, idiots like CL think that giving people his warped interpretation coupled with out of context quotes is the same thing. Obviously, CL needs a refresher course in English reading comprehension. So unless he can get an adult to guide his next responses, I'll just ignore his expected repeated lies and racist insults.
Originally Posted by Classic Liberal View Post
That’s because the only rational and honest example the racist bastard could come up with would be the fucking non-citizens the racist socialist bastard Democrats smuggle into the polls for ever election. They’re the only people that voter ID laws would create any problem for.

That's the only thing that makes sense.

It's exactly what I was thinking.

Figures that a libertarian lunkhead would agree with this intellectually impotent David Duke wanna-be. As I've always said, the only difference between libertarians and the right wingnuts is that the former wants to smoke his dope and get laid in addition to all the other fascist/corporatist clap-trap.

Neither of these idiots can refute or disprove the fact based links and references on this they just congratulate each other on denial and revisionism. Sad.
Okay folks, it's plain to see that this guy going by the name "classic liberal" is clearly some racist, right wing crank who is just babbling on and on with mantras gleamed from David Duke like websites and rants heard on right wing radio (Beck, Savage, Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Crowley, Malkin, etc.). When pressed to prove his point using facts and logic or tell us all exactly what black folk and the civil rights movement have wronged him personally, we get instead the ranting and ravings that avoid the question or facts put forth.

"classic liberal" is just another intellectually impotent coward who hides behind his bigotry. So unless he's willing to honestly and rationally debate an issue, I'll just ignore his childish rants and insults.

And once again we see a prime example of how 3rd rate white supremacist propaganda in Classic Liberal......he just repeats his idiocy despite the FACT that the post in question clearly does not state or infer what he is claiming. Typical of the racist lunkheads....they just lie about what they read (or what they cannot comprehend), and repeat it ad nauseum. The chronology of the posts exposes this idiot, and he has YET to copy and paste any quote from me that states EXACTLY IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS what he asserts. See, idiots like CL think that giving people his warped interpretation coupled with out of context quotes is the same thing. Obviously, CL needs a refresher course in English reading comprehension. So unless he can get an adult to guide his next responses, I'll just ignore his expected repeated lies and racist insults.

Figures that a libertarian lunkhead would agree with this intellectually impotent David Duke wanna-be. As I've always said, the only difference between libertarians and the right wingnuts is that the former wants to smoke his dope and get laid in addition to all the other fascist/corporatist clap-trap.

Neither of these idiots can refute or disprove the fact based links and references on this they just congratulate each other on denial and revisionism. Sad.

Holy Crap! All of that ranting, crying and begging and still not a single fucking example of an eligible American voter who’s voting rights are violated by voter ID requirements.

Be advised that the left’s opposition to clean and fair elections, i. e. voter ID, is simply because it would expose and prevent most of those non-citizens that Democrats bribe with socialist programs and smuggle into the voting polls from fraudulently electing fucking neo-communist Democrats.
Holy Crap! All of that ranting, crying and begging and still not a single fucking example of an eligible American voter who’s voting rights are violated by voter ID requirements.

Be advised that the left’s opposition to clean and fair elections, i. e. voter ID, is simply because it would expose and prevent most of those non-citizens that Democrats bribe with socialist programs and smuggle into the voting polls from fraudulently electing fucking neo-communist Democrats.

And this idiot just thinks the chronology oft the posts will disappear in favor of his out of context quotes. What a jackass...I'm done with him.
And this idiot just thinks the chronology oft the posts will disappear in favor of his out of context quotes. What a jackass...I'm done with him.

Don't go away mad left-ass. Come back and try again when you can think up an actual rational logical argument for why voter ID's are a bad idea, OK moron?
That’s because the only rational and honest example the racist bastard could come up with would be the fucking non-citizens the racist socialist bastard Democrats smuggle into the polls for ever election. They’re the only people that voter ID laws would create any problem for.
