Reasons to Report a Post

Your fine appreciation for kitty's is well reknowned....

They say a wise man acknowledges his weakness(es). Kitty is my weakness and I have come to terms with it.

I tried a number of things hoping I could change. I tried meditation but all I ever came up with were erotic thoughts. I dated women I could barely stand the company of a shark to the scent of food in the water I was drawn to the kitty.

On the upside it did make a somewhat religious person of me. During my late teens I heard a sermon and the Padre was explaining how Eve came into the world and that women were God's gift to man. Right then and there I freely accepted God as my savior.

They say when one is troubled or lonely to call on God. I found that if God was busy at the time a kitty certainly brought peace.
LOL when I was a kid in church and the oldsters were praying for the world to end and god to take them to heaven.

Well I would pray for him to wait until at least I had tried women. Selfish old church bastiges.
They say a wise man acknowledges his weakness(es). Kitty is my weakness and I have come to terms with it.

I tried a number of things hoping I could change. I tried meditation but all I ever came up with were erotic thoughts. I dated women I could barely stand the company of a shark to the scent of food in the water I was drawn to the kitty.

On the upside it did make a somewhat religious person of me. During my late teens I heard a sermon and the Padre was explaining how Eve came into the world and that women were God's gift to man. Right then and there I freely accepted God as my savior.

They say when one is troubled or lonely to call on God. I found that if God was busy at the time a kitty certainly brought peace.

Hi cutie, I miss you.
They say a wise man acknowledges his weakness(es). Kitty is my weakness and I have come to terms with it.

I tried a number of things hoping I could change. I tried meditation but all I ever came up with were erotic thoughts. I dated women I could barely stand the company of a shark to the scent of food in the water I was drawn to the kitty.

On the upside it did make a somewhat religious person of me. During my late teens I heard a sermon and the Padre was explaining how Eve came into the world and that women were God's gift to man. Right then and there I freely accepted God as my savior.

They say when one is troubled or lonely to call on God. I found that if God was busy at the time a kitty certainly brought peace.

Can I get a witness?!?

Does anybody need any more proof as to the nasty vile nature of this aleeged human being.

Oh yes. You calling a woman a cunt sits so much better in that pristine bow-shaped mouth of yours with heaven's gifted breath, now doesn't it Queen Tomasina?

Why when you fart it must smell like a bouquet of roses you're so pure and unbesmirched, eh?

Go bugger yourself Prendergasp! and save the histrionics for your fan club of one.

Steaming pile of hypocrisy!
Oh yes. You calling a woman a cunt sits so much better in that pristine bow-shaped mouth of yours with heaven's gifted breath, now doesn't it Queen Tomasina?

Why when you fart it must smell like a bouquet of roses you're so pure and unbesmirched, eh?

Go bugger yourself Prendergasp! and save the histrionics for your fan club of one.

Steaming pile of hypocrisy!

If you are saying that Dumbo is a woman then I stand guilty as charged.
Maybe I should show up at this time and take some of the heat off of LadyT. Is this called drawing fire? Go for it alec, loyal, freedom. Keep up what made you famous.

Hi Christie, Tom! :cof1:

The social conversations here, at least in this thread, are identical to those from the old digs. I wish I had joined here before all the rest, when Froggie first invited me. Then I would know if it is a change or not.

Hey, you guys who have been here for years: Has the influx of us from the AOL message boards brought more or less to your forum? And tell us, more or less of what?

Uh, we see who's obsessed from reading the stooge insults to LadyT, and the numerous cheap shots from your pals just on this thread alone. It's your pals who live for these slamfests, and the evidence is clear. :(
Oh yes. You calling a woman a cunt sits so much better in that pristine bow-shaped mouth of yours with heaven's gifted breath, now doesn't it Queen Tomasina?

Why when you fart it must smell like a bouquet of roses you're so pure and unbesmirched, eh?

Go bugger yourself Prendergasp! and save the histrionics for your fan club of one.

Steaming pile of hypocrisy!

He even called Freedom a c--t, which I thought was odd.
Maybe I should show up at this time and take some of the heat off of LadyT. Is this called drawing fire? Go for it alec, loyal, freedom. Keep up what made you famous.

Hi Christie, Tom! :cof1:

The social conversations here, at least in this thread, are identical to those from the old digs. I wish I had joined here before all the rest, when Froggie first invited me. Then I would know if it is a change or not.

Hey, you guys who have been here for years: Has the influx of us from the AOL message boards brought more or less to your forum? And tell us, more or less of what?

Darned AOL refugees.
Try washing your vagina and maybe when you've got your head stuck between your legs, it will smell better.

But then, I've heard you enjoy "tuna".

Hey! Isn't this what your dad used to say to your mom before she stopped hooking?

I can only apologize for myself. And I do.

Ahh yes... The drudgery of it all. That you had to drag yourself to your computer, lift your tired fingers to the alpha keys and force yourself to post to this messsage board and thread is truly a selfless, noble, and humble act you've undertaken.

I think we should canonize you a saint, or something equally as important and influential since in the name of all that's good and proper you've graced us with your words of wisdom. Why everything else you've done today must pale in insignificance.

Now go rest. You must be tired after this momentous act.
You make me laugh, too. I am a conservative, but most of my friends, at least the ones I followed here, are liberals. It has kind of disappointed me that they have allowed the bushclubbers (your word) to goad them into some of the nastiness. I am past being disappointed in the "bushclubbers". Those of us who really care about this country don't think the way they do.

I hope that when you get to know me better you will still think kindly of me.

LOL, you are one of the best of the lot and will do fine here.

The Bushclubbers though. Well this thread is a prime example
11 pages and at least 9 of them are pure crap.