Reasons to Report a Post

Your point?

Ahh yes... The drudgery of it all. That you had to drag yourself to your computer, lift your tired fingers to the alpha keys and force yourself to post to this messsage board and thread is truly a selfless, noble, and humble act you've undertaken.

I think we should canonize you a saint, or something equally as important and influential since in the name of all that's good and proper you've graced us with your words of wisdom. Why everything else you've done today must pale in insignificance.

Now go rest. You must be tired after this momentous act.
Ergo, we can agree to disagree. It is necessary.

I am more conservative than some so called conservatives on here.
I was against the TARP bailouts. I am for a balanced budget. Although that is impossible at the moment, but should have been possible at sometime during the past 8 years instead of doubling the debt.
I am for RESPONSIBLE gun ownership.
I am for personal responsibility. The main reason I was against TARP.

I tend to be liberal on humanitarian issues. Helping the needy and health care types of things.

I also lean left of middle on environmental issues. I want to conserrve our world for future generations.

I am for offshore drilling, as long as they drill and do not sit on leases.
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Ahh yes... The drudgery of it all. That you had to drag yourself to your computer, lift your tired fingers to the alpha keys and force yourself to post to this messsage board and thread is truly a selfless, noble, and humble act you've undertaken.

I think we should canonize you a saint, or something equally as important and influential since in the name of all that's good and proper you've graced us with your words of wisdom. Why everything else you've done today must pale in insignificance.

Now go rest. You must be tired after this momentous act.
Whatever, Loyal.

Hey, you guys who have been here for years: Has the influx of us from the AOL message boards brought more or less to your forum? And tell us, more or less of what?

It's brought the collective IQ of the board down.

And its brought the gossip and petty drama up. LOL, man what is this now, high school?

I left that AOL board years ago, in quest of a more mature and benign forurm. Starting with and up to this board. I actually only told a few board buddies from aol where I went, like Ornot and Froggie. But, shit man, this aol shit is like the turd that won't flush.
Hey! Isn't this what your dad used to say to your mom before she stopped hooking?

I'm not sure.
When your pimp gives you permission to get off your street corner, why don't you go home ask her; Sis.

Now make sure you roll all those quarters you earned, nice and tight.
Maybe I should show up at this time and take some of the heat off of LadyT. Is this called drawing fire? Go for it alec, loyal, freedom. Keep up what made you famous.

Hi Christie, Tom! :cof1:

The social conversations here, at least in this thread, are identical to those from the old digs. I wish I had joined here before all the rest, when Froggie first invited me. Then I would know if it is a change or not.

Hey, you guys who have been here for years: Has the influx of us from the AOL message boards brought more or less to your forum? And tell us, more or less of what?

Did froggie tell you I was meme? She told everyone else here, which was a lie. A little bird told me about it. Meme is a wonderful person, so treat her right. She went through hell here a while back with certain people, the usual suspects, thinking she was me. God, the obsession these people have. It's creepy.

By all means, take the heat off Lady T, that's the least you could do. After all, she was the one who started this crap accusing us of stalking poor Darla, when in reality, poor Darla was stalking us, big time. You girls must stick together to keep your stories straight.

When you first came on here, I gave you some rep points, but I never heard back from you, so I assumed you were not excited about it. I had forgotten that until just now.

Enjoy your stay.
Did froggie tell you I was meme? She told everyone else here, which was a lie. A little bird told me about it. Meme is a wonderful person, so treat her right. She went through hell here a while back with certain people, the usual suspects, thinking she was me. God, the obsession these people have. It's creepy.

By all means, take the heat off Lady T, that's the least you could do. After all, she was the one who started this crap accusing us of stalking poor Darla, when in reality, poor Darla was stalking us, big time. You girls must stick together to keep your stories straight.

When you first came on here, I gave you some rep points, but I never heard back from you, so I assumed you were not excited about it. I had forgotten that until just now.

Enjoy your stay.

I think that the pre-AOL era posters have seen them for what they are, they are a tolerant lot in the main but Dumbo and Co. are just beyond the pale.
I'm not sure.
When your pimp gives you permission to get off your street corner, why don't you go home ask her; Sis.

Now make sure you roll all those quarters you earned, nice and tight.

And to get more bang for her errrr.. buck? She can use them like brass knuckles too! (Bright idea!)

It will go real well with her brass ballz!!!! :chesh:
This isn't in any way an apology or justification for our bad behaviour. We are responsible for continuing the drama that started so many years ago on the AOL boards. I blame myself only for responding reflexively to the same old crap time after time.

However, I've seen quite a bit of drama, argument and all-around nastiness among the regulars on this board also, and from the comments it seems to have been going on for years, the same as the AOL crap.

The bottom line is that I immediately felt comfortable here, knowing that our bad behaviour wasn't going to lower measurably the tone of this forum. :cof1:
Maybe I should show up at this time and take some of the heat off of LadyT. Is this called drawing fire? Go for it alec, loyal, freedom. Keep up what made you famous.

Hi Christie, Tom! :cof1:

The social conversations here, at least in this thread, are identical to those from the old digs. I wish I had joined here before all the rest, when Froggie first invited me. Then I would know if it is a change or not.

Hey, you guys who have been here for years: Has the influx of us from the AOL message boards brought more or less to your forum? And tell us, more or less of what?

Hi, Liz! Hope your summer's going great and you're not broiling in the heat. Up here, the weather guy says this may be our coolest July on record.
Did froggie tell you I was meme? She told everyone else here, which was a lie. A little bird told me about it. Meme is a wonderful person, so treat her right. She went through hell here a while back with certain people, the usual suspects, thinking she was me. God, the obsession these people have. It's creepy.

By all means, take the heat off Lady T, that's the least you could do. After all, she was the one who started this crap accusing us of stalking poor Darla, when in reality, poor Darla was stalking us, big time. You girls must stick together to keep your stories straight.

When you first came on here, I gave you some rep points, but I never heard back from you, so I assumed you were not excited about it. I had forgotten that until just now.

Enjoy your stay.

Meme may be a wonderful person to a conservative but I've found her continually rude and snarky to all the liberals here. Actually, it's the reason I respond to her. :pke:

So you don't think it's stalking when you guys constantly insult Darla and 95% of the time she's not even posting?
what else do you DO with a's illegal to have them stuffed and mounted.....

I've read many good conservative posts on this board and have come to respect those posters for their clear and reasoned comments. It was a pleasant surprise after the AOL board.

Now if you try hard enough, you too can make the short list. :)