Reasons to Report a Post

I haven't seen meme get any abuse except for responses to her snarky comments so it appears that the AOL libs weren't part of any "unconscionable" actions.

Furthermore, your pals accused plenty of us of trolling, so welcome to the club. You yourself accused somebody of being a troll just a day or so ago.

Ummmmm, froggie was accusing me of being Meme on the AOL board. YOU said that it sure looked suspicious that Meme left and I showed up. Oh, pulleezze give it up Ethel.
You aren't going to win on this one, sorry.
if you're going to insult me for the last time at least make it somewhat clever

You'll be waiting a long time, I haven't seen her come up with anything original in over five years. The ironic thing is that the others in her coven think she is witty, to which I say if wit was shit she'd be constipated.
Right on Sister, I'm down with mocking rightwingers, and I don't care if they mock me for political reasons.

I'm not down with the email stalking, disclosing private information, and the bizarro world obessions.

But, I can totally get down with some cussing and mocking of Cons. Hell, I survived 8 years of being called a terrorist loving traitor by Bush voters. I didn't give a crap! One has to have a thick skin on political forums.

Amen to that, how are you doing?

I like a good debate with a person on the right, and there are many here, and some in the middle, too. All factions. It is nice.
∞zo;466504 said:
oh i would be verrrry worried. Ladyt has a very alluring personality. If she reallllly wanted to go full throttle, she can pretty much pry a secret from anyone here... Plusssss I've known her for 6 years AND she is in my special group called "youngins pwn."

be afraid, be very afraid O_O

I haven't seen her go full throttle, but I can imagine. I respect it.
Amen to that, how are you doing?

I'm doing great Froggie! Work and other crap were insane for a while. But everything is cool! Hope you're doing great :clink:

You've got an awesome governor there froggie! Who quits after two years? What a wus!

I like a good debate with a person on the right, and there are many here, and some in the middle, too. All factions. It is nice.


I just swing by here for entertainment, and to laugh at the latest republican gay sex scandal. Are there actually any heterosexual republican male politicians??
∞zo;466504 said:
oh i would be verrrry worried. Ladyt has a very alluring personality. If she reallllly wanted to go full throttle, she can pretty much pry a secret from anyone here... Plusssss I've known her for 6 years AND she is in my special group called "youngins pwn."

be afraid, be very afraid O_O

Oh yes! I have been in awe AND afraid since the moment I first laid eyes on her stellar wit, intellect, and abilities in the fine art of debate. That's some bad ass $hit she's laying down!

Someone give her her own venue. Not Fox. That's not good enough for her. Maybe Ariana Huffington will STFU for two minutes and she can arm wrestler her for a berth? She will be right up there with all the other reknowned brains!

Yeah! That sounds about right.
Oh yes! I have been in awe AND afraid since the moment I first laid eyes on her stellar wit, intellect, and abilities in the fine art of debate. That's some bad ass $hit she's laying down!

Someone give her her own venue. Not Fox. That's not good enough for her. Maybe Ariana Huffington will STFU for two minutes and she can arm wrestler her for a berth? She will be right up there with all the other reknowned brains!

Yeah! That sounds about right.

Oh, yes, I have been very afraid also. She said she is going to continue to warn people that we are stalking poor Darla. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA What a dummy she is.
1) I don't think your meme. He or She can barely put together a sentence containing a coherent thought.

2) You guys did and continued to terrorize darla. Ice Dancer in particular is the biggest offender. I will continue to warn people about your obsessive and sick vile nature and I'm not apologizing for it. You can suck my balls on that one.
LadyT's got balls?
Yeah, it could be jealousy. He said he doesn't understand why you have accumulated so many rep points and it had to be some kind of perverse joke.:D

How hot is it there? 75 degrees here.:cool:

I stopped listening to the weather reports.
All I know, is that it went from getting hot, to damn it's hot, and finally DAMN IT'S FREAKING HOT.
1) I don't think your meme. He or She can barely put together a sentence containing a coherent thought.

2) You guys did and continued to terrorize darla. Ice Dancer in particular is the biggest offender. I will continue to warn people about your obsessive and sick vile nature and I'm not apologizing for it. You can suck my balls on that one.

If you've seen Tu Tu's avatar you might want to re-think the last comment you made. AHAHAHAHAHA