
Well duh.


And I am calling you out on your hypocritical behavior/statements.

Well you'd be doing so in error if you can't discern the difference between an insult and an assumption.

But maybe you don't give a shit about being in error...or maybe you care so much about it that you have to project it on everyone else because of how fucking lame and insecure you are.

I dunno...a shrink would probably make their careers by diagnosing your mental illnesses.
Well if anyone is an authority on sticking their own head up their ass, it'd be you.

So, are you claiming Americans are doing better today than ever before, motherfucker? Because it seems you are. Everything is rainbows and ponies n shit, huh?
This is exactly what BoTHSIdEriSM is, boiling everything down into two diametrically opposed opposites so the BoTHSiDerIST can sit on the fencepost in the middle, heaping scorn on both sides.

But the problem with not choosing a side is that you'll never be on the right side of anything.

And maybe Flash has already made the calculation that since he's old as fuck and closer to the end of his life than the beginning, it would be pointless to pick a side now when he's so close to the end.

Lady, you accused 'Flash' of 'binary thinking'.
And your use of the term was COMPLETELY erroneous.

Now you are trying to spin it around to cover up for the fact that you fucked up and have not got the guts to even admit it.
OR - you are so ignorant/uneducated that you actually believe that your usage of 'binary thinking' above was accurate.

I sincerely hope for your sake that it is the former.

Whatever lady...go right ahead and make yourself look SO INCREDIBLY IGNORANT that you are throwing around insults when you actually have NO IDEA what they mean.

We are done here...for now.

Have a nice day.

Note to board - LV426 has NO IDEA what 'binary thinking' actually means.
Though she thinks she does.
So, are you claiming Americans are doing better today than ever before, motherfucker? Because it seems you are. Everything is rainbows and ponies n shit, huh?

Some Americans are doing better, some are doing worse...those that are doing worse are victims of their own poor judgment and instincts, so I feel nothing for them.

So you accuse me of making a broad assumption.
Which I agreed with and apologized for.

And then you turn around and make an even broader assumption of Matt Dillon?


Keep in mind this motherfucker's an idiot, k?
Some Americans are doing better, some are doing worse...those that are doing worse are victims of their own poor judgment and instincts, so I feel nothing for them.

Which Americans are those, the 1%? So you don't give a fuck about everybody else, huh? Oh! This is absolute gold!

I'm saving that shit to text and gonna throw it in your face just about every post you make, you fucking turd.

Personally I hate to see my fellow Americans suffer, and they

And this is you on that:

Some Americans are doing better, some are doing worse...those that are doing worse are victims of their own poor judgment and instincts, so I feel nothing for them.

I do not think one could be more of an insensitive asshole, yet I have no doubts you'll prove me wrong.
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Lady, you accused 'Flash' of 'binary thinking'.

Here's the definition of binary YOU PROVIDED, dipshit:

3: a division into two groups or classes that are considered diametrically opposite'

The entire purpose of BoTHSiDErIsm is to divide into two opposite groups so you can posture that you're in the middle and that's where the compromise needs to be.

Are you brain damaged? Do you seriously not realize what you're doing here?
Before today?

I actually thought she was relatively bright.
Just filled with SO MUCH anger and hatred that it clouded her judgement.

I am not so sure now.

I think that I get under your skin like no one else, and it drives you absolutely nuts so you have to attack my character because you can't attack my arguments.

Little. Fuckin. Bitchass.

Just like every other poseur here on JPP...running your big, fat mouth, but then running away from accountability for the shit that comes from it.

Having F.U.. money and not caring has got to be a wonderful thing, I would imagine.

This world was created for the 1/1000th of 1%.
Those who think it was created for the 1% are insanely optimistic.
The vast majority of this planet's inhabitants are extras from central casting in the scheme of things.

And those in the 1/1000th of 1% who are enjoying their status giddily instead of spending their energy making sure things stay that way are generally OK.
Many of them, however, waste their dumb luck not enjoying it to the fullest but trying to preserve the same small ratio of good fortune for eternity.

I played golf yesterday and a guy in the group in front of me was a billionaire. Actually got a chance to chat with him briefly. On one hand dude is just a human being like we all are but at the same time there are only so many billionaires on the planet so I knew I was in rarefied company.
Recession may not come after all, economists say

-- Economic strength defies forecasts of downturn but risks remain, experts said --

As recession forecasts have grown dire in recent months, they've faced one complication: Strong economic data.

The U.S. showed robust job growth last month, defying expectations of a slowdown and keeping the unemployment rate at a near-historic low of 3.6%. Meanwhile, retail spending, a key indicator of economic health that reflects consumer appetite, rose 1% in June, outpacing gloomier predictions -- even if some of that increase can be attributed to rising prices due to inflation.

I've lived through four real recessions in my adult life,
The 1982 Reagan recession
The 1991 Poppy Bush recession
The 2008 George Dumbya Bush recession.
The 2020 Donald Trump recession.

This current situation doesn't feel like any of those.
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I've lived through four real recessions in my adult life,
The 1982 Reagan recession
The 1991 Poppy Bush recession
The 2008 George Dumbya Bush recession.
The 2020 Donald Trump recession.

This current situation doesn't feel like any of those.

whose definition of recession are you using?
whose definition of recession are you using?

Obviously, the traditional method shows the nation in recession territory. Next quarter's report should prove we're either in one or not.

Part of the problem is that the jobs report indicates the opposite of a recession. Not an economist, but I'd be happy to see inflation slow, jobs pick up and my portfolio gain back the entire 10% it's lost since early 2020 when Trump fucked up the US COVID response. Right now it's only come back 1%.