
Well, I'm not what you claim, but at least I'm not a leftist shill that sells their soul for a pittance to post things online, you pathetic cat turd.

Btw, Cat turd is my favorite turd.

My dear, you are just an ignoramus, as was evident by your ignorance of the origin of income tax. Then when I told you were it was, you denied it was there. Any immigrant would know more about our constitution than you, sweetie.
How is it Biden's fault that some people would rather drink bleach and stick a lightbulb up their ass instead of getting vaccinated?

That's not a rhetorical question, by the way.

I don't know. But if you claim the Democrats always handle things better and Trump's handling of the pandemic caused the problems, why do you think more people died during Biden's presidency?

Maybe it is not that simple that one party or one president is responsible for everything. But, it makes like much simpler. When the answer is always "Democrats" then you don't have to bother to learn anything new. Just repeat the same mantra.
But if you claim the Democrats always handle things better and Trump's handling of the pandemic caused the problems, why do you think more people died during Biden's presidency?

Because of Trump.

Because he told them at the beginning that it was a hoax, so they never changed their minds from that, and then a year later, they all started hilariously dying.

They died because instead of listening to Biden, or the CDC, or doctors, they chose to listen to Trump and Fox News.

That's not Biden's problem, nor is it mine...and I really, really don't give a shit about trash people choosing to die.
Maybe it is not that simple that one party or one president is responsible for everything

There would have been ZERO COVID deaths during Biden had Trump not called it a hoax.

So who was in charge when the pandemic struck? Not Biden.
But, it makes like much simpler. When the answer is always "Democrats" then you don't have to bother to learn anything new. Just repeat the same mantra.

It's astounding to me that you're trying to BOTHSIDES a pandemic that started with Trump and was proliferated by Trump and your friends calling it a hoax.

You are a binary thinker, and you're such a binary thinker that you have to make everything equal on both sides because that is the only way your feeble mind can reconcile anything.

You can't operate unless you're boiling it down to two sides because your entire persona relies on BoTHSiderISM to make you feel more important than you actually are.
It's astounding to me that you're trying to BOTHSIDES a pandemic that started with Trump and was proliferated by Trump and your friends calling it a hoax.

You are a binary thinker, and you're such a binary thinker that you have to make everything equal on both sides because that is the only way your feeble mind can reconcile anything.

You can't operate unless you're boiling it down to two sides because your entire persona relies on BoTHSiderISM to make you feel more important than you actually are.

You clearly have NO IDEA what 'binary thinking' actually means.

'Binary Thinking
Phrase. Denotes a system of thought that predominantly considers things in an "either, or", "right, wrong", "black, white" way, ignoring any subtleties or consideration of third or more alternatives.' Thinking

You may be the PERFECT definition of 'binary thinking'.
Everyone who does not think like you - you literally hate.
And even wish pain and death to them.

Lady, before you start throwing around ad hominem's.

At least know what the fuck they mean.

That way, you will not look so GALACTICALLY ignorant.
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I don't know. But if you claim the Democrats always handle things better and Trump's handling of the pandemic caused the problems, why do you think more people died during Biden's presidency?

Maybe it is not that simple that one party or one president is responsible for everything. But, it makes like much simpler. When the answer is always "Democrats" then you don't have to bother to learn anything new. Just repeat the same mantra.

A post that blames both sides!

I like it!!!
My dear, you are just an ignoramus, as was evident by your ignorance of the origin of income tax. Then when I told you were it was, you denied it was there. Any immigrant would know more about our constitution than you, sweetie. know what every, single immigrant knows about the Constitution?

I doubt it.

Just sayin'.
My dear, you are just an ignoramus, as was evident by your ignorance of the origin of income tax. Then when I told you were it was, you denied it was there. Any immigrant would know more about our constitution than you, sweetie.

Uh yeah, that didn't happen. You better re-read.

You're lucky enough to be held in higher regard than Bidenpresident, but only 1 notch above. And there's reason for that.
You may be the PERFECT definition of 'binary thinking'.[/COLOR][/B]
Everyone who does not think like you - you literally hate.
And even wish pain and death to them.

How does that make me binary, though? It doesn't. And I don't hate everyone who doesn't think like me, and you have no examples of me saying this; I do pity those people just like I pity you for being a goddamned moron, because that can't be an easy life for anyone to lead, much less someone as emotional as you.
A post that blames both sides!

I like it!!!

It is more of a recognition that we don't know how to fix most problems; if we did, we would have done it long ago. We just handle problems the best we can until a bigger problem takes its place.
There exists no better example of binary thinking than BoTHSiDErISm.

You know?
Someone with honor would simply admit they made a mistake, apologize and move on.

Not not you.

Instead, you are reverting to making up new definitions of words to cover up your mistake.

You know?

I do know, but do you know? That's not clear.

Someone with honor would simply admit they made a mistake, apologize and move on.

I didn't make a mistake and you helpfully provided the definition of it and made the connection to BOTHSIDERISM for me.

You just didn't realize it because you're a fucking moron.

Instead, you are reverting to making up new definitions of words to cover up your mistake.

The definition you gave of binary thinking accurately describes BOTHSIDERISM, but it doesn't describe me because I don't hate you, I pity you.
Tell me again, that you never said there was nothing in the constitution about income tax.

I thought there wasn't, then found out there was. However, none of that applies to the current tax things which started in like.. the 1940s.

I wouldn't tell that lie, because that's not how I am.