
Note to all you alt-lefties attempting to redefine a recession. Go fuck yourself. The definition was set in place decades ago and all the twisting anf turning winn change none of it. Arguing further is senseless


The authority for calling recessions in this country is the National Bureau of Economic Research, not you, not Bill Clinton, not Marjorie Taylor Green.

The NBER does not consider two consecutive declines in GDP be indicative of a recession. They actually consider that criteria to be simplistic and misleading.

Rather than two negative GDP readings, the NBER is looking for a substantial decline in activity over a sustained period of time. The committee sets dates of the peaks of economic activity and troughs based on six monthly data series, including nonfarm payrolls, personal consumption spending and industrial production.
The solution is simple, Go back and undo every single executive order signed by Brandon.

OK, but your shitty Trump policies, that Biden reversed, caused a recession to happen before COVID:

Recession officially started in February 2020, researchers say
June 8, 2020

And even before that, your policies plunged manufacturing into a recession:

U.S. manufacturing was in a mild recession during 2019, a sore spot for the economy

And the major promise of your policy was that business investment would increase, when it actually declined:

A Decline in Capital Investment Reveals the False Promise of Trump’s Tax Bill

So it would seem reversing Trump's policies is just what the doctor would order, since Trump's policies caused a recession.
I guess it's the chicken and egg thing; do they hold the views they do because of these sites or do they go to the sites because of the views they already hold?

One excuse you'll hear from those posting economic info from rawstory or Breibart is that they use/are quoting data from other sources. If that's the case then why not post that original data? These partisan sites may reference a poll or data from other sources but then give some false spin/narrative to it and misuse the data. Seen it too many times.

This recession shit is really a silly argument. Everyone with one living brain cell has watched their retirement account decline in actual value as well as purchasing power, literally, everything they purchase has risen 20% to 150% in the past few months, grocery stores have sections of empty shelves, baby formula is still difficult to find, we are starting to get increases in our phone bills to cover those illegals we now supply with free smartphones, crime is doubled in many democrat run cities, and the alt-leftie malcontents here cling to their inability to define what is a woman or cheer as Brandon raids the home of his likely opponent. ASs much as I disliked obama and even now Brandon, at no point would I ever endorse such an action.
Hopefully, all this will start to reverse itself after the midterms when the republicans can start defunding programs like the ATF and FBI
You lefties can piss and moan all day but none of this occurred under Trump.

Wait - so Trump wasn't President in February 2020, when the economy entered into a recession?

So who was President then?

When you state that you are basically going to put the majority entire country's energy system out of business, you have fucked up bigely.

What energy system? We don't own any of the oil or energy extracted or delivered in this country, multinational corporations do.

Not one drop, not one cent.
OK, but your shitty Trump policies, that Biden reversed, caused a recession to happen before COVID:

Recession officially started in February 2020, researchers say
June 8, 2020

And even before that, your policies plunged manufacturing into a recession:

U.S. manufacturing was in a mild recession during 2019, a sore spot for the economy

And the major promise of your policy was that business investment would increase, when it actually declined:

A Decline in Capital Investment Reveals the False Promise of Trump’s Tax Bill

So it would seem reversing Trump's policies is just what the doctor would order, since Trump's policies caused a recession.

Arguing with an idiot is not really rewarding so I will let you go back to your parents basement.
Well you know that is total bullshit. The idiots attempting to redefine and turn their continual fuckups into sugar is falling on deaf ears.

What a fucking crybaby.

Your shitty policies plunged this country into a recession before COVID even started.

U.S. manufacturing was in a mild recession during 2019, a sore spot for the economy

Your policies have only given us recessions and economic collapses.
Note to all you alt-lefties attempting to redefine a recession. Go fuck yourself. The definition was set in place decades ago and all the twisting anf turning winn change none of it. Arguing further is senseless

Why are you such a loser?

U.S. manufacturing was in a mild recession during 2019, a sore spot for the economy

Recession officially started in February 2020, researchers say
Record-long economic expansion ended before coronavirus pandemic was declared national emergency
And yes, Trump did not cause this--it would have happened under any president

No, it absolutely would not have happened under any President, because not every President would toss out the pandemic playbook and call the virus a hoax.

This would not have happened if Clinton or Obama were President when COVID struck, and we know that because of how they handed Ebola and Zika when those diseases struck.

To pretend that a Democratic President would have handled COVID the same as Trump is to exercise that strained BoTHSiDerIsm which appears to be the only frame through which you can look at anything.
No, it absolutely would not have happened under any President, because not every President would toss out the pandemic playbook and call the virus a hoax.

This would not have happened if Clinton or Obama were President when COVID struck, and we know that because of how they handed Ebola and Zika when those diseases struck.

The playbook may have helped with the COVID, but not the jobs or GDP since more businesses and schools may have been closed longer.
To pretend that a Democratic President would have handled COVID the same as Trump is to exercise that strained BoTHSiDerIsm which appears to be the only frame through which you can look at anything.

Partisan bias:

"[FONT=&quot]OurWorldInData's figure for December 19 is slightly higher, putting the total at 806,439 deaths. Of those, 351,754 deaths occurred in 2020, meaning that indeed there more deaths—nearly 455,000—in 2021.[/FONT]
The playbook may have helped with the COVID, but not the jobs or GDP since more businesses and schools may have been closed longer.

COVID is the reason why the jobs were lost and the GDP declined.

But COVID is not the reason for why the economy entered into a recession before COVID was declared a national emergency:

Recession officially started in February, researchers say
Record-long economic expansion ended before coronavirus pandemic was declared national emergency

So what was the policy in place before COVID that caused the recession? The tax cut because that was the only major piece of legislation that the GOP-controlled Congress and Senate passed that Trump signed.

So the tax cut from 2017 caused the decline in business investment, caused manufacturing to shrink, caused the deficit to explode, and caused a recession the month before COVID was declared an emergency.

And we didn't even get more revenue, which was the other promise.
"[FONT="]OurWorldInData's figure for December 19 is slightly higher, putting the total at 806,439 deaths. Of those, 351,754 deaths occurred in 2020, meaning that indeed there more deaths—nearly 455,000—in 2021.[/FONT]

How is it Biden's fault that some people would rather drink bleach and stick a lightbulb up their ass instead of getting vaccinated?

That's not a rhetorical question, by the way.
The playbook may have helped with the COVID, but not the jobs or GDP since more businesses and schools may have been closed longer.

The jobs and GDP were lost because the COVID playbook was thrown out, Flash.

Do you think we would have seen the same job loss and GDP decline if there was no COVID? Because that's what you seem to be saying.
Recession may not come after all, economists say

-- Economic strength defies forecasts of downturn but risks remain, experts said --

As recession forecasts have grown dire in recent months, they've faced one complication: Strong economic data.

The U.S. showed robust job growth last month, defying expectations of a slowdown and keeping the unemployment rate at a near-historic low of 3.6%. Meanwhile, retail spending, a key indicator of economic health that reflects consumer appetite, rose 1% in June, outpacing gloomier predictions -- even if some of that increase can be attributed to rising prices due to inflation.

You're such an obvious leftist shill. Obvious leftist shill is obvious.

Yeah, everything is great, unless you live in reality and the real America. Dumbass.

I paid $3 for what used to be $1.67 today. Go fuck yourself.
You're such an obvious leftist shill. Obvious leftist shill is obvious.

Yeah, everything is great, unless you live in reality and the real America. Dumbass.

I paid $3 for what used to be $1.67 today. Go fuck yourself.

You are just a pathetic liar, nothing you post can ever be believed.
I paid $3 for what used to be $1.67 today. Go fuck yourself.

Why are you mad at Biden, who can't control corporations raising their prices, but you're not mad at your boss, who doesn't give you a raise so you can afford the higher prices?