
It's only enticing to low-info Reichwingers. The cost of exploration, extraction, and transporting it is equal to if not more expensive than the original Alaska pipeline from the North Slope.

....and they only do it because the Talking Lightbox tells them to do so.
It could be a lot of things. Most of this is working the trends as economic numbers role in. It's the motivators of those trends that matters and that involves the collective will of the American people.

Remember when GW asked Americans to go to the mall after 9/11? The economy was faltering because Americans were afraid to leave their homes. Remember SARS hit only a couple years later causing a similar reaction. Without Americans spending their paychecks (and having paychecks to spend) the economy doesn't move.

Which is exactly why we are seeing such high demand for stuff now, which is driving prices upward. During the pandemic many people did not travel, go out for entertainment or to dine, do recreational shopping, etc. Now they have cash and they're gonna spend it.
Demand is down so supplies are up and prices down. The housing market is cooling off somewhat too, thanks to higher interest rates and lower demand.

Why are gas prices going down? Drivers begin to see some relief at the pump

As I understand it new starts in housing are a leading indicator. When developers feel good about the economy they want to build. When the economy is slowing down they pull back. (Existing home sales are a lagging indicator.)

Right now new housing starts and permits are falling (rather fast). Not a good sign. Now there’s still pent up demand for housing so maybe that will hopefully overcome the lack of builder confidence and keep the market strong.
Which is exactly why we are seeing such high demand for stuff now, which is driving prices upward. During the pandemic many people did not travel, go out for entertainment or to dine, do recreational shopping, etc. Now they have cash and they're gonna spend it.

Agreed. People are tired of being afraid and want to live.

It's for this same reason that I believe that the MAGA minority will fail. All those who believe in "civil war", tearing down the entire Federal government and murdering all those Americans with whom they disagree are directly at odds with the vast majority of Americans who want to build a better future.

Most Americans can step outside their homes and see Middle-Class America. When they can't, that's when there will be a problem. LOL
Yep. Dutiful stooges. BTW, the idiocy about "drill, baby, drill" is also impractical -- without refinery capacity what is the point of extracting more oil? We're at close to 100% utilization now.

US Utilization of Refinery Capacity
93.70% for Wk of Jul 15 2022

Agreed. Another point the idiots keep missing is that, unless they nationalize the oil companies, those same companies will sell the oil to the highest bidder, not just American ones. The dumbasses don't know shit about capitalism and economics.
Agreed. Another point the idiots keep missing is that, unless they nationalize the oil companies, those same companies will sell the oil to the highest bidder, not just American ones. The dumbasses don't know shit about capitalism and economics.

No, they don't. Guess they don't teach that anymore, or they were under the bleachers with Kathy that day. lol

This is for them:

It's only enticing to low-info Reichwingers. The cost of exploration, extraction, and transporting it is equal to if not more expensive than the original Alaska pipeline from the North Slope.

Good point.

The arguments for drilling anwr may have had some merit 20 years ago, but with the development of fraking and enhanced oil recovery, they just make ANWR seem less attractive. The economics of fraking are a fraction of what ANWR oil development and production would be. I am not even really against fraking in California.
Good point.

The arguments for drilling anwr may have had some merit 20 years ago, but with the development of fraking and enhanced oil recovery, they just make ANWR seem less attractive. The economics of fraking are a fraction of what ANWR oil development and production would be. I am not even really against fraking in California.

ANWR is just a Reichwing talking point used for propaganda, ditto for the Keystone pipeline.
ANWR is just a Reichwing talking point used for propaganda, ditto for the Keystone pipeline.

It's based on the same faulty premise that a self-sufficient oil supply for the US means gas prices will remain low at home. What they fail to consider is that Exxon and the other oil corporations have a fiduciary duty to sell their oil to the highest bidders.

In short, while Americans will see a slightly reduced price in gas due to proximity to the refineries, the refineries only have a limited capacity to produce fuel. Even when running at maximum. Aren't they running at maximum now?

A slight price savings won't change the fact the US will never see $1.50 gas again no matter how much jizz the Trumpers suck up on the subject.
It's based on the same faulty premise that a self-sufficient oil supply for the US means gas prices will remain low at home. What they fail to consider is that Exxon and the other oil corporations have a fiduciary duty to sell their oil to the highest bidders.

In short, while Americans will see a slightly reduced price in gas due to proximity to the refineries, the refineries only have a limited capacity to produce fuel. Even when running at maximum. Aren't they running at maximum now?

A slight price savings won't change the fact the US will never see $1.50 gas again no matter how much jizz the Trumpers suck up on the subject.

U.S. refineries are running close to 100%. So even if we suddenly found a brand new oil field in a location convenient for drilling and shipping, it wouldn't help. You are right about the fiduciary duty to sell to the highest bidder. Either the Reichtards want government control of private industries like the oil & gas corporations, or they want capitalism. Can't have both.

US Utilization of Refinery Capacity
93.70% for Wk of Jul 15 2022
Recession may not come after all, economists say

-- Economic strength defies forecasts of downturn but risks remain, experts said --

As recession forecasts have grown dire in recent months, they've faced one complication: Strong economic data.

The U.S. showed robust job growth last month, defying expectations of a slowdown and keeping the unemployment rate at a near-historic low of 3.6%. Meanwhile, retail spending, a key indicator of economic health that reflects consumer appetite, rose 1% in June, outpacing gloomier predictions -- even if some of that increase can be attributed to rising prices due to inflation.

It's already here you delusional retard.
It's based on the same faulty premise that a self-sufficient oil supply for the US means gas prices will remain low at home. What they fail to consider is that Exxon and the other oil corporations have a fiduciary duty to sell their oil to the highest bidders.

In short, while Americans will see a slightly reduced price in gas due to proximity to the refineries, the refineries only have a limited capacity to produce fuel. Even when running at maximum. Aren't they running at maximum now?

A slight price savings won't change the fact the US will never see $1.50 gas again no matter how much jizz the Trumpers suck up on the subject.

Under Trump we were net energy exporters including petroleum and now we bend the knee to the House of Saud and OPEC again you treasonous swine are all destined for the rope.
In an element of irony, gas prices dropping is a good thing - but they are dropping in large part because of fear of recession.

Surging oil prices have always led to economic slowdown.
Why would this be any different?

Oil prices rise until driving slows down, then they slowly fall.
Always been that way.
Surging oil prices have always led to economic slowdown.
Why would this be any different?

Oil prices rise until driving slows down, then they slowly fall.
Always been that way.

I think we are saying the same thing. The article in the OP lays out why they think there won’t be a recession. The follow up post was gas prices are dropping. I interpreted the latter post as saying lower gas prices are a sign we won’t have a recession when it reality, right now, it’s actually the opposite.
I think inflation itself is more to blame for inflation than the pandemic recovery. :laugh:

OK, that's not funny but, I also think Corporate America has adjusted and increased their prices to a point, that it is causing them more problems in terms of competition, than it does us.

For example; Just look at all that red meat being ignored, left in the meat counters, untouched overnight- NEXT DAY- Giant HAMBURGER Sale EVERYBODY!!

I just drove through McDonalds for breakfast- I WAS THE ONLY ONE IN LINE! That has never happened to me before.

Yes, I believe people are doing without as a protest, as if to say, "No! I refuse to pay that much for that shit"!

Along with pricing us out of the market, they are pricing themselves out of business!

The price of everything is about to come back down wind-falling back to Earth.

"Retail sales data releases can have large impacts on the markets and consumer-driven sectors in particular. US Retail Sales is at a current level of 594.50B, up from 588.64B last month and up from 551.84B one year ago. This is a change of 1.00% from last month and 7.73% from one year ago."
"Retail sales data releases can have large impacts on the markets and consumer-driven sectors in particular. US Retail Sales is at a current level of 594.50B, up from 588.64B last month and up from 551.84B one year ago. This is a change of 1.00% from last month and 7.73% from one year ago."

Where are seeing that? Everything I’ve read has shown retail sales dropping. Because of inflation the dollar amount of sales has actually increased but the sales themselves decreased.