
It is more of a recognition that we don't know how to fix most problems; if we did, we would have done it long ago. We just handle problems the best we can until a bigger problem takes its place.

But don't expect Flash to have any fixes or solutions, just condemnation of BOtHSIDeS so he never has to defend himself.
How does that make me binary, though? It doesn't. And I don't hate everyone who doesn't think like me, and you have no examples of me saying this; I do pity those people just like I pity you for being a goddamned moron, because that can't be an easy life for anyone to lead, much less someone as emotional as you.

I apologize for saying 'you literally hate'.
I will change it to 'you seem to literally hate'.

And how does that make you binary?
Just refer to the links I provided of definitions.
I apologize for saying 'you literally hate'.
I will change it to 'you seem to literally hate'.

Well maybe you should change it again to "I'm a fucking idiot with poor judgment and shit instincts who thinks he knows everything when he doesn't."
I didn't make a mistake and you helpfully provided the definition of it and made the connection to BOTHSIDERISM for me.

'Definition of binary (Entry 1 of 2)
1: something made of two things or parts
specifically : BINARY STAR
2mathematics : a number system based only on the numerals 0 and 1 : a binary (see BINARY entry 2 sense 3a) number system
42 is written as 101010 in binary.
3: a division into two groups or classes that are considered diametrically opposite'

Are you saying that your use of the term 'binary thinking' above was the same/similar to the ACTUAL DEFINITION of the word?

Yes or no?

And you suffer from having an extra chromosome because your family tree looks like a stump.


So you accuse me of making a broad assumption.
Which I agreed with and apologized for.

And then you turn around and make an even broader assumption of Matt Dillon?

Are you saying that your use of the term 'binary thinking' above was the same/similar to the ACTUAL DEFINITION of the word?

THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT BOTHSIDERISM DOES: a division into two groups or classes that are considered diametrically opposite.

So once again, you have helpfully made my case for me that Flash is a binary thinker.
So you accuse me of making a broad assumption.

Oh I didn't make an accusation, it's something you actually did.

And then you turn around and make an even broader assumption of Matt Dillon?

Sorry - what is your problem? I'm trading insults with case you couldn't pick that up from reading.
Right, that is BOTHSIDERISM.

So again, thank you for putting your tiny foot into your big mouth.

Way to avoid the question.

Lady, you are making a fool of yourself.

You are trying to pretend that two phrases mean exactly the same thing.
When they are DIRECT opposites.

I will ask you one last time...and if you want to make a COMPLETE fool of yourself?

'Definition of binary (Entry 1 of 2)
1: something made of two things or parts
specifically : BINARY STAR
2mathematics : a number system based only on the numerals 0 and 1 : a binary (see BINARY entry 2 sense 3a) number system
42 is written as 101010 in binary.
3: a division into two groups or classes that are considered diametrically opposite'

Are you saying that your use of the term 'binary thinking' above was the same/similar to the ACTUAL DEFINITION of the word?

Yes or no?
3: a division into two groups or classes that are considered diametrically opposite'

This is exactly what BoTHSIdEriSM is, boiling everything down into two diametrically opposed opposites so the BoTHSiDerIST can sit on the fencepost in the middle, heaping scorn on both sides.

But the problem with not choosing a side is that you'll never be on the right side of anything.

And maybe Flash has already made the calculation that since he's old as fuck and closer to the end of his life than the beginning, it would be pointless to pick a side now when he's so close to the end.
Oh I didn't make an accusation, it's something you actually did.

'And you suffer from having an extra chromosome because your family tree looks like a stump.'

You typed the above.
And you are not calling that an accusation?

I am beginning to seriously wonder what level of education you have.

Sorry - what is your problem? I'm trading insults with case you couldn't pick that up from reading.

Well duh.

And I am calling you out on your hypocritical behavior/statements.
I’ll even give CNN as the source. When people forsee a downtown they adjust financially. (Unless you have F U money and don’t care.)

Having F.U.. money and not caring has got to be a wonderful thing, I would imagine.

This world was created for the 1/1000th of 1%.
Those who think it was created for the 1% are insanely optimistic.
The vast majority of this planet's inhabitants are extras from central casting in the scheme of things.

And those in the 1/1000th of 1% who are enjoying their status giddily instead of spending their energy making sure things stay that way are generally OK.
Many of them, however, waste their dumb luck not enjoying it to the fullest but trying to preserve the same small ratio of good fortune for eternity.
I am beginning to seriously wonder what level of education you have.

I think what's happening here is that I am so deeply under your skin that all you can do is try to pin me on gotcha things (that end up helping me because you're a fucking idiot), but you're starting to show frustration there because I'm not playing your game.

So it's all a distraction from whatever fuckin' insecurities are rolling around in that empty head of yours, that were probably put there by your shitty parents.