REDUX: How Election Fraud Is Conducted By The Democrat/RINO (Uni)Party

I am attacked here for my opinions daily, by you and all of your JPP fellow TRUMPTARDS!
Nope. Your poorly thought-out positions are refuted by well reasoned arguments, and you immediately turn to the ad hominem. I'm happy to point out your behavior, for which you immediately leap to the ad hominem.

Do you ever post anything rational and value-added? If so, please give me a link so I can marvel at it because I haven't seen anything as such from you. All you post are viscious personal attacks and claims that you don't make personal viscious attacks.

So, I do not pull punches for you or any of your CRAZY think-alike TRUMPTARDED fellow idiots!
You don't have to ever pull any punches because your punches are lame.

You people asked for war, so TOUCHE' asshole!
I'm glad that you want to bring it on. This will be a lot of fun ... for me. I'll even give you the first shot if you'd like.
Wrong. Specifically the suitcase of magical Biden ballots was investigated by the FBI, the GBI and the Georgia government.
Full stop. We now know that you don't understand the difference between the examination and analysis of one particular claim and the doctrine of eyewitness testimony.
Full stop. We now know that you don't understand the difference between the examination and analysis of one particular claim and the doctrine of eyewitness testimony.
I'm just referencing one of the more common eyewitness testimonies.
I'm just referencing one of the more common eyewitness testimonies.
... or it's a pure fabrication that you pulled out of your azz because I've never heard of it. It seems invented. You are welcome to stick to the affidavits I mentioned and to avoid making up bogus distractors.
... or it's a pure fabrication that you pulled out of your azz because I've never heard of it. It seems invented. You are welcome to stick to the affidavits I mentioned and to avoid making up bogus distractors.
You aren't aware of the suitcase of magical Biden ballots situation in Georgia?
Full stop. We now know that you don't understand the difference between the examination and analysis of one particular claim and the doctrine of eyewitness testimony.
Or we can talk about the infamous truck driver who supposedly drove a trailer full of ballots from DC to Pennsylvania, didn't drop them off and drove them back again.

He seems trustworthy.

He is also, apparently, an amateur ghost hunter who, with his brothers, produced a video for rent and sale on that alleges he and his three brothers “have either had extreme paranormal events happen to them or currently have paranormal events happening to them,” according to a fundraising plea posted on the iCrowdNewswire website.


At the press conference, Morgan was accompanied by Phill Kline, a former attorney general of Kansas whose law license had been suspended indefinitely in 2013 amid allegations of perjury and misleading officials........

Kline said at the press conference that Morgan has a criminal record and a history of drug addiction, explaining that he mentioned Morgan’s history at the press conference because he believed the media would use it to attack the truck driver’s credibility.
(Yah think?)

Court records reveal a lengthy history of drug abuse, mental health issues and domestic violence.

According to court records, his mother, Holly Morgan-Moul, told a judge in 2003 that her son has a “long history of drug and alcohol use” that dated back to when he was 14 or 15.

Morgan, she said, spent time in treatment and did well. But he later relapsed, she said, adding that “his life has become considerably unmanageable and bizarre.”

She reported that her son would sleep in the woods behind their home
and walk out of school.


In 2006, Morgan pleaded guilty to forgery for a sentence of five years’ probation, with the first 192 days in Adams County Prison. But a judge resentenced him in 2008 to 1 1/2 to five years in prison, according to court records.


Morgan, she said, was sent back to prison as a parole violator in 2010 and 2013.

Court documents in custody and protection-from-abuse order cases allege that Morgan has been involuntarily committed “about five times” for mental health issues. He has threatened to kill himself on multiple occasions.

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Or we can talk about the infamous truck driver who supposedly drove a trailer full of ballots from DC to Pennsylvania, didn't drop them off and drove them back again.

He seems trustworthy.
It was New York to Pennsylvania. The driver provided a cornucopia of very specific and detailed information, as one would expect from eyewitness testimony, none of which has been refuted by any leftist. All the left has are unsupported dispersions and obviously dishonest innuendo.

Truck driver: 1
Leftists: 0
It was New York to Pennsylvania. The driver provided a cornucopia of very specific and detailed information, as one would expect from eyewitness testimony, none of which has been refuted by any leftist. All the left has are unsupported dispersions and obviously dishonest innuendo.

Truck driver: 1
Leftists: 0
So, you are actually taking the word of a mentally unstable, Ghost hunting, violent, drug addicted felon who sleeps in the woods behind his mother's house

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None of the crazy right-wing scenarios will work. Dropping off a truckload of ballots will not work. They cannot be counted. The system prevents that.
You aren't aware of the suitcase of magical Biden ballots situation in Georgia?
I am not aware of any magical suitcase in Georgia. Is this the suitcase that creates energy out of nothing and causes Georgia's Global Warming to rise faster than everywhere else, much more rapidly than previously feared?
None of the crazy right-wing scenarios will work. Dropping off a truckload of ballots will not work. They cannot be counted. The system prevents that.
According to the driver, he never dropped them off. He supposedly drove them across state lines, waited for several hours and then drove them back to where he started from.

Seems legit to me.
According to what was reported, the FBI, GBI and the Georgia government all investigated the "suitcase" situation. Based on what information do you believe those groups didn't investigate?
RQAA. Stop mindlessly asking the same question over and over and over, Mindless.