Refugee status requested

You're all over the map, get back to me when you are able to form a coherent thought.

Don’t hold your breath on that one. Don’t listen to the conservative members of this board. Evince (aka Desh) is one of the most beloved members of JPP. The hard right conservatives are just antognized by her ability be just as bat shit crazy as they are. :)
Don’t hold your breath on that one. Don’t listen to the conservative members of this board. Evince (aka Desh) is one of the most beloved members of JPP. The hard right conservatives are just antognized by her ability be just as bat shit crazy as they are. :)

Daesh is actually quite helpful, if you are one who actually does fuck a dead weasel, and wants to be reminded of it every so many posts...
Lol, it is not I who is confused. You are the one who gleaned, "libertarian", from, "constitutional conservative".

Well be fair now. The US Constitution is a blue print for histories first and oldest liberal democratic republic so the term “constitutional conservative” is a bit of an oxymoron and thus a tad confusing. Maybe it would be more accurate to classify yourself as a classical liberal as opposed to a social welfare state liberal?
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Lol, it is not I who is confused. You are the one who gleaned, "libertarian", from, "constitutional conservative".

Well be fair now. The US Constitution is a blue print for histories first and oldest liberal democratic republic so the term “constitutional conservative” is a bit of an oxymoron and thus a tad confusing. Maybe it would be more accurate to classify yourself as a classical liberal as opposed to a social welfare state liberal?
Well be fair now. The US Constitution is a blue print for histories first and oldest liberal democratic republic so the term “constitutional conservative” is a bit of an oxymoron and thus a tad confusing. Maybe it would be more accurate to classify yourself as a classical liberal as opposed to a social welfare state liberal.

What do you think is the goal of a constitutional conservative, if not to conserve liberal democracy in America?
tell me what you know about the Cumberland Road

Well it had been a trail Native Americans used to traverse the Appalachian Mountains. Daniel Boone was the first documented European settler to transit the trail (now road) through the Cumberland gap and into the interior of the country where they discovered the Legendary Can Tuc Kee hunting grounds and the Ohio River valley and its link to the Mississippi River. This was the real beginning of the westward expansion of European settlers into the interior of North America and the beginning of the end of Native American civilizations as the dominant political and military power on the North American Continent. The Cumberland road thus played a significant historical role in westward expansion and the demise of Native American civilization as what had been a trickle of settlers into the interior became a flood.
Welcome aboard; you will find the same level of stupidity on this forum from the members of the Democratic Party of the Jackass. The big difference here is that you can point at them and call them morons without censure. ;)

Here we go Country Boy. This is where the far right wing conservatives start showing that they’re as bat shit crazy as Evince.
We do, its you and your ilk who don't. It's you people who shout people down on college campuses.

And why would any thinking American support the ACLU, who gives aid and comfort to our enemies?
Because freedom and liberty aren’t just words and respecting them requires tolerating protected ideas and beliefs you do not share or agree with.
Moot point, the right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms is not contingent upon being part of a well regulated militia.

They are not mutually exclusive. You have the right to both. The Federal Government does not have a right to abridge your communities right to either form a well regulated militia or an individuals right to bear arms.
Speaking of Bat Shit Crazy. This Country Boy is the legendary Legion Troll. He’s the most despised member of JPP. There are many members of JPP worthy of thread banning. None more so than Legion Troll.

Well, he does have at least one BFF here. They exchange PMs and put steaks on each other's black eyes and whip each other to higher and higher troll frenzies. It's just darling.