
As the twentieth century unfolded, Einstein's theory of relativity quickly became a symbol and catalyst for something very different -- the development of moral relativism.

Einstein was not a moral relativist, nor did he believe that his theories had any essential moral or cultural meaning. He recoiled when his theory of relativity was blamed or credited for the birth of modern art (Cubism, in particular) or any other cultural development.

The philosopher Isaiah Berlin defended Einstein against any such charge: "The word relativity has been widely misinterpreted as relativism, the denial, or doubt about, the objectivity of truth or moral values." He continued, "This was the opposite of what Einstein believed. He was a man of simple and absolute moral convictions, which were expressed in all he was and did."

"In both his science and his moral philosophy, Einstein was driven by a quest for certainty and deterministic laws. If his theory of relativity produced ripples that unsettled the realms of morality and culture, this was not caused by what Einstein believed but by how he was popularly interpreted."

That is exactly the issue. Einstein, Isaacson reveals, was an influence on the emergence of relativism as a major theme in modern art, philosophy, and morality, even if that was not his intention at all.

At the beginning of the 1920s the belief began to circulate, for the first time at a popular level, that there were no longer any absolutes: of time and space, of good and evil, of knowledge, above all of value. Mistakenly but perhaps inevitably, relativity became confused with relativism."

Full article

OH JEEZUS. Cypress is so far above all other humans that ONLY CYPRESS IS INTERESTING TO TALK TO FOR CYPRESS.

Cypress OFTEN posts his own posts so he can reply to them.



Thanks for the laugh today. I know you can fix it. ;)
It's good for you to laugh, Perry.

It'll help you forget your problems. Laughing is desirable in a mate, so it can help you in that area too be they male or female. :thup:
But you don't like me talking about you, Perry. Why?

I just find it hilarious that the board's own Super Genius, Cypress, almost always

1) starts threads where all he does is quote someone else without any comment (presumably because no one has told him what to think about the topic yet)
2) posts his own posts so he can comment on them.

It's honestly hilarious! I can see why someone like you really thinks him smart.

He even thinks YOU know psychology! Imagine how stupid Cypress must be in the field of psychology to think a fraud like YOU ('helicopter pilot') knows psychology! LOLOLOL. You didn't even know what the DMS was for!

And your "diagnoses" on here look like something someone whose never taken a psych class would do. EVERYONE is floridly psychotic. LOL.

K DU is light-years ahead of me in the science of psychology.


Cypress, you are SO UNEDUCATED in so many areas you can easily be bamboozled. Doc doesn't know psychology. That's a lie. He didn't know what the DSM was. Also look at his "diagnoses" of various mental illnesses. Note how they NEVER stray from common parlance psychoses. He never diagnoses anyone like a REAL psychologist would (a real psychologist knows not to diagnose without examination) and he only ever talks in terms of what a dock worker knows about psychology.

You are still too uneducated and you can easily be taken in.

Maybe if you were to buy some psych textbooks you could be smarter than Doc Dutch Uncle.
While I agree, all bets are off when dealing with human beings since most of our perceptions are...wait for it...relative. :D

This forum is a perfect example considering the human extremes of Left and Right with the extremes accusing each other of being the most extreme. There is a range of measure in between extremes and placement on that scale is relative to a person's individual perspective. There are our genetics, but mostly our cultural upbringing influencing our perspectives along with other psychosocial factors such as economic class, particular state and/or region, and birth order. All these variables create unique individuals.

People are unique individuals, but social groups can be understood through statistics, both general perspectives and trends. Again, human relativity plays a part. How do we measure the "truth" of Putin's invasion of Ukraine and using Russian lives as cannon fodder versus the Western perspective of defending aggression and individual liberty as a Universal measure? We can only do it from a human perspective. Ergo, relative to humans.

My two most memorable parts of the movie "Gandi" were the last lines* and the advice Gandi gave to a Hindi man who had murdered a baby because it was Muslim. The advice was to adopt an orphan (there were plenty) and raise it Muslim. Why? So he'd learn a perspective relative to Muslims. Gandi understood human perspective was the path to peace.

*after being shot by, Nathuram Godsem, a Hindu nationalist: "Oh God. Oh God."
I need to read more about Ghandi.

That question is at least 2500 years old. Moral relativism vs. Moral truth.

The arc of history seems to slowly bend towards some kind of moral truth, the kind perceivable by humans. Something that exists above the law of dictators, totalitarians, kings, and emperors.

Thanks for the laugh today. I know you can fix it. ;)
I just find it hilarious that the board's own Super Genius, Cypress, almost always

1) starts threads where all he does is quote someone else without any comment (presumably because no one has told him what to think about the topic yet)
2) posts his own posts so he can comment on them.

It's honestly hilarious! I can see why someone like you really thinks him smart.

He even thinks YOU know psychology! Imagine how stupid Cypress must be in the field of psychology to think a fraud like YOU ('helicopter pilot') knows psychology! LOLOLOL. You didn't even know what the DMS was for!

And your "diagnoses" on here look like something someone whose never taken a psych class would do. EVERYONE is floridly psychotic. LOL.

The best part is that you don't know what I'm laughing about.

I need to read more about Ghandi.

That question is at least 2500 years old. Moral relativism vs. Moral truth.

The arc of history seems to slowly bend towards some kind of moral truth, the kind perceivable by humans. Something that exists above the law of dictators, totalitarians, kings, and emperors.
Which goes back to the fact we're only discussing humans and what is relative to us, not what is relative to extraterrestrial species. Maybe not even the dinosaurs had they survived and evolved an intelligent species capable of stopping 6 mile wide space rocks.

IMHO, at the basis of all human morality is species survival, which is a logical end requiring logical solutions to best achieve. Human groups that allow rampant murder, rape and robbery collapse into chaos.

With the American Revolution being a rare exception, most civilizations which collapse and/or overthrow their own governments devolve into a period of chaos followed by despotism or other highly authoritarian government that brutally asserts itself. It's a pattern the reveals human nature. The collapse of Rome, the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution are good examples. Cuba is another. A lynch mob is a localized example of what happens when the social fabric breaks down.

There are shark feeding frenzies and there are human ones. The chaos of 1/6 is an example. Is there any Moral Truth to be found in any of these events? Not in my opinion. They are all examples of the basic animal nature of human beings.

Desmond Morris's classic book "The Naked Ape" took a deep dive into this aspect of human nature. The book is great, but not without it's 1960s flaws.

The bottom line is that human morality, if boiled down to science and logic, is found in survival of the species. Whatever best achieves that end is "moral".

Cypress, you are SO UNEDUCATED in so many areas you can easily be bamboozled. Doc doesn't know psychology. That's a lie. He didn't know what the DSM was. Also look at his "diagnoses" of various mental illnesses. Note how they NEVER stray from common parlance psychoses. He never diagnoses anyone like a REAL psychologist would (a real psychologist knows not to diagnose without examination) and he only ever talks in terms of what a dock worker knows about psychology.

You are still too uneducated and you can easily be taken in.

Maybe if you were to buy some psych textbooks you could be smarter than Doc Dutch Uncle.

Maybe if you were to get some education, you would know better than to post such foolish pointless nonsense.