
Seriously, Perry; what is your IQ? What did the doctors tell your parents when your, ummm, condition was first noticed?
Maybe if you were to get some education, you would know better than to post such foolish pointless nonsense.

I truly believe that Perry is unable to do so. He can Google, cut'n'paste to look like he does, but when it comes to understanding, he can't.

A common test is to ask someone a question about a complex subject and tell them to put it in their own words. People with an average IQ and education can do so. Those with less have a lot of difficulty doing so and, online, will rarely make the effort. After months of interaction, it's clear Perry is among the latter group.
Well at least I'm not on here telling people I studied Psychology at the Junior College and have them think I know a lot about it.
That upsets you a lot, doesn't it, Perry? Just like Cypress' education triggers you. Why are you so jealous about the education of others, Perry? Is it because you are unable to complete a degree yourself?
Which goes back to the fact we're only discussing humans and what is relative to us, not what is relative to extraterrestrial species. Maybe not even the dinosaurs had they survived and evolved an intelligent species capable of stopping 6 mile wide space rocks.

IMHO, at the basis of all human morality is species survival, which is a logical end requiring logical solutions to best achieve. Human groups that allow rampant murder, rape and robbery collapse into chaos.

With the American Revolution being a rare exception, most civilizations which collapse and/or overthrow their own governments devolve into a period of chaos followed by despotism or other highly authoritarian government that brutally asserts itself. It's a pattern the reveals human nature. The collapse of Rome, the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution are good examples. Cuba is another. A lynch mob is a localized example of what happens when the social fabric breaks down.

There are shark feeding frenzies and there are human ones. The chaos of 1/6 is an example. Is there any Moral Truth to be found in any of these events? Not in my opinion. They are all examples of the basic animal nature of human beings.

Desmond Morris's classic book "The Naked Ape" took a deep dive into this aspect of human nature. The book is great, but not without it's 1960s flaws.

The bottom line is that human morality, if boiled down to science and logic, is found in survival of the species. Whatever best achieves that end is "moral".
Thanks for the book tip.

Like other animals we have instincts to help our siblings and offspring, to cooperate with tribal peers in self defense and resource aquisition.

But a substantial part of our ethical development isn't really neccessary for biological evolutionary survival:

Bhagavad-Gita, chapter 16
Fearlessness, purity of being, knowledge, generosity, discipline, sacrifice, sacred study, austerity, honesty, non-harm, truth, non-anger, letting go, peace, non-slander, kindness to living things, non-greed, gentleness, modesty, non-caprice, energy, forgiveness, resolve, cleanliness, non-aggression, non-arrogance -- those exist in one born to godly assets.

Jesus, Sermon on the Plain:
Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the Earth. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the Sons of God. Love your enemies and turn the other cheek. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Don't judge and you won't be judged, don't condemn and you won't be condemned, forgive and you will be forgiven, give and you will receive. Remove the log from your own eye before attending to the splinter in your friend's. A good tree does not produce bad fruit and a bad tree cannot produce good fruit, each tree is known by its fruit.

Analects of Confucius, Chapter XVI-10:
Confucius said, “There are nine things upon which a gentleman focuses his attention: in regard to using his eyes, he is anxious to see clearly; when listening, he focuses on being discerning; in his countenance, he is anxious to be amiable; in his demeanor, he focuses on being reverent; in his speech, he focuses on being dutiful; in his actions, he focuses on being respectful; when in doubt, he focuses on asking questions; when angry, he focuses on thinking about the the difficulties he may cause others ; and when he sees gain to be had, he focuses upon righteousness

It seems like it comes from our reason and introspection, rather than from a survival instinct.
Proves he doesn't understand the difference between IQ and having money. :rofl2:

He also didn't answer the question. LOL

Ooooh, now Doc Dutch is poor. That's why he had to go to Junior College. LOL. Sure, sure, sure.

I paid for my undergraduate but I basically had my graduate degrees paid for by either RA, TA or grants. I made more money getting a degree than I was when I was working between degrees.

You're just not all there.

Funny how someone like you never learned to keep your nose out of other people's conversations. If you understood what you were commenting on you wouldn't look like a moron who is just a big ol' busy body.

Take care of your own shit, first.
Cypress has education? Huh. I never figured him for that.

LOL. I've completed more degrees than you and Cypress put together. :)
Of course you didn't, Perry. You're retarded and hate everyone who went to college.

:rofl2: thanks for the laugh, Perry. Too bad your posts prove your degrees are related to temperature of your mother's oven. :thup:
Thanks for the book tip.

Like other animals we have instincts to help our siblings and offspring, to cooperate with tribal peers in self defense and resource aquisition.

But a substantial part of our ethical development isn't really neccessary for biological evolutionary survival:

It seems like it comes from our reason and introspection, rather than from a survival instinct.
Human beings are capable of highly civilized behavior* but as many wise people before us have noted, "the veneer of civilization is very thin, indeed". The aftermath of Katrina and 1/6 are two examples from this century.

The average human being doesn't sit around discussing human morality. Most are too busy just surviving.

*a relative term. :thup:
Ooooh, now Doc Dutch is poor. That's why he had to go to Junior College. LOL. Sure, sure, sure.

I paid for my undergraduate but I basically had my graduate degrees paid for by either RA, TA or grants. I made more money getting a degree than I was when I was working between degrees.

Too poor to go to a four year university out of the box, but still rich enough to go to college. Yes, a junior college and working part-time, full-time on holidays and over the summer. I took out a $10,000 loan to help pay for my last two years of college.

You're a well-known liar, Perry. After months of your posts, I doubt anyone believes your bullshit, son.
Too poor to go to a four year university out of the box, but still rich enough to go to college. Yes, a junior college and working part-time, full-time on holidays and over the summer. I took out a $10,000 loan to help pay for my last two years of college.

You're a well-known liar, Perry. After months of your posts, I doubt anyone believes your bullshit, son.

Hey, good on you! You picked yourself up from the trailer park and went to school. First in your family! Yee haaa! But you didn't actually learn anything. You kinda wasted all that money and all that effort.

You should probably have just become a "helicopter pilot" right out of the gate.
Gotta run, but you're wrong again, Perry. Most classes involve logic, but I do recollect taking at least one. Probably in Junior College. LOL

So why are you so bad at it? Oh, I get your "psychology classes" you were a general fuck up and didn't learn anything in that class either!

Got it!
Human beings are capable of highly civilized behavior* but as many wise people before us have noted, "the veneer of civilization is very thin, indeed". The aftermath of Katrina and 1/6 are two examples from this century.

The average human being doesn't sit around discussing human morality. Most are too busy just surviving.

*a relative term. :thup:

Yes, but when you stop to think about it, the fact that we conceptualize an abstract ethical standard to shoot for having nothing to do with biological survival is remarkable, even if we frequently do not clear the bar.

Trump is the example of the amoral sleazebag. But no normal people admire Trump's humanity.

The Dali Lama is almost universally admired for his character and virtue.
Funny how someone like you never learned to keep your nose out of other people's conversations. If you understood what you were commenting on you wouldn't look like a moron who is just a big ol' busy body.

Take care of your own shit, first.
