
You strutted around claiming you have a glorious geochem PhD, when the fact is you don't have any PhD at all.

I did NOT strut, you motherfucking liar. I simply pointed out I had a PhD. YOU AND DOC OBSESSED ON IT AND TURNED IT INTO SOMETHING I NEVER SAID.

Why is YOUR LYING acceptable if other people's aren't?

You don't know the first fucking thing about morality or ethics you lying shit stain.
:cuss: I did NOT strut, you motherfucking liar. :blowup::mad::mad::cuss


Why is YOUR LYING acceptable if other people's aren't?

You don't know the first fucking thing about morality or ethics you lying shit stain.
Lying about having a geochemistry PhD is a hallmark of someone desperate to impress posters of how smart and accomplished they are.

As for your anger management issues, I leave that to your shrink to address.
Lying about having a geochemistry PhD is a hallmark of someone desperate to impress posters of how smart and accomplished they are.

As for your anger management issues, I leave that to your shrink to address.

Show me where I said I had a Geochemistry PhD.

I don't believe I said that anywhere because I don't have a geochemistry PhD. I have a geology PhD with special focus on geochemistry. A distinction you likely don't grasp which is fine because you couldn't make it through grad school.

As for "strutting"...well YOU AND DOC are responsible for 99% of the mentions of my degree on this forum. I never "strutted".

Look at don't even HAVE a degree. Maybe a BA in dumbfuck shit. Who knows. But you don't have a graduate degree because you are an intellectual slob. You think just having the books makes you smart. And that's why you couldn't complete a graduate degree.
Show me where I said I had a Geochemistry PhD.

I don't believe I said that anywhere because I don't have a geochemistry PhD. I have a geology PhD with special focus on geochemistry. A distinction you likely don't grasp which is fine because you couldn't make it through grad school.

As for "strutting"...well YOU AND DOC are responsible for 99% of the mentions of my degree on this forum. I never "strutted".

Look at don't even HAVE a degree. Maybe a BA in dumbfuck shit. Who knows. But you don't have a graduate degree because you are an intellectual slob. You think just having the books makes you smart. And that's why you couldn't complete a graduate degree.

You didn't even know that vectors are just basic high school or introductory college physics. Not an exotic mathmatical abstraction.

There's no way you have a glorious geochem PhD
You didn't even know that vectors are just basic high school or introductory college physics. Not an exotic mathmatical abstraction.

Just the opposite. I find them NOT exotic. They show up all over the place. Which is why I noted they even show up in text analytics. If anything YOU seem more mystified by them than I am.

There's no way you have a glorious geochem PhD

I can see you drawing that conclusion based on your GROSS MISREPRESENTATION OF WHAT I SAID.

Funny how you give your own dishonesty a pass while excoriating others for theirs.

You are a HYPOCRITE. Please GOOGLE THAT WORD because you don't seem to know what it means.
Just the opposite. I find them NOT exotic. They show up all over the place. Which is why I noted they even show up in text analytics. If anything YOU seem more mystified by them than I am.

I can see you drawing that conclusion based on your GROSS MISREPRESENTATION OF WHAT I SAID.

Funny how you give your own dishonesty a pass while excoriating others for theirs.

You are a HYPOCRITE. Please GOOGLE THAT WORD because you don't seem to know what it means.

When you were posting under the Jank user name, you wrote that you had no science degree, just a laypersons interest in science.

Jank was obviously being more honest about your biography than your Perry PhD account.
When you were posting under the Jank user name, you wrote that you had no science degree, just a laypersons interest in science.

Jank was obviously being more honest about your biography than your Perry PhD account.

Grow up.

Just grow the fuck up.



Just because you couldn't get one doesn't make it important in any way. Let it go.
I just post threads on topics that interest me, no one is forcing you to visit threads I author, although they appear to be your favorite place on the internet.

So you post but then SCREAM about people replying when they don't just agree with you.

Why do you change what people say in their posts? Is that "honesty" in your world?

Oh he does try to do that. So do you. You're a lot dumber than he is btw.
Did you notice that BidenPresident is getting noticeably better? He just rattled off a seven-word sentence with only minimal difficulty, and today, four-word sentences are a piece of cake for him whereas just months ago this was considered an unreachable goal. I don't think we should be too dismissive of his progress.

Cypress does not try to start conversations; he doesn't want anyone getting the mistaken impression that adding some knowledge to the thread is somehow wanted. That carries the risk of jeopardizing the illusion of Cypress being the board's "thought leader" while simultaneously drawing attention away from him, him, him. The worst case scenario would be that some careless individual might ask a question of him about something he wrote. Since everything he writes is lifted directly from some other source and does not issue forth from his own mind, his ability to answer anything is thoroughly precluded.

Grow up.

Just grow the fuck up.



Just because you couldn't get one doesn't make it important in any way. Let it go.

"Grow up." You could benefit by growing -up, you know.

Did you notice that BidenPresident is getting noticeably better? He just rattled off a seven-word sentence with only minimal difficulty, and today, four-word sentences are a piece of cake for him whereas just months ago this was considered an unreachable goal. I don't think we should be too dismissive of his progress.

Cypress does not try to start conversations; he doesn't want anyone getting the mistaken impression that adding some knowledge to the thread is somehow wanted. That carries the risk of jeopardizing the illusion of Cypress being the board's "thought leader" while simultaneously drawing attention away from him, him, him. The worst case scenario would be that some careless individual might ask a question of him about something he wrote. Since everything he writes is lifted directly from some other source and does not issue forth from his own mind, his ability to answer anything is thoroughly precluded.


And you wonder why I call you the omnipotent Great Thinker; it seems like there's just isn't anything that you're not a authority on.

So you post but then SCREAM about people replying when they don't just agree with you.
Cypress is DESPERATE to appear as a professor-scholar. That can't happen if his complete lack of any understanding is revealed. Thus, he can't have anyone asking any questions; that's a big no-no. Also, he can't have anyone adding commentary about which he would be expected to intelligently comment or embellish. The only thing that works is limiting acceptable responses to "Yes, professor, agreed." This is Terry's job, by the way, i.e. to be a "plant" who sets the example by responding with "Agreed" every other post, thus "closing out" that item (as well as any further discussion thereof) and prompting Cypress that it is now safe to move on to the next statement.

Note: Cypress never moves on to the next "point" because there is never any point. Everything is just a collection of trivia about what other people, living or dead, have said about something. Sometimes Cypress picks people who made erroneous statements without realizing that the statements are erroneous ... until some poster mentions it in the thread, and Cypress is then forced to declare that said poster obviously never set foot in a college classroom, giving Terry time to wade in with an "Agreed" to close the item.

Why do you change what people say in their posts?
Cypress finds it too painful to face the independent thinking of others. The envy becomes too much to bear.


Cypress is DESPERATE to appear as a professor-scholar. That can't happen if his complete lack of any understanding is revealed. Thus, he can't have anyone asking any questions; that's a big no-no. Also, he can't have anyone adding commentary about which he would be expected to intelligently comment or embellish. The only thing that works is limiting acceptable responses to "Yes, professor, agreed." This is Terry's job, by the way, i.e. to be a "plant" who sets the example by responding with "Agreed" every other post, thus "closing out" that item (as well as any further discussion thereof) and prompting Cypress that it is now safe to move on to the next statement.

Note: Cypress never moves on to the next "point" because there is never any point. Everything is just a collection of trivia about what other people, living or dead, have said about something. Sometimes Cypress picks people who made erroneous statements without realizing that the statements are erroneous ... until some poster mentions it in the thread, and Cypress is then forced to declare that said poster obviously never set foot in a college classroom, giving Terry time to wade in with an "Agreed" to close the item.

Cypress finds it too painful to face the independent thinking of others. The envy becomes too much to bear.


I hate when Cypress tries to play smart,while blocking those he can't debate with.
I think if he read Mason's blog,he'd shit is drawers.

Who the fuck are you, again?
Hey, let me answer that for you.

Trumpet is one of JPP's resident leftists who find mindless leftism to be irresistibly appealing. The elimination of any requirement to think is everything they have ever hoped and dreamed it would be. They are elated to have the DNC do all of their thinking for them, leaving them with no more work to do. For them, this is the good life. If you want Trumpet's opinion on something, just look it up on the DNC home page.

I see your question to Trumpet above. I see that you are expecting Trumpet to somehow respond thoughtfully to you. Take a wild guess at who is going to be very disappointed. Go on, give it your best shot. Hint: it won't be Trumpet.

Don't be afraid to come to me with the hard stuff.


And you wonder why I call you the omnipotent Great Thinker;
I do. Omnipotence is out of the question on an internet forum. I specifically call out people who claim omniscience in some form.

You would be accurate to refer to me as the Great Rational Adult.

... it seems like there's just isn't anything that you're not a authority on.
This is a different topic. My parents recommended that I learn everything by the time I reach eight years of age. Unfortunately, I was a little slow and didn't learn everything until a few months after having turned ten. On the one hand, it did make my life a great deal easier thereafter, but for a couple of years I had to put up with being the butt of many "stupid kid" jokes, e.g. "IBDaStupid thinks electrons actually spin!" Kids can be so cruel.
