REPORT: Biden Will Announce His Withdrawal from Democrat Nomination Sunday

That comment is clueless as it gets. Biden has been a political treasure in this country, admired by his Republican colleagues for his "across the isle" temperament, honesty and seriousness in the work of a senator, then a President who has had major accomplishments (Trump had none). The speculation that Hilary or an Obama stand-in will replace him on the ticket is just as clueless....but none of this at all surprisng from who it has come from.

he's a notorious swamp creature horn dog.
I have never spoken as disrespectfully of any Republican presidential candidate before. Many I have not liked...and have made negative comments about them. But never have I said anything like the things I am saying about Trump...about any of them.

As for Trump, though, he is a childish, clueless, incredibly stupid, dishonest, disgusting, repulsive human being who should not get the vote of anyone who is both reasonably intelligent...and sane. In fact, he should not get the vote of anyone who is reasonably intelligent OR sane.

He is a worthless piece of garbage...and, unfortunately, so are the people still willing to vote for him.

I expect the Democratic Party candidate, whomever that individual might be, to beat him in November. We simply cannot have enough stupid people voting, even in the up-for-grab states, to elect something as gross as Trump.

Just sayin'.
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If you count a 20% loss in the value of the dollar
My grocery bill up 25%
My energy costs up 40%
The 30% increase in fuel prices which increases the costs of moving goods across the country
The trillions of taxpayer $$$ wasted in supporting multiple wars in foreign lands that were not going on during the Trump administration.
The DEI hires that are unqualified to do their job.
The millions and millions of illegal immigrants that are roaming our streets and being supported with my taxed dollars
The skyrocketing crime rate in cities run by Soros installed DA's
The country's declining oil reserves are being drained so brandon can try and put a lid on gas prices
Supply chain problems that still plague us all.
A turnip living in the people's house.

Other than that, I am just friggin fine.
You will only be fine if you get very intense psychiatric help.
No need for that deal if he's finishing up his term he'll pardon Hunter himself.
What's sad is how people like you don't even understand what words like integrity and honor mean.

You think you do, but you've got some twisted, cockeyed definition of it.

You just naturally assume that everyone is like Trump and his followers.

Dishonest, opportunistic and self interested only in self- enrichment.

Why? Maybe because you've never known or associated with anyone different.

Biden publicly give his word that he would not pardon his son.

That means he will not do so.

He is not Trump nor is he anything like that sleazeball.
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His sentence has not been announced for his 34 felonies yet. That is coming. He should go to jail for that crime. You would already be in jail for doing that.

His sentencing has been delayed until September.

I hope the judge gives him at least six months or a year in prison to start immediately.

See how many votes he gets then.
His sentencing has been delayed until September.

I hope the judge gives him at least six months or a year in prison to start immediately.

See how many votes he gets then.
the MAGA and people on the right are so stupid they will still vote for him anyways.
it wouldn't matter to them if he is in jail or not.
Have a nice day
What's sad is how people like you don't even understand what words like integrity and honor mean.

You think you do, but you've got some twisted, cockeyed definition of it.

You just naturally assume that everyone is like Trump and his followers.

Dishonest, opportunistic and self interested only in self- enrichment.

Why? Maybe because you've never known or associated with anyone different.

Biden publicly give his word that he would not pardon his son.

That means he will not do so.

He is not Trump nor is he anything like that sleazeball.
I know what they mean, I, like most thinking people, sumply observe that the Biden family, nor most any career politician, have never demonstrated anything of the sort.
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I mean this from the bottom of my heart: Donald Trump is a threat to this nation -Joe Biden
It's time to put Trump in a bullseye -Joe Biden
Trump is a threat to Democracy. -Joe Biden
Donald Trump has to be eliminated. -Joe Biden
Trump is a friend of Putin, a wannabe dictator, and Hitler - the Democrat Party and liberal Press - 2015 to 2024
Excuse me, who's the threat to Democracy?
Yes, and this standard leftist rhetoric is why we had our first assassination attempt in 41 years.
I know what they mean, I, like most thinking people, sumply observe that the Biden family, nor most any career politician, have never demonstrated anything of the sort.
No, what you've "observed" is right-wing media propaganda TELLING you a giant load of bullshit for the sole purpose of tit-for-tat revenge against the left for holding Trump accountable for actual crimes.

The cases that were attempted to be brought against Biden were tossed out for lack of evidence and it was not by Biden appointed judges returning favors, ala Trump.

Is Biden perfect? No, of course not. And neither is any other politician or anybody else. For you to nitpick over a handful of Biden's misstatements and try to equate them with Trump's non-stop fountain of lies, or any other transgression that there's no evidence of, to Trump's ongoing criminal organization, just further proves the dishonesty of Trumpers.

Here's a little bit of wisdom and insight I think you and the rest of Biden accusers could really stand to hear.

Because he's talking about you all....

No, what you've "observed" is right-wing media propaganda TELLING you a giant load of bullshit for the sole purpose of tit-for-tat revenge against the left for holding Trump accountable for actual crimes.

The cases that were attempted to be brought against Biden were tossed out for lack of evidence and it was not by Biden appointed judges returning favors, ala Trump.

Is Biden perfect? No, of course not. And neither is any other politician or anybody else. For you to nitpick over a handful of Biden's misstatements and try to equate them with Trump's non-stop fountain of lies, or any other transgression that there's no evidence of, to Trump's ongoing criminal organization, just further proves the dishonesty of Trumpers.

Here's a little bit of wisdom and insight I think you and the rest of Biden accusers could really stand to hear.

Because he's talking about you all....

Why didn't Biden stop the narrative of his cognitive decline by just taking ,and passing, a cognitive exam.
Why didn't Biden stop the narrative of his cognitive decline by just taking ,and passing, a cognitive exam.

He knew he wouldn't pass it.

Kamala and the Democrats colluded with the media to hide this from the American people.
Why didn't Joe address the country, instead of putting a letter on Twitter to announce he's stepping down...something he didn't even write on his own...
He didn't even care enough about Americans to do that...
You reap what you sow, Joe...and the rest of your "party"...who threw you let Kamala run? It doesn't get crazier...or worse...or more sad... than this...

He knew he wouldn't pass it.

Kamala and the Democrats colluded with the media to hide this from the American people.

He knew he wouldn't pass it.

Kamala and the Democrats colluded with the media to hide this from the American people.
Fortunately America realizes when they've been was just a matter of time before it came out in the open...
And is...
People hate being lied to...
That comment is clueless as it gets. Biden has been a political treasure in this country, admired by his Republican colleagues for his "across the isle" temperament, honesty and seriousness in the work of a senator, then a President who has had major accomplishments (Trump had none). The speculation that Hilary or an Obama stand-in will replace him on the ticket is just as clueless....but none of this at all surprisng from who it has come from.

Horse mierda, dummy.