Republican Slime

Will you retract your statement about Obama's alleged mispronunciation of a word?

I heard what I heard, sorry. Now, as it turns out, the word he tried to say was indeed a word, but it was a poor choice for the context, just as is the case here. He should have simply used "presumption" instead of "presumptuousness", and there would have been no confusion. Of course, he couldn't use a 5 cent word in place of a 50 cent word, could he?

You know what your problem is... it's that soda straw you keep looking at everything through. For some reason, you are enamored with it, like a little kid at Burger King.... put the straw down, and eat your fries! Instead of trying to engage in reasoned debate on the topics and issues, it is profoundly more important for you to focus on some irrelevant mistake or error someone has made, and stop the world from turning until it is addressed. You are incapable of putting down the soda straw, and looking at the rest of the world around you, it's more intriguing for you to peer through the straw at some insignificant point, and pretend that view is all that exists is in the whole wide world, and it's so obvious, everyone should be able to see it your way!

Meanwhile, the grown ups are having a mature conversation about US trade relations with China... as Prissy and his little brother play with their soda straws!
You're being as dishonest as SR, damo. It's really suprsing to me.

You know quite well, that I was saying that "repudiate" was an actual word, and that is was NOT "refudiate". A simple matter of spelling.

Even Dixie understood what we were talking about. But, you have to lie and pretend that you don't understand what we were talking about.

So sad. I've never pictured you as a bald-face liar, on par with SR.
You're lying again.
You are lying. Re-read the posts and see. In every other one I speak to the fact that you told Dixie to use the word "repudiate" when "refute" is the correct word in context.

And thus, while "correcting" Dixie, made the exact same mistake as Dixie. It is hilarious.
You're being as dishonest as SR, damo. It's really suprsing to me.

You know quite well, that I was saying that "repudiate" was an actual word, and that is was NOT "refudiate". A simple matter of spelling.

Even Dixie understood what we were talking about. But, you have to lie and pretend that you don't understand what we were talking about.

So sad. I've never pictured you as a bald-face liar, on par with SR.
Bull. When Dixie stated he used the wrong word he quoted my remark and stated, "You are right, I meant to use 'refute'." He didn't say, Cypress is right and I meant to say 'repudiate', because that word would have been incorrect in context. Thus you made a funny mistake, in fact, the EXACT same mistake that Dixie made. (well, other than using the wrong word spelled correctly).

You are being dishonest when you insist that when you mockingly "corrected" Dixie you didn't use the word repudiate when the correct word would have been "refute".

The only dishonest person here is yourself, becuase you "must" be right in all things. Even when directly PROVEN wrong.
You are lying. Re-read the posts and see. In every other one I speak to the fact that you told Dixie to use the word "repudiate" when "refute" is the correct word in context.

And thus, while "correcting" Dixie, made the exact same mistake as Dixie. It is hilarious.

So long, liar.

If I want a board with a moderater that is willing to bald-face lie, rather than admit he made a mistake, I can go over to SR's board.
So long, liar.

If I want a board with a moderater that is willing to bald-face lie, rather than admit he made a mistake, I can go over to SR's board.

You stated, "The word is repudiate NOT refudiate"

I did not. That is funny as the context of Dixie's post made it clear the word was "refute" and not "repudiate" and I explained why by giving the meaning of each of the words.

So, pretend I am lying if you must. But I proved my point, gave an actual quote, didn't take it out of context, with a link to the post.

I know it is embarrassing for you. But it is what it is.
Cypress insisted the right word was "repudiate", I have shown that to be wrong.

Technically, I am going to have to say, you didn't prove this. Sorry Damo!

If the meaning of "repudiate" is as you said, that describes AssHat's viewpoint precisely. He never gave any basis for rejecting my arguments, he never presented any tangible evidence to support his arguments, and he correctly stated that he had repudiated me personally, which is obvious.

Now.... he didn't "refute" my points or my argument at all. That was probably what he intended to say, when he used the word "repudiate". In that respect, you are probably right.

I actually thought there was a word "refutiate" refute... a refutiation of... just sounded right to me for some reason, and that is what I originally typed, but Google spellcheck corrected it to "refudiate". ....Don't ask me! It happened!
Will you retract your statement about Obama's alleged mispronunciation of a word?

I heard what I heard, sorry. Now, as it turns out, the word he tried to say was indeed a word, but it was a poor choice for the context, just as is the case here. He should have simply used "presumption" instead of "presumptuousness", and there would have been no confusion. Of course, he couldn't use a 5 cent word in place of a 50 cent word, could he?

You know what your problem is... it's that soda straw you keep looking at everything through. For some reason, you are enamored with it, like a little kid at Burger King.... put the straw down, and eat your fries! Instead of trying to engage in reasoned debate on the topics and issues, it is profoundly more important for you to focus on some irrelevant mistake or error someone has made, and stop the world from turning until it is addressed. You are incapable of putting down the soda straw, and looking at the rest of the world around you, it's more intriguing for you to peer through the straw at some insignificant point, and pretend that view is all that exists is in the whole wide world, and it's so obvious, everyone should be able to see it your way!

Meanwhile, the grown ups are having a mature conversation about US trade relations with China... as Prissy and his little brother play with their soda straws!

presumptuousness is the perfect word and he pronounced it perfectly.
Cypress insisted the right word was "repudiate", I have shown that to be wrong.

Technically, I am going to have to say, you didn't prove this. Sorry Damo!

If the meaning of "repudiate" is as you said, that describes AssHat's viewpoint precisely. He never gave any basis for rejecting my arguments, he never presented any tangible evidence to support his arguments, and he correctly stated that he had repudiated me personally, which is obvious.

Now.... he didn't "refute" my points or my argument at all. That was probably what he intended to say, when he used the word "repudiate". In that respect, you are probably right.

I actually thought there was a word "refutiate" refute... a refutiation of... just sounded right to me for some reason, and that is what I originally typed, but Google spellcheck corrected it to "refudiate". ....Don't ask me! It happened!

Dixie, after your disasterous foray into the world of spelling and pronunciation fascism, if I were you I'd never criticize someone else's grammar or spelling ever again.

The word is repudiate....NOT refudiate.

And Obama correctly pronounced the word wasn't presumptioness.

Anyway, here is the post that he insisted was not correcting the word to the wrong one in context.

As I said, AssHat meant to use 'refute' as did you when you posted 'refudiate' that was not corrected by your spell-checker.

He mockingly corrected you with the wrong word.

But heck, IMO you are right and AssHat never refuted your points in this thread and has so far just said you were wrong with no real refutation of the points made.
pre·sump·tion [pri-zuhmp-shuhn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun 1. the act of presuming.
2. assumption of something as true.
3. belief on reasonable grounds or probable evidence.
4. something that is presumed; an assumption.
5. a ground or reason for presuming or believing.
6. Law. an inference required or permitted by law as to the existence of one fact from proof of the existence of other facts.
7. an assumption, often not fully established, that is taken for granted in some piece of reasoning.

pre·sump·tu·ous [pri-zuhmp-choo-uhs] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–adjective 1. full of, characterized by, or showing presumption or readiness to presume in conduct or thought.
2. unwarrantedly or impertinently bold; forward.

[Origin: 1300–50; ME < LL praesūmptuōsus, var. of L praesūmptiōsus. See presumption, -ous]

—Related forms
pre·sump·tu·ous·ly, adverb
pre·sump·tu·ous·ness, noun

—Synonyms 1, 2. impertinent, audacious; fresh; arrogant. See bold.
—Antonyms 1, 2. modest, unassuming.
presumptuousness is the perfect word and he pronounced it perfectly.

Actually, it's not the perfect word. There are Oxford and Cambridge rules for proper word usage, and he used the wrong word for the context of what he was saying. He should have said: "There is a certain presumption," 'Certain presumptuousness' is an oxymoron, if it is 'certain' it is indeed presumption, and not the more abstract, 'presumptuousness'.
pre·sump·tu·ous: ...full of, characterized by, or showing presumption or readiness to presume.

pre·sump·tion: ...the act of presuming.

The adjective Obama used to describe presumption, was "certain". If there was in fact certainty, then "presumption" becomes the proper noun. It's no big deal, I'm sure it was just an oversight by his speechwriters, but it's probably why it stood out to me, and I thought he mispronounced a word.
ummm there is no such word as REFUDIATE.

is that in one of those redneck dictionaries?
Seriously, it is starting to get usage in the South because the idiots on the Rick & Bubba radio program use it. It is not a proper word.
You can gloss over reality with your state department ese, that doesn't change the fact that your "scheme" to subvert chinese hegemony by making them rich is not working, nor is there even any rational reason it should work.

I invoke jews because you're a jew brainwashed self hating white boy.

I am your owner.
Hegemony - payment for landscaping work.
Because you repuse to consider anything else in your calculations. You see no problem with being dependant on an enemy nation, which is builiding it's military to defeat us as we speak. HOW has this occurred? Too much family ties and fantasizing about a nubile michael p. keaton?

Market stability is actually a secondary concern of mine. Your program rewards cruelty. You can call that "an opportunity to afford to create a base for possible change" or watever, but it's shyte-minded.

I believe it is what you are interested in. You believe there should be no moral prerequisites to joining the family of nations. It's stupid for lambs to lie down with lions, no matter how stunning the imagery.

Im not a liberal. Im a nationalist. You're the one singing kumbah yah about how we can all get along, and apparently caring more about the chinese than americans. You neocons are just anti-americans who have realized you can exploit america's patriotism and loyal citizenry to build your new world order, which is suited only for yourselves.

You're the true liberal pinhead.

You keep repeating the same thing. YOu keep repeating your trade arguments which are valid to a degree, but you apply them in an extreme fashion and factor no other considerations into policy.

Not forget, just not reward the totalitarians with billions in trade. Why can't you see the abject stupidity of your actions?

The UN should be disbanded. And honestly, highlighting clinton's support for the chinese doesn't sweeten the deal. Im not REALLY a liberal, that's just the only compartment your feeble mind possesses to slot me into it.

You're living in fantasy land.

Your approach should be abandoned, because empowering enemies TO THIS EXTENT is never wise. Im not saying we should return to autarky. Look it up.

Umm, is that before or after "repuse" in the dictionary? (A new word meaning repeatedly refused?)
Umm. I meant repudiate. I did NOT mean refudiate, or refute, or repute.

to reject as having no authority or binding force: to repudiate a claim.