Republican State Legislatures Assume Leadership of Insurrection.

Got to get a battery for my old Tahoe today. I remember a time when I had a routine thing go wrong with a vehicle like a battery that I had to wait until payday to get it replaced. Carried jumper cables, parked on a hill, whatever it took to make it last until payday. Now I just go. Life has been good.

After that I’ll do the grocery shopping for the missus since she is working. I start back next week (Tuesday) and the kids show up the next. Getting to teach math to my favorite age kids this year … Junior High. Looking forward to a good year of school.
Got to get a battery for my old Tahoe today. I remember a time when I had a routine thing go wrong with a vehicle like a battery that I had to wait until payday to get it replaced. Carried jumper cables, parked on a hill, whatever it took to make it last until payday. Now I just go. Life has been good.

After that I’ll do the grocery shopping for the missus since she is working. I start back next week (Tuesday) and the kids show up the next. Getting to teach math to my favorite age kids this year … Junior High. Looking forward to a good year of school.

I don't believe in going back to school in August.
It's disrespectable to treat American labor that way.
We always used returned to school on the Wednesday after Labor Day in Boston.
August is still mid-summer. Going back in August used to be a shitkicker state thing.
Now everybody does it, and I strongly disapprove.

On another subject, I have concluded that in its present FIFTY STATE configuration, America will never again prosper.
Too high a percentage of our voting population is seriously deficient, both intellectually and morally..
Our choice is partition or dystopia.
I'm now certain of that.
Meh, it isn’t so bad going back in August. We have more/longer breaks throughout the year and still get out before squirrel season opens in May. I’m actually an advocate for year round school with more/longer breaks. Research kind of bears out the successes of such a configuration.

Lots of moving and shaking on trade deadline day. Should be a fun fall.
I've seen this too many times before.
The Red Sox are in complete, irreversible freefall.
Baseball season has abruptly ended in Boston.

On a slightly lighter note, I'm attending an outdoor concert this evening, weather permitting.
The Gestapo absolutely loves 1950s doo wop.
Happy wife, happy life.

And now I just know that I'm going to regret asking this, but....

Now that virtually all the Republican controlled state legislatures, with the complete blessing of our pig shit constitution,
are dismantling the democratic republic of the United States of America by taking over complete control of who votes
and whose ballots get counted,

storming the capitol should no longer be necessary.

They have discovered how unnecessary it was to start the previous civil war by firing on Fort Sumter.
They could have just stayed home and done it in a perfectly constitutionally compliant way.

Rural Christian conservatives are able to destroy the republic as a minority
because the genius founders provided them the right to do it.

What's worse, the confederates are not merely seeking separation anymore.
Now, they want to take over the whole thing.
That, however, they can only do with our help.
Blue States have legislatures as well. Also, a fuck of a lot more money.

Civilized progressive liberals have got to wake up.
We no longer have the luxury of believing in the idyllic America that we were told about by clueless grade school teachers.
It was a nice thought, but it was total bullshit. We should be easily able to see that now.

There are people in the middle of this country who hate us,
who hate our modern and humane ideas,
who worship a magic man in the sky,
and who believe that the magic man wants them in charge.
They have lots of guns.
They have no brains whatsoever.

The centrists and fence-sitters among us are not neutral;
they're clearly on the side of the shitkicker crackers.
They're all Joe Manchin without the expensive haircuts that they wouldn't be able to get back in their home states such as West Virginia.

So now, non-devolved, still with functioning brains humans, what do you plan to do about it?
You're not all pushing seventy-five.
Most of you will have to be here for a long, long time.
Do you wish to live like a human being,
or like a devolved mutant trumpanzee?

I have been the only contributor on this forum to remind you of what should have been obvious.

We have radical problems,
and there are NO moderate solutions to radical problems.

You can continue to be panty-waists fellating your precious constitution,
or you can decide that you'll do WHATEVER IT TAKES
to not live like some drooling cracker like the ones you've met here at JPP.


pathetic and desperate.

audits are breaking out all over.
Church today…lunch with my dad, sister, BIL, my cousin, his wife and my wife and boy between services. My sermons today: AM - “How Much Does The Kingdom Mean To You” … addressing the drop in consistent attendance since coming back after restrictions were lifted and our decisions for assembling going forward as cases of COVID resurge. PM - “How Not To Obey God.”

This college thing is getting real as this Sunday and next Sunday are the last for worshipping with my boy as he’s off to Norman a week from Monday. Hard to get through without tearing up.

Squirrel season … May 15. All my life squirrel season in Oklahoma opens on May 15. I am a stickler for following the law and won’t take squirrels (or any game) out of season so I note the dates of the various species of game that I hunt. Incidentally, I’ll be cooking about 10 squirrels next weekend for a family reunion … Native side of the family. They would disown me if I didn’t show up with a big pot of squirrel and dumplings and a dish pan full of fried okra.

This week proves to be a very busy week with me reporting to school, baseball practice every afternoon and a couple of scrimmages.
Reading this story and remembering when Boston’s Verdugo was hit by a baseball a week or two ago. He reacted the way I would have when I was in my 20’s … didn’t think they’d ever get him calmed down and I don’t blame him. Reading this story today reminded me of that somewhat. If you’ve been to major league games and sat in the right places you know know the outfielders get to hear and see all kinds of insults. Cool story here about another guy in the outfield in the state of New York…playing against that other New York team and how he handled the guy with the sign.
Squirrel season … May 15. All my life squirrel season in Oklahoma opens on May 15. I am a stickler for following the law and won’t take squirrels (or any game) out of season so I note the dates of the various species of game that I hunt. Incidentally, I’ll be cooking about 10 squirrels next weekend for a family reunion … Native side of the family. They would disown me if I didn’t show up with a big pot of squirrel and dumplings and a dish pan full of fried okra.

You've left me with my mouth open.
I've never once in my nearly 75 years of life ever considered squirrels to be "game."
Live and learn, I guess. People eat raw fish, weirdly enough. I suppose they can eat rodents as well.

Massachusetts and Oklahoma are from the same country while at the same time from different worlds.
Our Liz Warren was originally from Oklahoma, but except for her speaking voice, she's fully assimilated.
Nevertheless, we get taken aback when our senior senator refers to her mom's sister as an "ant."
We say "aunt" the way Queen Elizabeth says "aunt."

Sending the kid to Norman, huh?

Living in Boston, I never went "away" to college.
Anytime I wanted to eat my mom's cooking or sleep in my own old bed, that was a 20 cent subway ride away.
Didn't even need to move my car.
If I DIDN'T go home, as a matter of fact, my parents would assume I was "hooked up."
But I always got home eventually rather than do my own laundry.

Verdugo could never have been a Red Sox player when I was a kid.
Too emoting.
The old Red Sox teams that I used to love carried themselves like yachtsmen vying for the America's Cup.
No hip hop culture home run trots or stuff like that.
I loved the arrogance, but they never won anything back then. Everything's a trade off, i guess.
You've left me with my mouth open.
I've never once in my nearly 75 years of life ever considered squirrels to be "game."
Live and learn, I guess. People eat raw fish, weirdly enough. I suppose they can eat rodents as well.

Massachusetts and Oklahoma are from the same country while at the same time from different worlds.
Our Liz Warren was originally from Oklahoma, but except for her speaking voice, she's fully assimilated.
Nevertheless, we get taken aback when our senior senator refers to her mom's sister as an "ant."
We say "aunt" the way Queen Elizabeth says "aunt."

Sending the kid to Norman, huh?

Living in Boston, I never went "away" to college.
Anytime I wanted to eat my mom's cooking or sleep in my own old bed, that was a 20 cent subway ride away.
Didn't even need to move my car.
If I DIDN'T go home, as a matter of fact, my parents would assume I was "hooked up."
But I always got home eventually rather than do my own laundry.

Verdugo could never have been a Red Sox player when I was a kid.
Too emoting.
The old Red Sox teams that I used to love carried themselves like yachtsmen vying for the America's Cup.
No hip hop culture home run trots or stuff like that.
I loved the arrogance, but they never won anything back then. Everything's a trade off, i guess.

I eat lots of wild game. In my game freezer you’ll find deer, rabbit and squirrel. You’ll also find a healthy supply of fish that I’ve caught. Mostly crappie but there’s also some catfish. With that and the half beef that my Father-in-law gives us we buy very little meat in town. A little chicken and pork is all.

I’m a “by the books” Hunter and fisherman. My favorite non sports shows to watch are game warden shows. “North Woods Law,” “Lone Star Law,” and now “Louisiana Law.” When I was driving around Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont a few weeks ago I was looking for the wardens I see on the show.

OKlahoma University is my boy’s choice. He’s fortunate enough to have good enough grades and test scores to choose where he goes. I’m really glad he didn’t want to go to an Ivy League school, though he toured Harvard a few months ago. That’s just too far from home. I’ll have a hard enough time with him being 3 1/2 hours away.

I was so rooting for the Red Sox in 1986. I remember it so well. Loved watching Wade Boggs, Jim Rice, Don Baylor and Dwight Evans. Was mad at Buckner for a while, but as 1987 wore on I felt sorry for him. Was glad to see them finally break the curse in ‘04 … the year of the beard.

Started baseball practice today. That’s probably another difference. We have both a Fall and Spring baseball season at our high school. No football. My boys have been right on the verge of making it to the state tournament the last three years. In the game to go so often but just can’t seem to get over the hump. It was good to see them today.

Gonna cook some deer tenderloin for supper now.

Edit: I was going to include this but I forgot. If you pronounce “aunt” using the King’s English like my Minnesota peeps it takes away from the answer to “Where do little boy and girl cousins come from?” Ant holes.

Sorry, that’s the best I got. ;)
Red Sox August meltdowns are a classic staple of team sports.

Right now we're getting our asses kicked by---wait for it---the Detroit Tigers.
Considering that Ty Cobb is dead, a team with our payroll losing to any central division team is pretty tough to explain.

OK, our Japanese reliever just got the Tigers to ground into an inning ending double play.
Since women's wrestling is the recognized Japanese sports specialty, current Olympics notwithstanding, I guess that we'll take it.

I've got no problem with people eating what they shoot, Leaning.
I eat meat myself, but draw the line at doing my own wetwork, I guess.
Let's just say that it's not a Boston thing in particular.

The squirrels are in the Public Common, and shooting them might cost one one's park privileges at the very least!
I would have explained that to your boy if he had chosen Harvard, so no worries there at least.
Officially began year 34 of teaching math and assisting coaching baseball today. Enjoyed seeing the teachers I hadn’t seen this summer. I like most of the people I work with. Looking forward to the year. I’ll be teaching 3 classes - 7th grade Math, 8th grade Math and Trig/Pre-Calc. When I don’t look forward to the school year, I’ll fully retire. I’m 55 so I think I got a few left with a three class schedule.

Spent the evening watching the Giants and Dbacks with my boy. Bumgarner pitched a good game. We’ll see if the pen can hold on to it for him.

It was also nice to ride the Yamaha somewhere with purpose. I don’t have many occasions to ride my motorcycle during the summer but ride it to school consistently. If there’s less than 30% chance of rain and the temp stays above 40 I ride. It’s just 6 miles (8 minutes) one way but it’s a nice way to start and end my day.
Sounds like you're enjoying life, leaning.
I'm not religious, but God Bless You is still an appropriate expression of good wishes.

Meanwhile, losing golf time to an aching shoulder is not doing my mood any good.
But worse than that is the Red Sox situation.

They were the hot ticket item just a couple of weeks ago.
Then they shied away from the trade deadline and from free agency to stay under the "luxury tax."

Now the press is eviscerating them, rightfully so, and the fans are in full mutiny.
The Boston Fucking Red Sox, established 1901, are NOT a small market central division team operating on a shoe string budget.
We don't give a damn about the principle owner's Premier League soccer team or his ridiculous auto racing team.
One has to sell an organ to get the price of a Red Sox ticket, and people are willing to do it--if the team's trying to win.

If the Red Sox aren't his first priority, the ownwr better not walk around town without security.
His management group has brought us four World Series wins over the past two decades when we hadn't had once since 1918.
That bought him lots of slack for a while, but his recent act is growing thin.

Let me tell you about World Series wins in Boston.
Winning those Six Super Bowls was very nice,
but winning the Super Bowl is comparable to being voted Exotic Pole Dancer of the Year.
Nice, but it's just fucking football.

Winning the World Series is more equivalent to the Messiah visiting Earth to personally canonize you.

See the difference? That's what it's like in the world of Ted Williams and Big Papi.

Sacrificing an opportunity to win the World Series because of the "luxury tax" can,
and this is no hyperbole,
possibly get you Boston where everybody doesn't usually carry guns.

Tonight, we'll probably lose again to the Tigers, and if we lose that series in Detroit,
the team will have to sneak back into Boston on Greyhound busses because people will be waiting at Logan Airport to assault the charter
in case the owner is on it.
Had to sit through bus driver refresher training this morning. The state requires 3 hours each year. Booooorrrrriiiinnnngggg. Even worse since COVID they started doing everything on line. Instead of a boring dude talking to us we have to watch boring videos for three hours. Oh well, got through so I can drive my boys to the baseball games. Coaches at small schools are expected to do that.

I grilled deer outside my classroom for lunch. Fed 10 people who have rooms near me. I didn’t ride my bike today because … well … it doesn’t have a tailgate for my tailgate grill.

Have CPR re-certification training in the morning and my Professional Development will be over until January. Ball practice at 3. We gave the boys the day off today. Got some sore arms that needed a day off.

Was watching some of the Boston game before church this evening. Looks like they won. Keeping pace as I see the Rays won as well. Watching “The Big Inning” on MLB Network. That’s the only way I get to see the Cards play some. They just tied it up so at least it’s close.

Golf Friday morning. Sorry about the shoulder. Hopefully it will improve. Thanks for,the well wishes…consider them returned.

Back on topic so I don’t get banned…dems are hyperbolizing 1-6. ;)
It just occurred to me that Boston is a relatively liberal town where people are not expected to complain about taxes.

It's understandable, then, that Red Sox management's failure to shore up the team at the trading deadline,
this due to avoiding the so-called 'luxury payroll tax,"
has the fans in full blown revolt.

Sports talk radio is using the seven second delay feature so extensively that the callers may as well be whales, porpoises, and dolphins.
Their entire comments are just a series of beeps.
Nice day here. Re-certified my CPR card with three hours of additional training. I keep it valid and try to stay up to date and informed as a volunteer firefighter and as a teacher. Worked in my room putting together my bulletin board to welcome the kiddos back Monday…and getting some work ready for them as well. I should be ready to go.

Got a 9:30 tee time in the morning. Reunion starts at 6 tomorrow evening but I’ll start grilling burgers at 4:30. My cousin and two of his grown daughters are COVID positive so I’ll have to step up my contribution this weekend. Saturday I’ll be working in the kitchen all morning helping to receive, heat and serve what people bring after I cook my stuff. Busy times.

Our stinking sports talk radio (which I listen to every time I’m in the vehicle) talks 80% college football, 10% pro basketball and 10% Olympics. They just hang up on people who cuss. When they do mention baseball it’s the Rangers so … what’s there for them to talk about? ;)
I'm so pissed at the Sox that I'm watching Nelly Korda blow her Gold Medal lead instead.

She just played her lob wedge like she never held one in her hands before.
Nifty Niblick can play a lob wedge because he was already a veteran [albeit not great] player when the club emerged in the late 70s. [You don't get that Nifty Niblick nickname for nothing.]
I was the first one I knew to actually bag one. Some of the guys still don't.

I love the Korda sisters. Their parents were both Czech pro tennis players, but the girls figured out how to be big time jocks without sweating nearly as much.
Also, they're representing the US, not the Czech Republic. They weren't known college players at all, but they must live here.
Nelly could stand to eat a little more. If my maternal grandmother were alive, she'd try to put Nelly on an IV drip for fear she was dying.

Girls after my own heart. Never tried tennis, but it looks more like work than recreation to me.
The tennis gang at our club are a totally different breed than the linksters.
Don't even drink together.

As for the Sox, they're currently unwatchable.
I don't give a damn about the Olympics, but I do like short skirts on a golf course.
Even dirty old men can at least look, right?
Nelly is back in front.
She's a doll, but I feel that I really need to bake some Ziti for her.
It must be grandfather instinct that I never got to use.

In America, even the poor people are fat.
How can a well remunerated athlete be that skinny?
Who knows anything about Czech food?
I know that all Eastern Europeans aren't alike, but none of my Polack pals are skinny.