Revamping the Republican Strategy

Newt says drop the rage and open the tent wider!
Clue - most Hispanics are hard working Catholics ie conservative!
So bitchslap your Protestants and welcome them in.
Or your 5 out of six popular vote losing trend becomes entrenched.
Another hint. Marihuana is the Mexican word for cannibis and its more a part of their culture than ours.
Now go look up the word culture neocons.
How can the government pay for anything when the government doesn't earn income? You mean that the PEOPLE pay for it, through taxation. But how do the taxpayers fund complete health care for 350 million people? The simple answer is, they can't. States aren't "required" to maintain roads or do anything else. The people of a state may vote to have the state hire people to do roads or whatever, but the state also doesn't earn an income, it relies on the PEOPLE to pay for things.

The slavery idea is simple, really. You advocate "care" as a right you are entitled to. I maintain that "care" is the product of another man's labor, and something you aren't entitled to. The same argument you are making, was made by people who wanted to keep slavery as a "necessary evil" and rejected the notion that the labor of men belonged to them, and no one else was entitled to it.

How does that differ from ObamaCare? People voted for Obama in '08 to implement a medical plan which is exactly what he did.
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Newt says drop the rage and open the tent wider!
Clue - most Hispanics are hard working Catholics ie conservative!
So bitchslap your Protestants and welcome them in.
Or your 5 out of six popular vote losing trend becomes entrenched.
Another hint. Marihuana is the Mexican word for cannibis and its more a part of their culture than ours.
Now go look up the word culture neocons.

And Fox News plans to help!


"Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us and now we're discovering we work for Fox. And this balance here has been completely reversed. The thing that sustains a strong Fox network is the thing that undermines a strong Republican party."
David Frum - Speechwriter for George W. Bush and RINO
That's funny, do you also think he amassed his personal fortune practicing Marxist philosophy? When he turned the Olympics around, from $2mil in the red to a money making project, did he do that with Marxist policies?

Mitt Romney is a populist moderate republican. You can say he's not conservative, and when it's politically popular to not be, you would be correct. You could say he is a liberal, and when it's politically expedient to be one, he has been. Populists do that. But I see no evidence in his political views that lead me to believe he is a Marxist.

What you are doing is using "Marxist" to attack Romney, probably because you perceive Obama being "attacked" when people call him a Marxist. The problem is, Obama really IS a Marxist, and you will find out over the next four years what that is all about. You and the rest of us are about to get a real-time education on Marxist Socialism.

Romney is not fiscally conservitive, and neither are you.

I didn't ounce here him talk about liberty, and opportunity.

He's not for getting rid of the income tax.

He's not for to get rid of prohibition. Which means more tax payers are taken off the streets for the tax payers to feed.

He wasn't going to bring our troops home.

He wasn't going to push to have Federal Reserve audited.

Based on his past history, he wasn't going to cut spending.

He's a religious nut, which means there's never enough prisons.

He said he was going to replace Obamacare. Stupid thing to say. Repeal would be more than enough.

He said that he wanted to have the gov't crack down harder on performance-enhancing drugs in sports. Which is absolutely none of the gov'ts business.

I could go on and on but what's the point.

The guys a Marxist.

I can't wait to see who you "National Socialist" nominate 3 1/2 years from now.
How does that differ from ObamaCare? People voted for Obama in '08 to implement a medical plan which is exactly what he did.

The People also elected James Buchanan to implement a plan to keep slavery, which is exactly what he did, and ironically, through the SCOTUS as well. Just because an idea is popular and the people want it, doesn't mean it's right. Even when the SCOTUS upholds it, doesn't mean it's constitutional.

We were having a discussion about the principles of "care" being the labor of someone else, and not something you or anyone else has a "right" to. The government can't provide health care, it requires health care professionals, doctors, nurses, etc. The government can't promise you something it doesn't possess, it doesn't own any health care providers.
I am realistic enough to understand, conservatives have to stop dividing ourselves among each other and attacking the "kind" of conservatism we don't like, and start trying to find mutual connecting and defining issues.

I agree that "Liberty" should be one of those areas we can come to agreement on, but where we seem to run into trouble is when we start to define what "Liberty" means, and what it doesn't mean. You have a completely different view than others, and what you believe is "liberty" might not be what someone else thinks. The one thing we should agree on as conservatives, the Marxist ideology has absolutely NO place for Liberty, regardless of how it's defined.

Maybe you and others like you should call your reps and tell them that the 16 Amendment has to go, and the drug war has to stop. Just as a start.

When they start running on liberty, instead of keeping the same old authoritarian views, we'll come over.

Hell, they don't even talk about liberty anymore. If I was to vote republican, I'd be giving up on liberty.
There is no Revamping the Republican Strategy here. There is doubling down, excuses, whining and blaming everyone who doesn't agree.
Romney is not fiscally conservitive, and neither are you.

I didn't ounce here him talk about liberty, and opportunity.

He's not for getting rid of the income tax.

He's not for to get rid of prohibition. Which means more tax payers are taken off the streets for the tax payers to feed.

He wasn't going to bring our troops home.

He wasn't going to push to have Federal Reserve audited.

Based on his past history, he wasn't going to cut spending.

He's a religious nut, which means there's never enough prisons.

He said he was going to replace Obamacare. Stupid thing to say. Repeal would be more than enough.

He said that he wanted to have the gov't crack down harder on performance-enhancing drugs in sports. Which is absolutely none of the gov'ts business.

I could go on and on but what's the point.

The guys a Marxist.

I can't wait to see who you "National Socialist" nominate 3 1/2 years from now.

None of the things you listed are tenants of Marxism. You should seriously consider a remedial course on Marxism, or... just sit back and watch it be implemented in the US over the next four years. When Obama is done "transforming America" you can come back and tell me how Romney is NOT a Marxist, okay?

Your rant is part and parcel of what I am talking about. Conservatives are eating their own. You favor a radical extremist who will completely dismantle huge sectors of government, make drugs legal, bring troops home, get rid of income tax, etc. The thing is, that's not ever going to happen in the practical reality we all live in. It doesn't matter how "conservative" you claim to be, the reality of what is going to happen is far removed from what you have convinced yourself is possible. By clinging to your pipe dream (pun intended), you have helped to elect a Marxist, and over the next 4 years, you'll get to experience that reality with the rest of us.

I guess we can hope that we'll still be allowed to have elections in 4 years, but really... what's the point? If people like you are going to cling to a fantasy and not understand that we live in reality, and that everyone doesn't see things the same way as you, then we're still pretty much screwed. Our ONLY hope, is to unite all conservatives under one conservative umbrella, where we understand that we can't have everything we want all the time, and that we have to accept the views of others and try to find common ground, instead of tearing each other apart and being defiant.

I AM a fiscal conservative, but that doesn't mean that I expect fiscal conservative extremism. It certainly doesn't mean I am willing to accept Marxism because I can't get the extreme fiscal conservatism I might personally like to have. I have offered a path to reuniting conservatives on social conservative issues, by making the argument about the rights of states and people to decide and not the federal government. That takes issues like abortion, gay marriage, and legal weed, off the table. If we advocate Federalism instead of Statism, it removes these issues and the Liberals can't attack us or make people look stupid with "gotchya" questions. Now, I don't really know how to reunite libertarian conservatives, because it seems you are all hell bent and unwilling to vote for a GOP candidate, regardless of who they are. There is a 1 in 350 million chance the GOP will nominate someone with your exact word view, it's far more likely, whoever they nominate, is going to differ to some degree with what you personally believe. I've never voted for anyone who had the same exact views as mine, all the way down the line, that's not realistic. I am pragmatic enough to understand we have to crawl before we walk, and a moderate centrist republican president, would have been considerably better than a Marxist. I would have preferred a strong fiscal conservative like Ronald Reagan, but such a person didn't run.
None of the things you listed are tenants of Marxism. You should seriously consider a remedial course on Marxism, or... just sit back and watch it be implemented in the US over the next four years. When Obama is done "transforming America" you can come back and tell me how Romney is NOT a Marxist, okay?

Actually, you're the one who needs to study. Income tax, and the Federal Reserve is.

You've been living in a marxist nation all your life. And you don't even know it. That's the problem.

And please stop writing novals. I have an eye problem and it gives me a head-ach to read everything you could have simplified.
Maybe you and others like you should call your reps and tell them that the 16 Amendment has to go, and the drug war has to stop. Just as a start.

When they start running on liberty, instead of keeping the same old authoritarian views, we'll come over.

Hell, they don't even talk about liberty anymore. If I was to vote republican, I'd be giving up on liberty.

Well.... MY Representatives were replaced by Marxists, because conservatives couldn't get their shit together and defeat them... what now? If the Marxists are going to start repealing Amendments, I imagine they will start with the FIRST Amendment, then the 2nd, 4th, etc. But this is what you prefer we have if we can't have an extremist radical who subscribes to your ideas of liberty.
By clinging to your pipe dream (pun intended), you have helped to elect a Marxist, and over the next 4 years, you'll get to experience that reality with the rest of us.

My vote had absolutely nothing to do with getting Obama elected. Texas went to Romney.
If the Marxists are going to start repealing Amendments, I imagine they will start with the FIRST Amendment, then the 2nd, 4th, etc. But this is what you prefer we have if we can't have an extremist radical who subscribes to your ideas of liberty.

I've been watching the dems, and reps do this for 50 years. Yes Dixie, the republicans have done this too. They don't think much of our constitution either. The republicans need to get rid of their incumbents in their primaries, and show some leadership. Hold them accountable.
Actually, you're the one who needs to study. Income tax, and the Federal Reserve is.

You've been living in a marxist nation all your life. And you don't even know it. That's the problem.

And please stop writing novals. I have an eye problem and it gives me a head-ach to read everything you could have simplified.

No, I am going to keep writing just as much as I want to write, you don't get to decide that for me. It's obvious you don't understand what Marxism is, or what living in a totalitarian Marxist dictatorship is like, but over the next 4 years, Obama will teach you all about it. You're going to see income taxes skyrocket, and you'll also see introduction of the VAT, and government taking even more of your money, property, and liberty. But at least you prevented a Republican from getting in the White House! In four years, you will again have the chance to ensure we have a Marxist government by clinging to your fantasy... OR will start to realize as many conservatives, that we'd better start finding ways to get along with each other and stop bickering among ourselves in order to save our nation.

There is nothing more to argue about here, you've made yourself clear, you plan to continue being defiant and impossible to please, and cling to an idea that is never going to come to fruition, even if it means watching your country spiral down the shit-hole.
There is nothing more to argue about here, you've made yourself clear, you plan to continue being defiant and impossible to please, and cling to an idea that is never going to come to fruition, even if it means watching your country spiral down the shit-hole.

I've been watching the REPUBLICANS, and dems screw us for 50 years.

Nominate someone who talks about liberty, and has a record to back it up. Or at least someone who talks about liberty.
I've been watching the dems, and reps do this for 50 years. Yes Dixie, the republicans have done this too. They don't think much of our constitution either. The republicans need to get rid of their incumbents in their primaries, and show some leadership. Hold them accountable.

They need to... they need to... they need to... Do you realize how many times you've stated this? You are a fucking authoritarian! You want the whole goddamn world marching in lockstep to your own personal philosophy and worldview, and everything else be damned! The idea that we live in a democratic republic, is foreign to you. Fuck what everyone else wants, you want what YOU want! If the rest of us can't capitulate to your demands, screw us, you're not helping! It's ALL ABOUT YOU!
The People also elected James Buchanan to implement a plan to keep slavery, which is exactly what he did, and ironically, through the SCOTUS as well. Just because an idea is popular and the people want it, doesn't mean it's right. Even when the SCOTUS upholds it, doesn't mean it's constitutional.

We were having a discussion about the principles of "care" being the labor of someone else, and not something you or anyone else has a "right" to. The government can't provide health care, it requires health care professionals, doctors, nurses, etc. The government can't promise you something it doesn't possess, it doesn't own any health care providers.

I don't know what you're smokin' but it must be some powerful shite.

Think public transit. Did your city's Mayor round up the bus drivers and force them to work? Roads, sidewalks, street lights....does your city have night raids and kidnap electricians and construction workers? How can the city offer those services?

When you answer that I'll tell you how the government can offer medical care.
I don't know what you're smokin' but it must be some powerful shite.

Think public transit. Did your city's Mayor round up the bus drivers and force them to work? Roads, sidewalks, street lights....does your city have night raids and kidnap electricians and construction workers? How can the city offer those services?

When you answer that I'll tell you how the government can offer medical care.

I don't have a "right" to be transported from point A to point B. Transportation workers do not have an obligation to provide me with free transportation. The government can't provide me with free transportation because the government does not own transportation workers. I don't have a "right" to have a road or sidewalk, or streetlights, the government can't give these to me for free, they don't own the people who provide these things, and those individuals are not obligated to provide them for me at no charge. The costs for all these things are paid for by the people in the form of taxes. Not because they have a "right" to them, but because they collectively agreed to pay for these things. The people who work in transportation, or build roads, sidewalks, etc., aren't obligated to do so because I am entitled to their services. If the government were unable to adequately compensate them for their services, they are free to do something else, and there is nothing the government can do about that. I can't claim their service is my right of entitlement, that is the argument for slavery.