Revamping the Republican Strategy

Just pointing out, the conservative right does not have to just roll over and get fucked in the ass by liberal democrats. I know many of you believe that's what is supposed to happen now, but I am here to tell you, that ain't what is going to happen at all. Some of you seem to think we're going to just accept Marxist Socialism and resign ourselves to it, but again, ain't going to happen!

We lost an election. Plain and simple. It's not the end of the world, it's not an end to conservatism, and the true conservative message is as strong as ever. Absolute idiots on the right, who were totally wrong about McCain, Dole, and now Romney, are trying to convince the rest of us that we need to "abandon God" from our message. Since when in human history has it ever been wise to "abandon God?" No, what we NEED, is to find an articulate conservative who can make the case for conservatism and embrace God, not abandon Him. The thing we need to abandon, is listening to people like Karl Rove and the establishment Republicans, who couldn't win an election that should have been a landslide. No need to jump on the kook wagon with Ron Paul and Gary Johnson, no need to roll over and accept Marxist cock up our ass, and no need to stockpile survival provisions and ammo.

Conservatives need to remember, this election was lost because the conservative message from Romney was weak, not because it was TOO conservative. Every conservative of every stripe, needs to realize the left will do everything they can to splinter the various factions of conservatism, and have them fight one another, this is their winning strategy. Abandon God? NO! We need to make a case FOR God! Ronald Reagan did that! "We're One Nation Under God, and without God, we are a nation gone under!" The shining city on a hill... Reagan didn't "abandon God" in his message, he incorporated God in a way that did not offend secular conservatives. By the same token, evangelical conservatives need to remember, we can't win elections without secular conservatives, and we can't appeal to them by talking about the Bible, Abortion, Gay Marriage, etc. The left is going to exploit this, they are going to do everything they can to divide us, to pit us against each other, because they will continue to win that way.

As for the respondents to this thread... I really don't give two shits what you people think. In fact, an argument can be made, whatever you think, we should do the exact polar opposite, in order to win elections.
I would settle for you just accepting facts Dixie.

You dont.

You LIE about what your opposition is and wants.

You are worthless in the debate about what this country needs to do becuase you dont use facts you use right wing propaganda.

Your exactly the type of voter the republican party will have to heave to the curb to survive.
They have got to heave these nutters and then stand tall and proud and say they will never again be bullied by nutters driven into a frenzy by an industry bent on saying anything to collect viewers so some fact fucks can do viagra and oxycoten and fly to little islands to fuck children
They have got to heave these nutters and then stand tall and proud and say they will never again be bullied by nutters driven into a frenzy by an industry bent on saying anything to collect viewers so some fact fucks can do viagra and oxycoten and fly to little islands to fuck children

Like I said, we can take whatever advice you give us and pretty much expect the opposite to be what we really need to do.

That said, your advice seems to trail off into some putrid rant about drug-induced pedophilia.

You know what I think, Desh... the vitriolic hate-filled slander and accusation thing, has about jumped the shark. I am thinking this isn't going to be a winning strategy for you going forward.
Just pointing out, the conservative right does not have to just roll over and get fucked in the ass by liberal democrats. I know many of you believe that's what is supposed to happen now, but I am here to tell you, that ain't what is going to happen at all. Some of you seem to think we're going to just accept Marxist Socialism and resign ourselves to it, but again, ain't going to happen!

We lost an election. Plain and simple. It's not the end of the world, it's not an end to conservatism, and the true conservative message is as strong as ever. Absolute idiots on the right, who were totally wrong about McCain, Dole, and now Romney, are trying to convince the rest of us that we need to "abandon God" from our message. Since when in human history has it ever been wise to "abandon God?" No, what we NEED, is to find an articulate conservative who can make the case for conservatism and embrace God, not abandon Him. The thing we need to abandon, is listening to people like Karl Rove and the establishment Republicans, who couldn't win an election that should have been a landslide. No need to jump on the kook wagon with Ron Paul and Gary Johnson, no need to roll over and accept Marxist cock up our ass, and no need to stockpile survival provisions and ammo.

Conservatives need to remember, this election was lost because the conservative message from Romney was weak, not because it was TOO conservative. Every conservative of every stripe, needs to realize the left will do everything they can to splinter the various factions of conservatism, and have them fight one another, this is their winning strategy. Abandon God? NO! We need to make a case FOR God! Ronald Reagan did that! "We're One Nation Under God, and without God, we are a nation gone under!" The shining city on a hill... Reagan didn't "abandon God" in his message, he incorporated God in a way that did not offend secular conservatives. By the same token, evangelical conservatives need to remember, we can't win elections without secular conservatives, and we can't appeal to them by talking about the Bible, Abortion, Gay Marriage, etc. The left is going to exploit this, they are going to do everything they can to divide us, to pit us against each other, because they will continue to win that way.

As for the respondents to this thread... I really don't give two shits what you people think. In fact, an argument can be made, whatever you think, we should do the exact polar opposite, in order to win elections.

Here is the very heart of your problem Dixie Lou. Liberals do not believe in Marxism. Marx was a believer in Darwin...survival of the fittest, richest.

God believes in survival of the weakest, poorest. Liberals believe in God the father, who has boundless love and forgiveness.

Right wing 'Christians' believe in God the avenger, a God who has boundless wrath and punishment.
Like I said, we can take whatever advice you give us and pretty much expect the opposite to be what we really need to do.

That said, your advice seems to trail off into some putrid rant about drug-induced pedophilia.

You know what I think, Desh... the vitriolic hate-filled slander and accusation thing, has about jumped the shark. I am thinking this isn't going to be a winning strategy for you going forward.

Your dear leader Lush Limballs

the party ran in FEAR of him during the primary.

He is a good part of why your party went insane
Your dear leader Lush Limballs

the party ran in FEAR of him during the primary.

He is a good part of why your party went insane

Yes, the GOP ran in fear away from the Tea Party movement and die-hard conservatives like Rush Limbaugh. They chose to embrace an "establishment republican" in Mitt Romney, a Massachusetts Moderate Republican, not much different the the milquetoast McCain or boring Dole of the past, and AGAIN... THEY FUCKING LOST! What message should that telegraph to the conservative base? That republicans need to "abandon God?" That the GOP need to become MORE liberal in their collective thinking and ideology? I don't think so!

I think it means the GOP needs to do the exact OPPOSITE!
Just pointing out, the conservative right does not have to just roll over and get fucked in the ass by liberal democrats. I know many of you believe that's what is supposed to happen now, but I am here to tell you, that ain't what is going to happen at all. Some of you seem to think we're going to just accept Marxist Socialism and resign ourselves to it, but again, ain't going to happen!

We lost an election. Plain and simple. It's not the end of the world, it's not an end to conservatism, and the true conservative message is as strong as ever. Absolute idiots on the right, who were totally wrong about McCain, Dole, and now Romney, are trying to convince the rest of us that we need to "abandon God" from our message. Since when in human history has it ever been wise to "abandon God?" No, what we NEED, is to find an articulate conservative who can make the case for conservatism and embrace God, not abandon Him. The thing we need to abandon, is listening to people like Karl Rove and the establishment Republicans, who couldn't win an election that should have been a landslide. No need to jump on the kook wagon with Ron Paul and Gary Johnson, no need to roll over and accept Marxist cock up our ass, and no need to stockpile survival provisions and ammo.

Conservatives need to remember, this election was lost because the conservative message from Romney was weak, not because it was TOO conservative. Every conservative of every stripe, needs to realize the left will do everything they can to splinter the various factions of conservatism, and have them fight one another, this is their winning strategy. Abandon God? NO! We need to make a case FOR God! Ronald Reagan did that! "We're One Nation Under God, and without God, we are a nation gone under!" The shining city on a hill... Reagan didn't "abandon God" in his message, he incorporated God in a way that did not offend secular conservatives. By the same token, evangelical conservatives need to remember, we can't win elections without secular conservatives, and we can't appeal to them by talking about the Bible, Abortion, Gay Marriage, etc. The left is going to exploit this, they are going to do everything they can to divide us, to pit us against each other, because they will continue to win that way.

As for the respondents to this thread... I really don't give two shits what you people think. In fact, an argument can be made, whatever you think, we should do the exact polar opposite, in order to win elections.

Dixie, Rush Limbaugh and Akins and McCain and Romney and the drug-induced pedophilia folks are not Liberal plants. They ARE the Republican Party.

You wrote, "
By the same token, evangelical conservatives need to remember, we can't win elections without secular conservatives, and we can't appeal to them by talking about the Bible, Abortion, Gay Marriage, etc. The left is going to exploit this, they are going to do everything they can to divide us, to pit us against each other, because they will continue to win that way.

So, what are you suggesting? It sounds like you are advocating the Republican Party should hide their true agenda? When gay marriage comes up for discussion should Republicans STFU? When gay marriage comes up in State Legislatures should Repubs vote for it hoping they'll win the Federal Election and out law it across the board? Government by stealth? Is that your solution?
They need to... they need to... they need to... Do you realize how many times you've stated this? You are a fucking authoritarian! You want the whole goddamn world marching in lockstep to your own personal philosophy and worldview, and everything else be damned! The idea that we live in a democratic republic, is foreign to you. Fuck what everyone else wants, you want what YOU want! If the rest of us can't capitulate to your demands, screw us, you're not helping! It's ALL ABOUT YOU!

If you really want to see what's wrong with the Republican party, read Dixies posts.

I wouldn't be associated in anykind of way with these close minded people. And I certainly wouldn't vote for people he/they say(s) to vote for.

They've destroyed liberty in this country. And our constitution.
If you really want to see what's wrong with the Republican party, read Dixies posts.

I wouldn't be associated in anykind of way with these close minded people. And I certainly wouldn't vote for people he/they say(s) to vote for.

They've destroyed liberty in this country. And our constitution.

That award goes to both parties, not one or the other.
Yes, the GOP ran in fear away from the Tea Party movement and die-hard conservatives like Rush Limbaugh. They chose to embrace an "establishment republican" in Mitt Romney, a Massachusetts Moderate Republican, not much different the the milquetoast McCain or boring Dole of the past, and AGAIN... THEY FUCKING LOST! What message should that telegraph to the conservative base? That republicans need to "abandon God?" That the GOP need to become MORE liberal in their collective thinking and ideology? I don't think so!

I think it means the GOP needs to do the exact OPPOSITE!

Dixie good god the only reason robmoney got as many votes as he did was the first debate pivot.
If he had continued to double down on the stupid tea party talking points he would have tanked even worse.

Your blind and brain washed.

they made you this way and now they have tro heave you to the curb because your a liability now.
So, what are you suggesting? It sounds like you are advocating the Republican Party should hide their true agenda? When gay marriage comes up for discussion should Republicans STFU? When gay marriage comes up in State Legislatures should Repubs vote for it hoping they'll win the Federal Election and out law it across the board? Government by stealth? Is that your solution?

I said nothing about stealth. I said that conservatives need to understand the republican party is made up of all kinds and types of conservatives, not just a particular kind. Conservatives can not expect to win ANY election with their own personal blend of conservatism, excluding all others. As I have said before, evangelical conservatives running for office, need to understand, when the mainstream liberal media is asking them a question about gay marriage or abortion, they are NOT their friend, and their answer is going to be used to skewer them politically.

If you really want to see what's wrong with the Republican party, read Dixies posts.

I wouldn't be associated in anykind of way with these close minded people. And I certainly wouldn't vote for people he/they say(s) to vote for.

They've destroyed liberty in this country. And our constitution.

Just shut up already. You are a liberal who doesn't give two shits about liberty, unless YOU are in charge of it. You don't give a rat's ass about the constitution, unless YOU get to define it. You are a totalitarian authoritarian radical left-wing kook LIBERAL.

Dixie good god the only reason robmoney got as many votes as he did was the first debate pivot.
If he had continued to double down on the stupid tea party talking points he would have tanked even worse.

Your blind and brain washed.

they made you this way and now they have tro heave you to the curb because your a liability now.

Double down? Romney barely even touched on Tea Party issues! At the convention, he and the establishment minions, closed the Tea Party completely out of the debate on the platform. MANY feel this is ultimately what cost him 3 million conservative votes on election day. The "problem" for the GOP was NOT the Tea Party, it was a failure to recognize the Tea Party and what they stood for. It was their running away from the Tea Party, trying to appear "moderate" and appeal to the independent voter. I will again point out, whatever you have to say about it, we should follow the polar opposite.
I said nothing about stealth. I said that conservatives need to understand the republican party is made up of all kinds and types of conservatives, not just a particular kind. Conservatives can not expect to win ANY election with their own personal blend of conservatism, excluding all others. As I have said before, evangelical conservatives running for office, need to understand, when the mainstream liberal media is asking them a question about gay marriage or abortion, they are NOT their friend, and their answer is going to be used to skewer them politically.

Regardless of how the Republicans brand themselves we all know the kooks and lunatics are hiding in the party. The anti-gay folks. The anti-abortion folks. The anti-dream act folks. When the media asks them a question either the Rpubs reply or people will think the worst which is, in most cases, correct.

Double down? Romney barely even touched on Tea Party issues! At the convention, he and the establishment minions, closed the Tea Party completely out of the debate on the platform. MANY feel this is ultimately what cost him 3 million conservative votes on election day. The "problem" for the GOP was NOT the Tea Party, it was a failure to recognize the Tea Party and what they stood for. It was their running away from the Tea Party, trying to appear "moderate" and appeal to the independent voter. I will again point out, whatever you have to say about it, we should follow the polar opposite.

You're contradicting yourself here. Either the Repubs come clean and say their party is the home of the kooks and lunatics or they put on a moderate face. You're saying the Repubs don't have to get into gay marriage and abortion and then you say Romney was too moderate. It has to be one or the other and that's precisely the problem. The Repubs never decided. That's why Romney was known as the etch-a-sketch guy.

As I noted before he brought his business skills to politics and the people saw through it. He's used to telling company employees one story and investors a different one just like he did at the meeting where he mentioned the 47%. He told his backers the 47% were takers/victims and then he tells the people he cares for everyone. Business bullshit. He fooled neither the independents nor the party faithful who never showed up to vote and it seems that's the type of campaigning you want to see. You want the Repubs to hide the fact they are a party of kooks and lunatics. That's not nice. :(
The internets is killing people like robmoney.

Just like you said they are used to being able to play people who would never be speaking to each other to figure out they are being played.

Now wthl cell phone cameras and the internet they cant forget the lady whos serving the coffee or the guy tending bar are humans.

they will have to find REALLY "quiet rooms" to discuss these lies from now on
The internets is killing people like robmoney.

Just like you said they are used to being able to play people who would never be speaking to each other to figure out they are being played.

Now wthl cell phone cameras and the internet they cant forget the lady whos serving the coffee or the guy tending bar are humans.

they will have to find REALLY "quiet rooms" to discuss these lies from now on

Exactly! He tried to play the people just like he played the employees of companies as he bankrupted them.
Regardless of how the Republicans brand themselves we all know the kooks and lunatics are hiding in the party. The anti-gay folks. The anti-abortion folks. The anti-dream act folks. When the media asks them a question either the Rpubs reply or people will think the worst which is, in most cases, correct.

No we don't "all know" any fucking thing, we know that liberal shitheads like you will presume and judge people without any basis or justification other than party affiliation, and that you will continue in your stubborn entrenched bigotry to do so. But I don't think the GOP needs to win liberal votes, so it doesn't really matter what you think.

You're contradicting yourself here. Either the Repubs come clean and say their party is the home of the kooks and lunatics or they put on a moderate face. You're saying the Repubs don't have to get into gay marriage and abortion and then you say Romney was too moderate. It has to be one or the other and that's precisely the problem. The Repubs never decided. That's why Romney was known as the etch-a-sketch guy.

No, it doesn't have to be one or the other. It only has to be that way in YOUR world, where you've already determined anyone who is republican is racist, bigoted, sexist and prejudiced. Romney was a moderate, he dropped the ball too many times on conservative principles, and true conservatives saw through him. He didn't get into gay marriage and abortion, he intentionally avoided them, hoping the left wouldn't use the stereotypes against him, and it did not work. They still blasted Romney and the GOP platform at every turn. Romney, a Massachusetts moderate, simply didn't know how to deal with such an attack, and was totally indifferent to it. That cost the GOP the election. Had Romney been able to do as Reagan did in 1980, and turn the issues back around on the Democrats, instead of playing into their rhetoric, things may have been different, but Romney wasn't Ronald Reagan.

As I noted before he brought his business skills to politics and the people saw through it. He's used to telling company employees one story and investors a different one just like he did at the meeting where he mentioned the 47%. He told his backers the 47% were takers/victims and then he tells the people he cares for everyone. Business bullshit. He fooled neither the independents nor the party faithful who never showed up to vote and it seems that's the type of campaigning you want to see. You want the Repubs to hide the fact they are a party of kooks and lunatics. That's not nice. :(

I'm not going to rehash propaganda from the campaign, the election is over, we'll probably never hear another word from Mittens Romney. I've said nothing about "hiding the fact" on anything, that is YOUR words, and YOUR connotation. I have said the exact opposite, that the GOP needs to ARTICULATE (not hide) who they are. Conservatism has NOTHING to do with homosexuality or reproductive health! These "issues" are drug into the debate by our enemies, in order to drive a wedge between moderate conservatives and evangelicals. That's not nice... but it WORKS!
The funny thing about this discussion is had Romney won none of this Monday morning quarterbacking would exist, the very same ideas that Romney presented would then be OK. Only the loss creates a revision of what was up to the moment of defeat acceptable. If that says one thing, it says the ideas of republicans are BS. Somewhere a truth teller must exist and must too take responsibility for the ideas that only in time became wrong. Where is my lantern?

"A final word on politics. As in economics nothing is certain save the certainty that there will be firm prediction by those who do not know. It is possible that in some election, near or far, a presidential candidate will emerge in the United States determined to draw into the campaign those not now impelled to vote. Conceivably those so attracted - those who are not threatened by higher taxes and who are encouraged by the vision of a new governing community committed to the rescue of the cities and the impacted underclass - could outnumber those lost because of the resulting invasion of contentment. If this happens the effort would succeed." John Kenneth Galbraith 'The Culture of Contentment'

"A surefire politics of change would necessarily involve getting people in the middle — from the 30th to the 70th percentile — to see their own economic self-interest. If they vote in their own self-interest, they’ll elect people who are likely to be more aligned with people with lower incomes as well as with them. As long as people in the middle identify more with people on the top than with those on the bottom, we are doomed. The obscene amount of money flowing into the electoral process makes things harder yet." Peter Edelman
The funny thing about this discussion is had Romney won none of this Monday morning quarterbacking would exist, the very same ideas that Romney presented would then be OK. Only the loss creates a revision of what was up to the moment of defeat acceptable. If that says one thing, it says the ideas of republicans are BS. Somewhere a truth teller must exist and must too take responsibility for the ideas that only in time became wrong. Where is my lantern?

Perhaps you missed the several dozen threads posted by me, and the countless threads posted by other conservatives, which did not indicate a "lock step" with Mitt Romney's viewpoints? Perhaps you missed the entire GOP primary, where virtually every candidate challenged Romney at some point, as the "Anti-Romney" candidate? That's the funny thing about liberal reality, it completely ignores what is said by others and the actual reality of what is happening in the real world. All along the way, hard core conservatives questioned whether Romney was up to the task, questioned this repeated strategy of trying to appeal to moderates and independents, and also questioned the wisdom of not standing firmly on conservative principles most notably advanced by the Tea Party conservatives. All along the way, the GOP blue blood establishment hooted down the critics, and insisted this was the only path to victory over Obama. Even during the presidential debates, eyebrows were raised at Romney's failure to attack Obama on his policies in Libya or anything else, really. To now pretend that everyone on the right was perfectly FINE with Romney, is laughable to me. You truly must be living in an alternate universe.
No perspon on earth agreed with Mitts every postion.

He shifted them all over to TRY to win the elction