Revamping the Republican Strategy

No we don't "all know" any fucking thing, we know that liberal shitheads like you will presume and judge people without any basis or justification other than party affiliation, and that you will continue in your stubborn entrenched bigotry to do so. But I don't think the GOP needs to win liberal votes, so it doesn't really matter what you think.

Ah, but we do "all know". As I previously mentioned Rush Limbaugh and Akins and McCain and Romney and the drug-induced pedophilia folks are not Liberal plants. They ARE the Republican Party. The Repub party is their home.

No, it doesn't have to be one or the other. It only has to be that way in YOUR world, where you've already determined anyone who is republican is racist, bigoted, sexist and prejudiced. Romney was a moderate, he dropped the ball too many times on conservative principles, and true conservatives saw through him. He didn't get into gay marriage and abortion, he intentionally avoided them, hoping the left wouldn't use the stereotypes against him, and it did not work. They still blasted Romney and the GOP platform at every turn. Romney, a Massachusetts moderate, simply didn't know how to deal with such an attack, and was totally indifferent to it. That cost the GOP the election. Had Romney been able to do as Reagan did in 1980, and turn the issues back around on the Democrats, instead of playing into their rhetoric, things may have been different, but Romney wasn't Ronald Reagan.

Romney was a version of McCain. McCain sold his reputation, built up over many years, just to get a chance to sit in that chair and Romney wavered back and forth, said anything to anyone to please the current crowd he was addressing.

I'm not going to rehash propaganda from the campaign, the election is over, we'll probably never hear another word from Mittens Romney. I've said nothing about "hiding the fact" on anything, that is YOUR words, and YOUR connotation. I have said the exact opposite, that the GOP needs to ARTICULATE (not hide) who they are. Conservatism has NOTHING to do with homosexuality or reproductive health! These "issues" are drug into the debate by our enemies, in order to drive a wedge between moderate conservatives and evangelicals. That's not nice... but it WORKS!

Two errors. First, Mitt will be back. He has nothing else to do but try again. Your second error is regarding Conservatism. It has EVERYTHING to do with homosexuality and reproductive health. It has to do with wanting the poor to suffer, be it no medical care to cutting social programs, in general. That's why their enemies bring it up.

The Grand Old Party still harbors the same Grand Old Men who sit in the back room. They haven't gone anywhere. Mitt, like McCain before him, told his audience what it wanted to hear. Unfortunately, for them, the people were a wee bit wiser. The faithful stayed home and those who did vote chose Obama. The Repubs had nothing to offer anyone because, to be frank, the people realized they were full of crap. It got to the point where no one could believe them.

Think about it, Dixie. As others have noted the Repubs should have been a shoo-in. Any decent platform was better than Obama's record but the Repubs didn't have a platform. They ran on opposing Obama without telling the people exactly what they stood for and people don't like uncertainty. Especially sneaky, invasive policies being ironed out in back rooms by 19th century thinking politicians.

It's over, Dix. Sometimes one has to do a thorough house cleaning and as time passes Conservative views will become more and more alien to the people. Do you think women born in 1980 or 1990 will entertain the idea they can't get an abortion? Do you think young people in their 20s will tolerate sexual discrimination regarding gays or any other discrimination, for that matter?

It's over, Dix.
Ah, but we do "all know". As I previously mentioned Rush Limbaugh and Akins and McCain and Romney and the drug-induced pedophilia folks are not Liberal plants. They ARE the Republican Party. The Repub party is their home.

As I have articulated to my fellow conservatives, you can have golden eggs shooting out of your ass, and marshmallow creme shooting out of your mouth, but if you have an (R) beside your name, you are going to be portrayed as vile despicable pond scum by lying left-wing hacks such as yourself. So why bother nominating a "moderate" or a half-assed conservative, or some "libertarian-leaning" appeaser, trying to court liberal votes? It doesn't work! It doesn't matter who they are or what they say, or how much they try to make the liberals like them, in the end, they get their clocks cleaned. In my opinion, it's far fucking better to come out swinging a conservative baseball bat, no holds barred, take no prisoners, guns-a-blazing, and if we lose, we lose on principle and that's that.

You response is a PRIME example of why we need a new strategy, and why the appeasing and capitulating to liberals, is a FAILED strategy. The more the GOP tries to cater to liberals, the worse they lose elections. The lesson should be... STOP trying to appeal to the left, STOP trying to water down conservatism to win the independent vote. FUCK IT! Run as a conservative and go big or go the fuck home!

Romney was a version of McCain. McCain sold his reputation, built up over many years, just to get a chance to sit in that chair and Romney wavered back and forth, said anything to anyone to please the current crowd he was addressing.

You're absolutely right, Romney was a version of McCain, who was a version of Bob Dole. NONE of them were able to pull off victory, with all their appeasing and capitulating to moderates and liberals, with all their distancing and posturing against Tea Party conservatives and constitutional originalists, they have ZERO elections to show for it... so STOP FUCKING DOING IT! Nominate a SOLID conservative, who isn't afraid of liberals, who can articulate the conservative message without apology, without preface, without wishy-washy flip-flops back and forth on fundamental core issues. THAT person MIGHT stand a chance to defeat the Democrats. As long as the GOP tries to play the Democrats game, they are the Washington Generals vs. the Harlem Globetrotters, and they simply will not win elections.

Two errors. First, Mitt will be back. He has nothing else to do but try again. Your second error is regarding Conservatism. It has EVERYTHING to do with homosexuality and reproductive health. It has to do with wanting the poor to suffer, be it no medical care to cutting social programs, in general. That's why their enemies bring it up.

Bet you $500 here and now, Mitt Romney never runs for another political office! And NO, conservative principles have absolutely NOTHING to do with homosexuality or reproductive health! NOTHING! (AND YOU HAVEN'T INDICATED ANYTHING!) Yes, it has been the Liberal MEME that this is the case, that's the problem! The GOP has gone out there and tried to defend all these bogus charges and allegations, playing the "Globetrotters" game instead of the game they should be playing. Who in their fucking right mind, WANTS the poor to suffer, dimwit? Tell me? Conservatives certainly don't, but NO ONE DOES! It's insane to even suggest such a thing, and you should be thoroughly derided whenever such a bullshit claim is made, in a way that embarrasses you so badly on a national stage, that you never dare to bring it up again. Same with "womens issues" or "gay rights" or any other "Globetrotter" trick plays you wish to run. Republicans HAVE to stop playing YOUR game!

The Grand Old Party still harbors the same Grand Old Men who sit in the back room. They haven't gone anywhere. Mitt, like McCain before him, told his audience what it wanted to hear. Unfortunately, for them, the people were a wee bit wiser. The faithful stayed home and those who did vote chose Obama. The Repubs had nothing to offer anyone because, to be frank, the people realized they were full of crap. It got to the point where no one could believe them.

Unfortunately, you are right again, the GOP does still harbor the same back room establishment politics, and that will have to change in order for the GOP to remain a viable party in the future.

Think about it, Dixie. As others have noted the Repubs should have been a shoo-in. Any decent platform was better than Obama's record but the Repubs didn't have a platform. They ran on opposing Obama without telling the people exactly what they stood for and people don't like uncertainty. Especially sneaky, invasive policies being ironed out in back rooms by 19th century thinking politicians.

Again, no argument here. In fact, I said the same thing, a MODERATE picked and backed by the back room establishment leadership of the GOP, lost another election to Democrats who had absolutely NOTHING to run on. They literally lost an election that should have been a landslide victory, and they did this by being Republicans and NOT Conservatives.

It's over, Dix. Sometimes one has to do a thorough house cleaning and as time passes Conservative views will become more and more alien to the people. Do you think women born in 1980 or 1990 will entertain the idea they can't get an abortion? Do you think young people in their 20s will tolerate sexual discrimination regarding gays or any other discrimination, for that matter?

It's over, Dix.

This is where you jump the tracks. You are now trying to tie Republicans to Conservatives and throw them both overboard. it wasn't Conservatives who lost this election, it was establishment back-room Grand Old Party Republicans, who nominated another MODERATE who wasn't a Conservative.

There is no discrimination against gays... FUCK YOU!

There is no "right" to kill the unborn... FUCK YOU!

These are social issues that the Federal government has no business meddling in one way or the other, and should be left for the people of a state to decide for themselves. That should be the Conservative message, and they should characterize Liberals as the people who want to interfere with your personal freedom to make these choices for yourself, by giving the Federal government the power to usurp your rights.
So, what are you suggesting? It sounds like you are advocating the Republican Party should hide their true agenda? When gay marriage comes up for discussion should Republicans STFU? When gay marriage comes up in State Legislatures should Repubs vote for it hoping they'll win the Federal Election and out law it across the board? Government by stealth? Is that your solution?
Not quite. For the republicans, a 'platform' will now consist of going along with every one of the issues they've finally learned are important to the masses.

Bush did it in 2000, only to abandon every position he held for the 'vote for me, and I'll give you a check for $300.

What we'll see is a republican nominee who pays lipservice in public, and reverts right back to the true party agenda once elected.
the "brand" is so damaged, they are going the way of the Whigs ( whom with the "Free Soil Democrats" became the Republicans).

They might as well change their name -i'd co-opt "libertarian" since no-one actually uses that party, except for Gary Johnson.I think he's done with that too -it's up for grabs.
At least it's not damaged ( and has some worthwhile ideas, unlike the Repubs)

I mean the Repubs are obsolete - kaput -going the way of the Edsel. Bury them in the basement, dump the Bible based/social intrusive Party, and try "something else" .
It's always interesting after an election, especially when your side loses. Suddenly, all of the "experts" come out of the woodwork to give you their rather simple notions of how things may have turned out differently, what went wrong, who was to blame, and what needs to be done in the future. Where was all this brilliance and foresight before the elections? It's no surprise that most of these experts espouse ideas they held before the election, and their ideas were simply rejected by the others. We get a really good dose of "if you had listened to me..." and the same old idea is trotted out once again. Ron Paul supporters are literally gloating at the re-election of Barack Obama. A man who is so far removed from anything uttered by Dr. Paul, their respective ideologies exist in completely different universes, but the Paul supporters beam with pride over what they think they accomplished. Nearly 3 million registered republicans sat this election out, and are now expressing pride in what they did. That will teach the GOP to act like they did! But let's really examine some things here, shall we?

First of all, the "GOP" didn't pick Mitt Romney as the candidate to run against Barack Obama, the voters did. This was largely due to the fact that they had 9 candidates to pick from, and while most conservatives split their votes between 8 of them, the establishment republicans stuck by Romney, and he won by default. He was arguably the least conservative of all the candidates, but he wasn't so non-conservative as to upset the apple cart, and he did make an attempt to pretend to be conservative. Over and over, the "experts" told us, Romney is the only candidate who can defeat Obama. Perhaps this was true, but he didn't defeat Obama, an he leaves conservatives scratching their heads trying to figure out what to do now. The very same people who claimed Romney was the only candidate who could defeat Obama, are now telling us we need to abandon God and get away from the social issues. We need to "reach out" to women and minorities more. I personally think they are getting it wrong again, and such a direction would kill any hope of future victory. That doesn't mean we should "double down" on what failed to work, or that we need to stubbornly and defiantly stick with a message that is failing. Clearly, we need to revamp the republican strategy, but we don't do that by abandoning principles.

On abandoning God, we need to understand, Religion and Politics don't mix well. Taking religion out of republican politics doesn't have to mean, completely abandoning God. It is primarily anti-religious seculars who fuel the liberal ideology. Liberalism in general, is rooted in the belief that Government has to be our Savior, that we can't depend on faith in a God that doesn't exist. Liberals believe our rights come from man, ordained through the Constitution, and defined by the courts, they aren't endowed or inalienable. It is the foundation of conservatism to believe our rights come from our Creator and are inalienable and endowed, and not subject to determination by men. Abandoning God means we sacrifice this basic principle and concept before we begin the argument against Liberalism. It's like a NASCAR driver switching to an electric motor because he thinks the traditional motors contribute to global warming. It's a losing proposition.

Conservatism can't be successfully argued without the presence of a God, it's impossible to make a valid argument for conservative principles without the foundation conservatism is established on. That doesn't mean "religion" has to be a part of this, just the generic belief in our Creator, and endowed, inalienable rights. Many conservatives point to Ronald Reagan as a model for where we need to go, and they will point out that Reagan didn't preach social conservatism, but one of the most profound speeches the man ever made, was about a "shining city on a hill" and that is a direct Biblical reference. Reagan found the secret formula for bringing the foundation of God to the table, without introducing religion. In that respect, what republicans need to do, is find a way to articulate their message including God, but not including the religiously-based interpretations of God. That's where their problems have been. God doesn't say gay marriage or abortion is wrong, that is a religious determination based on a religious understanding of God. It's a judgement. Conservatives can stand up for the right to life without relying on religious judgement, because the Constitution explicitly states we have a right to life. The whole entire "marriage" issue can be settled easily, conservatives shouldn't support ANY governmental favoritism toward ANY social domestic arrangement. It's an issue that shouldn't even be on the table.

The main thing republicans have failed at, is not taking control of the dialogue, and allowing liberals to define the conversation and parameters. We start off in a debate about abortion and morality, when they shouldn't even matter in the debate. We try and defend an argument over "rights" of gays to marry, when we should reject any notion of special rights, we are all equally endowed with the same rights. We're hopelessly trying to argue the "how often do you beat your wife" argument, and failing. All of these issues can be rejected on the basis they shouldn't be a part of what federal government does. Smaller limited federal government should not be dictating morality of social issues, that should be left for the people and states to determine, and the federal government should return to it's rightful role in our lives.

Then there is the whole "reach out" thing. What does that really mean? Well, it means we should cater to special interest groups, like the democrats. Does anyone see a problem with our ideology if it is to pattern our opposition? Conservatives should make it clear that we "reach out" to EVERY American. Ronald Reagan brilliantly did this by introducing us to individuals, sharing their individual story with us, to illustrate his points. The democrats have had a field day with this strategy, and taken it to a whole new level, but they use it to promote special interests. We can't out-liberal the liberals, we have to return to a message rooted in equality for all, and not cater to various groups of people. We have to make the argument that, if you are Hispanic, a woman, black, or whatever, you are better off with principled conservatism which enables ALL Americans and floats ALL boats.

Finally, we need a strong conservative voice. Mitt Romney is a great guy, he has done many admirable things, he is a good man and has enormous character, but he was not a conservative who was passionately convicted to conservative principles, and that is what we needed. Who will that voice be? Many are saying, Marco Rubio. I don't know, is it because he is a minority? Or does the man have core conservative convictions, which he is able to deliver in a cohesive conservative message? Because the later is far more important than the former, I promise.
Yes, you need a strong conservative voice. One that alienates women, blacks, latinos, gays and the young. Yea....that's the ticket!
It has EVERYTHING to do with homosexuality and reproductive health. It has to do with wanting the poor to suffer, be it no medical care to cutting social programs, in general. That's why their enemies bring it up.

our enemies are the only ones making the claim.....because our enemies are skilled liars......(by the way, its amusing to hear the killing of unborn children called "reproductive health", given that it has nothing to do with reproduction and nothing to do with health).........
As I have articulated to my fellow conservatives, you can have golden eggs shooting out of your ass, and marshmallow creme shooting out of your mouth, but if you have an (R) beside your name, you are going to be portrayed as vile despicable pond scum by lying left-wing hacks such as yourself. So why bother nominating a "moderate" or a half-assed conservative, or some "libertarian-leaning" appeaser, trying to court liberal votes? It doesn't work! It doesn't matter who they are or what they say, or how much they try to make the liberals like them, in the end, they get their clocks cleaned. In my opinion, it's far fucking better to come out swinging a conservative baseball bat, no holds barred, take no prisoners, guns-a-blazing, and if we lose, we lose on principle and that's that.

You response is a PRIME example of why we need a new strategy, and why the appeasing and capitulating to liberals, is a FAILED strategy. The more the GOP tries to cater to liberals, the worse they lose elections. The lesson should be... STOP trying to appeal to the left, STOP trying to water down conservatism to win the independent vote. FUCK IT! Run as a conservative and go big or go the fuck home!

Dix, they’d never win if they came out “swinging a conservative baseball bat, no holds barred, take no prisoners, guns-a-blazing”. The problem isn’t appeasing and capitulating nor is it having a moderate leader. The problem is the “vile despicable pond scum” that lurks behind the curtains.

Bet you $500 here and now, Mitt Romney never runs for another political office! And NO, conservative principles have absolutely NOTHING to do with homosexuality or reproductive health! NOTHING! (AND YOU HAVEN'T INDICATED ANYTHING!) Yes, it has been the Liberal MEME that this is the case, that's the problem! The GOP has gone out there and tried to defend all these bogus charges and allegations, playing the "Globetrotters" game instead of the game they should be playing. Who in their fucking right mind, WANTS the poor to suffer, dimwit? Tell me? Conservatives certainly don't, but NO ONE DOES! It's insane to even suggest such a thing, and you should be thoroughly derided whenever such a bullshit claim is made, in a way that embarrasses you so badly on a national stage, that you never dare to bring it up again. Same with "womens issues" or "gay rights" or any other "Globetrotter" trick plays you wish to run. Republicans HAVE to stop playing YOUR game!

Who wants the poor to suffer? Who talks about union bashing? Who says it would be better if the minimum wage was eliminated? Who believes those who can’t afford medical insurance should do without? Who insisted the handicapped stay in their wheel chairs and denied funding for stem cell research? Shall I go on?

Unfortunately, you are right again, the GOP does still harbor the same back room establishment politics, and that will have to change in order for the GOP to remain a viable party in the future.

Yes!!! We agree. The “vile despicable pond scum” has to go first. It has little to do with the leader although one who talks out both sides of his mouth doesn’t help things.

This is where you jump the tracks. You are now trying to tie Republicans to Conservatives and throw them both overboard. it wasn't Conservatives who lost this election, it was establishment back-room Grand Old Party Republicans, who nominated another MODERATE who wasn't a Conservative.

There is no discrimination against gays... FUCK YOU!

There is no "right" to kill the unborn... FUCK YOU!

These are social issues that the Federal government has no business meddling in one way or the other, and should be left for the people of a state to decide for themselves. That should be the Conservative message, and they should characterize Liberals as the people who want to interfere with your personal freedom to make these choices for yourself, by giving the Federal government the power to usurp your rights.

The reality is it's FUCK YOU. You, the Repubs, lose again.

Maybe you don’t think they’re Rights but other people do. Remember, the Constitution makes it clear every “Right” is not listed. That’s why there’s a court to decide. Just like with abortion being a right to privacy.

The world is changing, Dix. Either get on board or be swept away. How many losses will it take before you realize that?
Dix, they’d never win if they came out “swinging a conservative baseball bat, no holds barred, take no prisoners, guns-a-blazing”. The problem isn’t appeasing and capitulating nor is it having a moderate leader. The problem is the “vile despicable pond scum” that lurks behind the curtains.

They're not winning with moderates chosen by the pond scum behind the curtains, and if they can't beat the absolute failure of a president they had to run against, they won't ever win an election that way. Yes, I do believe a strong conservative can win, and often does win elections. The GOP has lost EVERY time they've nominated a moderate... no exceptions!

Who wants the poor to suffer?

No one. That's why it's a nonsensical point to try and make. It shows that you clearly have no grasp of reality, and that you honestly believe there are people in this world who enjoy watching the poor suffer. Now to me, a psych major, this could possibly be caused by your own personal thinking, and that you might actually enjoy watching poor people suffer, which is why you can make yourself believe people are like that. The truth is, unless you are a degenerate piece of garbage, you don't derive any pleasure in watching people suffer.

Who talks about union bashing?

Not Union people, that's for sure. Still, when we examine where our manufacturing sector jobs disappeared to, it has a lot to do with Unions. If we want to bring back jobs, don't we have to be able to talk about the Unions and what they are doing that might be detrimental to us doing that? Doesn't capitalism and prosperity kind of depend on labor and production to work mutually together with management? Can we just no longer have such a conversation, without it being "union bashing?"

Who says it would be better if the minimum wage was eliminated?

I think it would be, it doesn't really serve much purpose, other than to give Democrats a talking point and "issue" to parade around with, while they pretend to be caring for the poor. It certainly hasn't lifted anyone out of poverty over the past 40 years.

Who believes those who can’t afford medical insurance should do without?

Not Republicans, they voted unanimously in the 60s to support Medicaid.

Who insisted the handicapped stay in their wheel chairs and denied funding for stem cell research?

LOL... I had almost forgotten about this... that was when Al Gore was going to make them all walk again, if only we'd elect him president! I almost hate we didn't, I wanted to see him pull that one off! That would have trumped inventing the Internet and solving Global Warming!

Shall I go on?

Sure, I love for you to continue making a fool of yourself! Continue!!

The reality is it's FUCK YOU. You, the Repubs, lose again.

Republicans lost, but I think Conservatives won.

Maybe you don’t think they’re Rights but other people do. Remember, the Constitution makes it clear every “Right” is not listed. That’s why there’s a court to decide. Just like with abortion being a right to privacy.

We have inalienable rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. More specifically, we have the 10 rights stipulated in the Bill of Rights. We have the right as citizens, to amend the Constitution to further specify our rights. The Federal Government and the Court have no rights and limited authority. The court has often been abhorrently wrong in terms of defining our rights. In the early 1800s, the court decided that it was the right of a property owner to own humans known as slaves. It upheld the notion that slaves were "property" for decades and decades... much like Roe v. Wade. The "right" to own property could not be breached by the courts, and subsequently, was not challenged by Congress or the People. Were they right? You are saying they were, that this is how our "rights" are determined.

The world is changing, Dix. Either get on board or be swept away. How many losses will it take before you realize that?

I'm light years ahead of the world and you.
our enemies are the only ones making the claim.....because our enemies are skilled liars......(by the way, its amusing to hear the killing of unborn children called "reproductive health", given that it has nothing to do with reproduction and nothing to do with health).........

Abortion has nothing to do with reproduction?

OK :whome:
No one. That's why it's a nonsensical point to try and make. It shows that you clearly have no grasp of reality, and that you honestly believe there are people in this world who enjoy watching the poor suffer. Now to me, a psych major, this could possibly be caused by your own personal thinking, and that you might actually enjoy watching poor people suffer, which is why you can make yourself believe people are like that. The truth is, unless you are a degenerate piece of garbage, you don't derive any pleasure in watching people suffer.

Then there are a lot of degenerate folks around. You see, when a person applies for government aid they are compelled to seek and find work. There are jobs that pay so little the people can't even afford medical care. Like the folks at Wal-Mart. However, a person can not turn down a job or they'll lose government aid like welfare, etc. In other words they become little more than slaves.

There's an old saying. "A job worth doing is worth doing right." I have another saying. A job worth doing is worth being adequately compensated for.

Not Union people, that's for sure. Still, when we examine where our manufacturing sector jobs disappeared to, it has a lot to do with Unions. If we want to bring back jobs, don't we have to be able to talk about the Unions and what they are doing that might be detrimental to us doing that? Doesn't capitalism and prosperity kind of depend on labor and production to work mutually together with management? Can we just no longer have such a conversation, without it being "union bashing?"

Free trade means the average worker in manufacturing will be paid less than previous as they are competing with lower paid people around the world. That's fine. The problem is while the workers get paid less management gets paid more. We see that every day. Management gets a raise while they lay off people. Where is the discussion concerning that?

Regarding eliminating the minimum wage you wrote,
I think it would be, it doesn't really serve much purpose, other than to give Democrats a talking point and "issue" to parade around with, while they pretend to be caring for the poor. It certainly hasn't lifted anyone out of poverty over the past 40 years.

It may not have lifted people out of poverty but it brought them closer to getting out. Again, go back to what I wrote about government aid and employment. If a single person gets, say, $600/mth on welfare (Just a guess. The rates vary by State) then they would be obliged to take a job paying $700/mth. That would be equivalent to earning less than $4.50/hr for a 40 hour week. Do you think anyone should have to work for $4.50 an hour?

We have inalienable rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. More specifically, we have the 10 rights stipulated in the Bill of Rights. We have the right as citizens, to amend the Constitution to further specify our rights. The Federal Government and the Court have no rights and limited authority. The court has often been abhorrently wrong in terms of defining our rights. In the early 1800s, the court decided that it was the right of a property owner to own humans known as slaves. It upheld the notion that slaves were "property" for decades and decades... much like Roe v. Wade. The "right" to own property could not be breached by the courts, and subsequently, was not challenged by Congress or the People. Were they right? You are saying they were, that this is how our "rights" are determined.

The slave argument is getting old. How that relates to abortion doesn't make any sense. The rights of the woman are protected. The idea is to protect the rights of people.
Hilarious butthurt still from dixtard and postmoderSandusky.

They're suffering from PTSD.

(Excerpt) PTSD is a potentially debilitating anxiety disorder triggered by exposure to a traumatic experience such as an interpersonal event like physical or sexual assault, exposure to disaster or accidents, combat or witnessing a traumatic event.(End)

"witnessing a traumatic event" The re-election of Obama after virtually every right winger and Fox broadcaster told them Romney would win. The poor misguided souls need our sympathy and compassion. This is one hurt Preparation H isn't going to cure.
Abortion falls under reproduction, the choice to reproduce or not. As for health we're talking about human beings and there's only one, the mother.

I don't know why he wastes time whining here when he could be rescuing the unwanted snowflake babies in the Fertility Clinic freezer that are going to get incinerated. Talk about a complete waste of his energy.... :rofl2: