Roll Call...New Member On The Floor

Thanks. I love this one. It calls to all of us.

"All Of The Glorious Children Of The World

"This piece is dedicated to all of the children around the world who are being persecuted, abused and forgotten including the abused children of the United States at the hands of the present 2017 to 2020 United States government. My heart and soul breaks for each and every one of them and I ache at night with the worry of those I know to cry out in the night for food and comfort, love and security. May God be with all of them and may those who harm even one of the children of the world know a deep and eternal hellfire and a brimstone afterlife. This I pray with all of my heart and soul." Sanders

Thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers...
All in all, you are a rowdy but a good-natured group of people and I can see most are fairly well acquainted. I like the banter.

We have some real nasties here who try hard to be inventive with insults, littered with F bombs. I enjoy copying and pasting it right back at 'em.
One other observation that I have noticed, no big deal, but did want to Alert you just in case, ... Miss Phantasmal, announces she has a 'Butt-Buddy'. Now, I certainly I'm not aware of this kind of activity, so had to look it up:

"Pegging is a sexual practice in which a woman performs anal sex on a man by penetrating the man's anus with a strap-on dildo. This practice may also involve stimulating the male genitalia.
The neologism "pegging" was popularized when it became the winning entry in a contest in Dan Savage's "Savage Love" sex advice column, held after an observation was made that there was no common name or dictionary definition for the act in the English language.[1]"

(has a picture, not sure if it is the actual Miss Phantasmal?)

Anyway, if she drops something and asks you to pick it up, ... think twice before you do that. :thinking:

Hmm, next time I say to Runeatic I've got you pegged, it will add a whole new dimension. Darla will be pleased, as Doris and her are besties.
Yeah, sometimes it can get busy here. Plus newbies tend to be ignored if they're nice. This is where Stormfronters come to die, after all. The forum owner believes in free speech. So he's okay with our n-word-shouters, our c-word-screechers, our f-bombadiers, our stalkers and doxxers like Toxic Top and H. Moron, and the confused misogynists who can't get dates even down on the docks, like Jack.

I see that the vile cunt named Bowel Woman is taking her daily dump. There is no finer specimen of downright nastiness than her.
Hello TOW,

Thanks. I love this one. It calls to all of us.

"All Of The Glorious Children Of The World

"This piece is dedicated to all of the children around the world who are being persecuted, abused and forgotten including the abused children of the United States at the hands of the present 2017 to 2020 United States government. My heart and soul breaks for each and every one of them and I ache at night with the worry of those I know to cry out in the night for food and comfort, love and security. May God be with all of them and may those who harm even one of the children of the world know a deep and eternal hellfire and a brimstone afterlife. This I pray with all of my heart and soul." Sanders

That link brought up the DailyKos website with a huge blank where the piece was supposed to be.

But the posted quote is good, although I disagree with the religious part. And I am not as adamant that the adults who are responsible for this treatment of children be punished as I am that the poor treatment ends.

One of the most famous neglected children is 12 years old and lives in the White House. President Trump is a terrible father who does not give his children enough attention until they are grown, at which point he guides them into powerful positions which allow the abuse of other adults and children. I would like to see that ended.
Hello TOW,

That link brought up the DailyKos website with a huge blank where the piece was supposed to be.

But the posted quote is good, although I disagree with the religious part. And I am not as adamant that the adults who are responsible for this treatment of children be punished as I am that the poor treatment ends.

One of the most famous neglected children is 12 years old and lives in the White House. President Trump is a terrible father who does not give his children enough attention until they are grown, at which point he guides them into powerful positions which allow the abuse of other adults and children. I would like to see that ended.

You can just google Felex's name and find many pieces he has written. I hope he continues to post here; he's an asset.
Would you mind if at some point I post some of your opinion pieces? They're excellent. Which means, of course, that I agree with them. lol
