Roll Call...New Member On The Floor

Well, camaraderie and fun are nothing to sneer at. I think they can go hand in hand in the right moments. I have a tendency to get somewhat sidetracked as well sometimes but it is usually after I have gotten to know people fairly well and know what is the line drawn in the sand sort of thing. Thanks for the information.

Would you mind if at some point I post some of your opinion pieces? They're excellent. Which means, of course, that I agree with them. lol
Poor Jack has lowered himself to being Top's bitch.

Look, Anne.
Felex was introducing himself here.
I presented a few factual comments that can be backed up by actual documentation.
I try and be fair.
TOP has the tits and ass that men like. Plus, she's got that 'Librarian Look' going on with her.
Owl CAN'T ride a bike.
Miss Phantasmal was the one that began talking about 'Butt Buddies', she's the one that let the cat out of the bag, I didn't pry it out of her, it was voluntary on her part. Besides, I'm NOT being judgmental on anyones sexual preference.
Dark Soul. What can I say? He gets on the Computer unsupervised, and you have no idea what he is going to say.
'Legina'. Are you disagreeing about 'Legina'? I think he was the one that Reported you for a 12b Rule violation.

What is your PROBLEM!?!
Would you mind if at some point I post some of your opinion pieces? They're excellent. Which means, of course, that I agree with them. lol

Translation: "Besides NOT being able to ride a bike, I have difficulty stringing words together, do you mind if I plagiarize your thoughts and try to palm them off as my own?" (once again, shaking head) :(
Look, Anne.
Felex was introducing himself here.
I presented a few factual comments that can be backed up by actual documentation.
I try and be fair.
TOP has the tits and ass that men like. Plus, she's got that 'Librarian Look' going on with her.
Owl CAN'T ride a bike.
Miss Phantasmal was the one that began talking about 'Butt Buddies', she's the one that let the cat out of the bag, I didn't pry it out of her, it was voluntary on her part. Besides, I'm NOT being judgmental on anyones sexual preference.
Dark Soul. What can I say? He gets on the Computer unsupervised, and you have no idea what he is going to say.
'Legina'. Are you disagreeing about 'Legina'? I think he was the one that Reported you for a 12b Rule violation.

What is your PROBLEM!?!

12B was reported by Top.
I don't know to many guys like bony ass,no tits.
My problem is I hate to see a guy become the bitch of a skank.
Felex, meet Jack. He's as gaye as Francis. He's also Rune's biatch. And Rune, by the way, is A FUCKING VIKING.
12B was reported by Top.
I don't know to many guys like bony ass,no tits.
My problem is I hate to see a guy become the bitch of a skank.

Oh boy!
You two have a political difference. So you take that (and it's not just you) you take that and attack her.
All in all, you are a rowdy but a good-natured group of people and I can see most are fairly well acquainted. I like the banter. I did post a question in another section of the forum asking if the government was heading in the right direction but it doesn't seem to be a very popular question so I will try something else later. Thanks everybody for the nice welcomes. I am a bit surprised at how much traffic this forum gets but it's nice. Thanks for all the nice welcomes.
All in all, you are a rowdy but a good-natured group of people and I can see most are fairly well acquainted. I like the banter. I did post a question in another section of the forum asking if the government was heading in the right direction but it doesn't seem to be a very popular question so I will try something else later. Thanks everybody for the nice welcomes. I am a bit surprised at how much traffic this forum gets but it's nice. Thanks for all the nice welcomes.

Yeah, sometimes it can get busy here. Plus newbies tend to be ignored if they're nice. This is where Stormfronters come to die, after all. The forum owner believes in free speech. So he's okay with our n-word-shouters, our c-word-screechers, our f-bombadiers, our stalkers and doxxers like Toxic Top and H. Moron, and the confused misogynists who can't get dates even down on the docks, like Jack.
Yeah, sometimes it can get busy here. Plus newbies tend to be ignored if they're nice. This is where Stormfronters come to die, after all. The forum owner believes in free speech. So he's okay with our n-word-shouters, our c-word-screechers, our f-bombadiers, our stalkers and doxxers like Toxic Top and H. Moron, and the confused misogynists who can't get dates even down on the docks, like Jack.

Jack has been on the "Down Low" with Top,depending on gender identification.
If you wish.

Thanks. I love this one. It calls to all of us.

"All Of The Glorious Children Of The World

"This piece is dedicated to all of the children around the world who are being persecuted, abused and forgotten including the abused children of the United States at the hands of the present 2017 to 2020 United States government. My heart and soul breaks for each and every one of them and I ache at night with the worry of those I know to cry out in the night for food and comfort, love and security. May God be with all of them and may those who harm even one of the children of the world know a deep and eternal hellfire and a brimstone afterlife. This I pray with all of my heart and soul." Sanders