Ron DeSantis and Gavin Newsom Agree to Televised Debate

This should be an interesting debate. This could help DeSantis with his presidental run


Interesting??? Help DeSantis with his Presidential run???


All it is going to accomplish is providing a national stage opportunity for Joe Biden's future replacement candidate while further embarrassing DeSantis's pathetic campaign that's rooted in false pretenses. Why is DeSantis debating Newsom when Newsom isn't even a candidate (yet) for President? Shouldn't DeSantis be focusing on his ever DEcreasing popularity for the RNC "first runner-up" competition? (It's obvious that Trump is by far the candidate that people want... He's crushing everybody else and his popularity only increases with every bullshit indictment against him.
DeSantis is boooooring. His speech is slow and numbing. The Reds are into show business loud types like Daffy Donald. Desantis is down in the polls because he has been exposed. The campaign has lost him some of his following.
Outside of your stupid Daffy Donald comment, you've actually hit the target re: DeSantis. I'd actually argue that his campaign (including his social media influencers, e.g. Bill Mitchell) has lost him A LOT of his following. Democrats have always hated him, but now MAGA opposes him too. All he has left now are the "professionally Republican" (aka Democrats pretending to be Republicans) and the "battered conservatives" who are still duped re: how the Uniparty gaslights them.
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We already know the entirety of DeSantis debate plan, and what he will say after the debate...

Wow, even QP! can get one right once in a while... who knew...

Don't forget about his constant bragging about how great Florida is (while completely ignoring the skyrocketing insurance rate issue that his citizens are currently facing). Also don't forget about his rewriting of history re: his COVID policies. He likes to brag about those two things in addition to thinking that people care about "WOKE WOKE WOKE" more than they care about their pocketbooks, their nation's economy, their nation's borders, their jobs being taken away from them due to the '6uild 6ack 6etter' agenda, their basic rights (speech, assembly, religion, guns, privacy, due process, speedy trial, etc) being taken away from them by far-left communist lunatics, etc...
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This is America. We have no respect for the aged and experienced. Biden's disapproval is due to his age. He has done an excellent job keeping things together. Onre thing he cannot do is get younger.
Are you pretending that does not happen with both major parties when there is a sitting president?

I agree its bad, but its both parties that do it, and you know it. Pretend otherwise if you wish.

I am telling you that it is ironic that the party that calls themselves Democratic have made it a standard to refuse to employ the Democratic process. Going so far as to tell states that if they do have a Primary they will be "disqualified" from the convention.

In the past both parties ran primaries with folks running against a current President. For example; when Reagan ran against Ford, the RNC had a primary. Reagan lost that time and then Ford lost to Carter in the election of 1976. Primaries are held even when someone is holding the office.

Remember when Clinton ran against that idiot in jail? What was his name? Larouche? Something like that. Yeah... back when Democracy meant something to folks who claim to be Democratic they ran a Primary against a pretty popular President...
Can't wait..I really like Ron...
Meh. Ron! does nothing for me... just like Jeb! did nothing for me... just like Nikki! does nothing for me... just like Krispy Kreme! does nothing for me...

The only candidate that I like and trust is Trump. Sadly enough, RFK Jr would actually be my "2nd choice" if I weren't "Trump or bust 2024", and I do realize what RFK's problems are.
It’s the prelude to 2028, both individuals see it as promoting their own ambitions
Nah. I'd say that it's actually the "prelude to 2024"... Ron! is a dying fish on the shoreline, desperately flailing and flopping around before meeting his inevitable end of political relevancy. Gavin! is simply using it as an opportunity to get in front of a national audience to warm people up to him when he is eventually called upon to replace Biden. It might not happen until the DNC Convention in Shitcago, but keep an eye on Gavin! as 2024 comes rolling around...
DeSanctimonious thinks Trump will not be able to run, or his crimes will cripple him. He wants to be the option.
Newsom is much better at speaking and thinking.
On at least one thing, Nordy can nail it.

That's exactly what Ron! was banking on, and it blew up in his face. He's now ruined his future in politics over it.
DeSantis needs to prove that he can do something well, he has been Scott Walker so far, Newsom is out to prove I think that the Revolution has made the right call in picking him, that it should not instead take M Obama.
Yup, I think you have the right understanding here too.
She would not so much run as be Biden was....but ya I have been saying that it looks like the Revolution has picked Newsom for many months now.
Bingo. There's a reason why Gavin! and Ron! are debating in Georgia! (Sea Island Uniparty donor connections, anyone?)

Gavin! and Ron! are the "chosen ones" per "the Revolution" (as you call it) to keep up the false pretense of DNC (blue) vs RNC (red) (masking up the truth of The Elites (blue AND red) vs The Plebs)