Ron DeSantis and Gavin Newsom Agree to Televised Debate

I hope so tonight was not a very good debate
I only saw Mark Dice's video recapping it and yes, according to that, it was a shitshow. Allowing a handful of candidates to all talk over Vivek at the same time is not appealing to watch. Plus, I'm already decided that Trump is my guy, so I don't care about the "first loser" debates anyway.
DeSantis will kill Newsome
I wouldn't be so confident.

DeSantis is, for the most part, a rather poor debater (and is generally not very personable), and Newsom (who I don't find to be all that personable either) has already nailed it as to why DeSantis is even doing the debate in the first place. If (When) DeSantis continues to peddle his revisionist history lies about his COVID response, Newsom will be well prepared to effectively rebut him re: said lies.

It has the potential to be unfavorable for Ron!
Was he? I do wish all the candidates would focus on fighting for the people...and winning them over... (Gavin Newsome was hilarious...;))
... but they don't, because none of the candidates up there on that stage (save maybe Vivek) give a damn about the people.

The one candidate who DOES give a damn about the people was WITH the people giving a speech to them in Michigan at the time.
I am telling you that it is ironic that the party that calls themselves Democratic have made it a standard to refuse to employ the Democratic process. Going so far as to tell states that if they do have a Primary they will be "disqualified" from the convention.

In the past both parties ran primaries with folks running against a current President. For example; when Reagan ran against Ford, the RNC had a primary. Reagan lost that time and then Ford lost to Carter in the election of 1976. Primaries are held even when someone is holding the office.

Remember when Clinton ran against that idiot in jail? What was his name? Larouche? Something like that. Yeah... back when Democracy meant something to folks who claim to be Democratic they ran a Primary against a pretty popular President...

Like I said, both parties are doing it, and I agree its wrong. It causes bad government.
This is America. We have no respect for the aged and experienced.
Who is "we"?

Biden's disapproval is due to his age.
Nah. It's due to his poor job performance (from the perspective of The Plebs on Main Street).

Talking heads WANT people to THINK that age is a problem, so that they can rail on Trump for his age, but it'll blow up in their face as it did when they tried it on Reagan.

He has done an excellent job keeping things together.
What has Biden "kept together"? In fact, Biden's handlers' whole agenda has been about DESTRUCTION so that they can "6uild 6ack 6etter" from it.

Onre thing he cannot do is get younger.
Right. I don't know of anybody who can do that.
Bingo. There's a reason why Gavin! and Ron! are debating in Georgia! (Sea Island Uniparty donor connections, anyone?)

Gavin! and Ron! are the "chosen ones" per "the Revolution" (as you call it) to keep up the false pretense of DNC (blue) vs RNC (red) (masking up the truth of The Elites (blue AND red) vs The Plebs)

I am struck that so many think that Abbott is Uniparty, and that there is a sense that DeSantis smells bad too. Michael Yon says that Abbott is a straight up stooge of the WEF/CCP, promoting their agenda lying all the way, pretending to be the opposite.
I wouldn't be so confident.

DeSantis is, for the most part, a rather poor debater (and is generally not very personable), and Newsom (who I don't find to be all that personable either) has already nailed it as to why DeSantis is even doing the debate in the first place. If (When) DeSantis continues to peddle his revisionist history lies about his COVID response, Newsom will be well prepared to effectively rebut him re: said lies.

It has the potential to be unfavorable for Ron!

Newsome is not all that good of a debater and I would think Hannity will be favorable to DeSantis
Don't bet on it. He is in if Trump gets hurt by the Democrats illegal court cases

trump has been criminally indicted, and is going to have several felony criminal trials. If that is not enough to change your mind about nominating him, then nothing will. No matter what happens, half the Republican Party will be calling it the "Democrats illegal court cases." That means DeSantis is toast.

Put another way, the worse trump does, and the better DeSantis does, the more trump's base will see DeSantis as the great betrayer. The base will be around after trump is gone, so it will make it impossible for DeSantis to win nominations in future elections.
trump has been criminally indicted, and is going to have several felony criminal trials. If that is not enough to change your mind about nominating him, then nothing will. No matter what happens, half the Republican Party will be calling it the "Democrats illegal court cases." That means DeSantis is toast.

Put another way, the worse trump does, and the better DeSantis does, the more trump's base will see DeSantis as the great betrayer. The base will be around after trump is gone, so it will make it impossible for DeSantis to win nominations in future elections.

This government is illegal....illegitimate....only PATRIOT TRUMP has both the smarts and the stones to say so.....that's the thing Almost Never Right Walt.
DeSantis is boooooring. His speech is slow and numbing. The Reds are into show business loud types like Daffy Donald. Desantis is down in the polls because he has been exposed. The campaign has lost him some of his following.

Zero fucks given and he'd definitely do better for America than Biden has or Newsom would.

Doing good for America is what's the desirable trait of a president.

Biden doesn't have that.
trump has been criminally indicted, and is going to have several felony criminal trials. If that is not enough to change your mind about nominating him, then nothing will. No matter what happens, half the Republican Party will be calling it the "Democrats illegal court cases." That means DeSantis is toast.

Put another way, the worse trump does, and the better DeSantis does, the more trump's base will see DeSantis as the great betrayer. The base will be around after trump is gone, so it will make it impossible for DeSantis to win nominations in future elections.

Like people don't see through the corrupt justice system shenanigans. :rolleyes:

Stalin did things like that too, and here you are, cheering for that going on in America.

For now, it's against your perceived enemy, but don't worry, that type of bullshit will make its way right around to you soon enough.

Yeah, that's the problem with corruption like that.
This government is illegal....illegitimate....only PATRIOT TRUMP has both the smarts and the stones to say so.....that's the thing Almost Never Right Walt.

I made a "horse race" prediction that no matter what, trump would almost certainly get the nomination, and Hawkeye and Ptif have proven me correct. They have strong (most would say fanatical) support for trump. The worse the allegations against trump, the stronger they support him. If trump murdered a man on Fifth Avenue(his hypothetical), they would support him even more through his murder trial, and even during his prison sentence.

The problem Republicans have is that while they are a plurality, or even a majority of the Republican primary voters, they are a minority of the general election voters. The more certain he is to be nominated, the less likely it is that he will be elected.

So go ahead, scream out that only trump is your god, impeach Biden for a murdering JFK, and whatever else you want. It will only secure the reelection of Biden.
I made a "horse race" prediction that no matter what, trump would almost certainly get the nomination, and Hawkeye and Ptif have proven me correct. They have strong (most would say fanatical) support for trump. The worse the allegations against trump, the stronger they support him. If trump murdered a man on Fifth Avenue(his hypothetical), they would support him even more through his murder trial, and even during his prison sentence.

The problem Republicans have is that while they are a plurality, or even a majority of the Republican primary voters, they are a minority of the general election voters. The more certain he is to be nominated, the less likely it is that he will be elected.

So go ahead, scream out that only trump is your god, impeach Biden for a murdering JFK, and whatever else you want. It will only secure the reelection of Biden.

Like people don't see through the corrupt justice system shenanigans. :rolleyes:

Stalin did things like that too, and here you are, cheering for that going on in America.

For now, it's against your perceived enemy, but don't worry, that type of bullshit will make its way right around to you soon enough.

Yeah, that's the problem with corruption like that.

Do you know how I know you are wrong about Biden being a zillion times worse than Stalin and Hitler combined... You would not have been free to say such things about Stalin or Hitler. We know your allegations are false, because you can make your allegations.
Do you know how I know you are wrong about Biden being a zillion times worse than Stalin and Hitler combined... You would not have been free to say such things about Stalin or Hitler. We know your allegations are false, because you can make your allegations.

Where is this quote....or should we just assume that you are lying yet again?