Rush Limbaugh: May Not Support GOP Nominee


Loyal to the end
Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh stunned his listeners by announcing that he might not support the Republican presidential nominee in this year’s election.

Limbaugh said on Monday’s show: "I can see possibly not supporting the Republican nominee this election, and I never thought that I would say that in my life."

The reason: “You don’t have a genuine down-the-list conservative” among the GOP candidates.

“Wherever you go here in this roster of candidates, you're going to be able to point out ‘not conservative, what he did there is not conservative’” Rush said.

The Republican front-runners want the nomination “because it's their turn,” he also stated. “We tried that in '96 with Bob Dole and now they're running the same scenario…

"I'm telling ya, it's gonna come down to which guy do we dislike the least. And that's not necessarily good."

After Rush’s pronouncements, Los Angeles Times blogger Andrew Malcolm wrote: “Across the country, people were dropping their coffee cups, choking on sandwiches, fainting and driving off the road. The king of conservative talk radio not supporting the Republican nominee?”

But Limbaugh’s remarks are not quite so surprising in light of statements he made about GOP candidates Mike Huckabee and John McCain last week:

“I'm here to tell you, if either of these two guys get the nomination, it's going to destroy the Republican Party. It's going to change it forever, be the end of it. A lot of people aren't going to vote. You watch.”

Sort of puts the ki-bosh on those who say Rush is a mouthpiece for the GOP.

Limpbaugh is having a superfreak moment.

The minute he gets in the voting booth, he's pulling the lever for the guy with an (R) next to his name.
"Sort of puts the ki-bosh on those who say Rush is a mouthpiece for the GOP."

Rush himself said he is the mouthpiece for the GOP with his "not going to keep carrying water for these guys" remarks a little ways back.

I don't buy this for a second. If Hillary is the nominee, whoever gets the GOP nod will be the next Reagan for him in no time...
Which charge was that one ,the drug shopping Drs or the one where he went to wherever ever that was in a plane for sex and got caught with a bunch of drugs?
He got a deal that no black man in Florida would have gotten. He has no felony and has already completed probation.
Which charge was that one ,the drug shopping Drs or the one where he went to wherever ever that was in a plane for sex and got caught with a bunch of drugs?

I don't think he was ever charged for having viagra for a sex trip to the dominican republic.
Oh that is right it was just a shit load of viagra and nothing illegal. I wonder how someone gets a script for the much viagra though?
Oh that is right it was just a shit load of viagra and nothing illegal. I wonder how someone gets a script for the much viagra though?

I think the reason he was detained, was because the viagra wasn't in his name. It was in somebody else's name, for some reason.

I wonder if Rush was talking up Bush's "abstinence only" sex ed programs on his show, the day before he flew to the dominican republic for a sex party?
Viagra is so 15 minutes ago. Cialis is the way to go. stays in the system 36 hours for a whole weekend of fun.
I apologize for diverting this thread. I don't want to think about cialis, viagra, a sex vacation to Dominica, and a fat ass conservative hypocrite. It's actally making me ill.
I apologize for diverting this thread. I don't want to think about cialis, viagra, a sex vacation to Dominica, and a fat ass conservative hypocrite. It's actally making me ill.
Oh you know you like thinking about Rush laying nude on a bed in the Dominican Republic smoking a cigar with 2 or three well paid male prostitutes laying in bed with him. His hefty hairless body covered in a thin layer of passion dew, fresh welts on his ass from where the prostitutes hit him with their cat o nine tails.:kiss2: