Rush Limbaugh: May Not Support GOP Nominee

I love Heaven Hill. I was at the Stardust in 1999, and they had dollar Well Whiskey and I got a couple of shots. I liked it so much I asked the bar tender what it was, and it was heaven hill. I haven't been able to find it since.
They sell the quart mason jar, just like in the picture, down the street at the ABC. At least last time I looked. I have a few swigs left in my garage. The guys used to play poker here and some of us would slug some down.
You've got the first half right, but no one is crucifying Gore. I'm simply calling him a charleton who will lie to line his pockets.

The last good homemade moonshie that I got was made by one of the Junior Johnson clan actually- no kidding. My source has since moved out of state.

"You've got the first half right, but no one is crucifying Gore. I'm simply calling him a charleton who will lie to line his pockets."

Uhhhh....doesn't that describe 99.99% of all politicians???

BTW, SM....Isn't Yadkin Co, NC the Home region of Danial Boone? Isn't it also where Iredell Co sends it's trailer trash? :-P
There's the remains of an old still not 1/4 mile from my house. It looks like its been 40 years since it was used.

Well hell....if you're a true blue environmental engineer.....shouldn't be no problem for you to fix it and get it running and make some real smooooooth shine.........and you call yourself a "Southernman!" ;-)
"You've got the first half right, but no one is crucifying Gore. I'm simply calling him a charleton who will lie to line his pockets."

Uhhhh....doesn't that describe 99.99% of all politicians???

BTW, SM....Isn't Yadkin Co, NC the Home region of Danial Boone? Isn't it also where Iredell Co sends it's trailer trash? :-P
Actually no it doesn't. But it does decribe Reid and Pelosi. Oh- and Clinton with the Whitewater thing.

As a youth Boone's familiy settled in Davie County, near Mocksville. After he got married he and his wife moved to a remote part of the valley and he hunted west into the Blue Ridge Mountains, into Watuaga County. The current City of Boone is in Watauga County, also the current home of Appalacian State University, NCAA football champs two years running. Prononced Ap-ah-latch-in south of the MD line (not Ap-ah-late-chin like the Yankees say it).

All counties in the Yadkin Valley send their trailer trash either to Stokes, or down river to South Carolina.
Actually no it doesn't. But it does decribe Reid and Pelosi. Oh- and Clinton with the Whitewater thing.

As a youth Boone's familiy settled in Davie County, near Mocksville. After he got married he and his wife moved to a remote part of the valley and he hunted west into the Blue Ridge Mountains, into Watuaga County. The current City of Boone is in Watauga County, also the current home of Appalacian State University, NCAA football champs two years running. Prononced Ap-ah-latch-in south of the MD line (not Ap-ah-late-chin like the Yankees say it).

All counties in the Yadkin Valley send their trailer trash either to Stokes, or down river to South Carolina.

"Actually no it doesn't. But it does decribe Reid and Pelosi. Oh- and Clinton with the Whitewater thing."

Boy are you niave. I have some shorefront property in Nebraska for sale...interested?
Oh :bs:

Rush Limbaugh would never even CONSIDER voting for any other party, period. He isn't the least bit patriotic, ya know. Do something for the good of the country? He musta been on some new prescription stuff when he said it.

Since when is voting Democrat ever been good for the country? :)
Since when is voting Democrat ever been good for the country? :)

Right on---need we remind people that welfare programs are making the American people lazy?

Heck--I swear, I am ready to give up muself. A dem and most republicans scare me so much that I will have zero disposable income that I entertain the though myself of just getting drunk and doing drugs to get caught and collect disability for the rest of my life. But--what kind of a person would I be then? THE AMERICANS THAT SOCIAISTS WANT!!!!! OBEDIENT, CHEAP LABOR WORKERS!! OBEDIENT CHEAP LABOR WORKERS!!

Man--I think we should just all give up--and get it over with to help the learning process of these people that support dem/lib/commie social programs that are designed to strip our American dream from the common man. The faster we get it over (yea---lets call it a revolution--shall we?), the faster we can again achieve prosperity as common people.

Lets fight for what is right (and that may mean giving in and turing the other cheek for a bit and experience failure)---it is past the 200 year point.
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Don't you remember Strom Thurmond?!

Strom Thurmond was a great American. Not only was he a brilliant politician but damned precious few Senators have served their State as well as Strom did South Carolina. Was Strom a flawed human being who was profoundly wrong on certain great issues or had serious character flaws? Well hell yea who isn't? Strom was undeniably wrong on his segregationist views but he was a product of his times and culture and to his credit he changed with the times, which is a hell of a lot more than most politicians do. He was also a worse philanderer by far then Bill Clinton, sept he had better taste. Strom only banged hotties! lol and he didn't give a damn what color they long as they were hot! On his retirment the old coot told his colleagues in the Senate. I love you all, especially your wives! LOL

Though Strom didn't have much of a legislative record his record of constituent service is legend. He was notorious for calling up a widow, shortly after her husbands passing, to express his sincere condolences and he did so regardless of the widows race or political affiliation (and think how many re-elections that probably won him?).

Some of Stroms accomplishments.

Became a State Senator in 1932 (as a Democrat). The same year FDR was elected.

He landed on Normandy on D-Day as an Officer in the 82nd Airborn (and he was in his late 30's! Airborne training is enough to kill a man in his early 20's.)

He became state Governer 1946, as a Democrat.

He became the first man to ever become a US Senator, in 1946, as a write in candidate. (again as a Democrat)

Failed Presidential bid as a segregationist in 1948. Same year he broke the record in the Senate for the longest Filibuster when he opposed the voting rights act. A record which still stands and will probably never be broken due to rule changes in the Senate.

Left the Democrat party to become a Republican (of the Goldwater stripe) in 1964. Leading the way to two party rule in the solid south. This will probably be Stroms greatest legacy, as a Senator, as most southernors are now Republicans though the political situation doesn't even remotely resemble to old Dixiecrat yellow dog Democrat one party rule days.

Strom walked away from his segregationist past in the early 60's. He supported the Civil Right act of 1964. Was one of the first southern Senators (or Congressman) to employ Blacks on his staff. He also supported and advocated Martin Luther King, Jr day as a national holiday in the early 1980's.

I think the best story I heard about Strom was from a little old African American lady I met in Columbia. She was having problems collecting her social security benefits. She simply called up Stroms office in DC, talked to one of his staffers and with in days the problem was resolved. Strom was legendary for this type of service to his constituents.

Strom's public career can be sumed up briefly in his own words. He was honest, patriotic and dedicated.