Rush Limbaugh: May Not Support GOP Nominee

Fair enough.
It depends on the definition of hate. I do not think I really hate anyone. I strongly dislike several people. but hate ? I do not think so, but could be wrong. I know I do not go ballistic at the mention of the mention of bush's name like many on the right do when you mention Hillary....

one of my sisters is here now visiting and she just goes wild if i even mention hillary.
i on the other hand remain civil when she brags on rush or bush. you gotta watch those ushes ;)
She married a guy who was career millitary.
Yeah well I learned from Thomas Jefferson that if someones act doesn't pick my pocket or break my leg I should leave them alone and let them live their lives.

Oh please. If we had listened to Jefferson on everything we would be the most conquered nation on Earth, since there would only be 300 farmers in the whole place.
come on man all you conservatives hate queers. You call their attempt at having the same rights as breeders special rights. You fall back on religious beliefs when you talk about same sex marriage. Just embrace your hatered of the queer nation.
"Queer Nation"? If they had their own nation there would be no need to seek rights...

I apologize for diverting this thread. I don't want to think about cialis, viagra, a sex vacation to Dominica, and a fat ass conservative hypocrite. It's actally making me ill.

NO DOUBT! I was eating when I read the previous posts and the thought of Limbaughs big flacid pale white ass bouncing off some delectable cash straped Dominicana is enough to make me spew chunks!

Shame on you Cypress! ;-)
This just shows what I new when I voted for McCain in the 2000 primaries. He's way more popular with mainstream American then he is with extremist wingnuts.

Good god! How much better off would this country be if he had been elected President? Though that don't mean much as Gore WAS electred President and we still got stuck with numbnuts. So much for democracy.
I think you leftists should be thanking your lucky stars that Gore lost--- not only will it allow you to put one of your commie friends into the Presidency, and Gore's subsequent focus on the environment elevated him from a wax dummy to celebrity status.