Rush Limbaugh: May Not Support GOP Nominee

You people are funny. You'd rather deny the reality of Rush possibly not supporting the nominee, than risk having to update your uninformed opinions and stereotypes the mainstream media have created for you. the fact is the "globalism or bust" crowd is wearing out their welcome on both sides of the aisle.

John McCain and his amnesty are why he will lose.
Maybe I should re-name this thread: "The Hater's Club". Oh, all these open- minded, well intentioned liberals. :rolleyes:
Oh you know you like thinking about Rush laying nude on a bed in the Dominican Republic smoking a cigar with 2 or three well paid male prostitutes laying in bed with him. His hefty hairless body covered in a thin layer of passion dew, fresh welts on his ass from where the prostitutes hit him with their cat o nine tails.:kiss2:
yep my vision of his all guys trip as well.
No we do this to the ultra hater Conservatives that pretend to hate queers then start toe tapping when they think no one is looking. We ALL know that Limbaugh loves the cock.
When did Rush ever say that he hates "queers"? It appears you and your buddy here are the haters. :clink:
come on man all you conservatives hate queers. You call their attempt at having the same rights as breeders special rights. You fall back on religious beliefs when you talk about same sex marriage. Just embrace your hatered of the queer nation.
come on man all you conservatives hate queers. You call their attempt at having the same rights as breeders special rights. You fall back on religious beliefs when you talk about same sex marriage. Just embrace your hatered of the queer nation.
In my religion I've been taught to love the sinner and hate the sin.