Sad news: E man is gone.

anyone can "do" anything -most people don't make the effort. I'm sure I could churn out a book
on the ant-war movement during Vietnam from my perspective as a member of SDS , but I didn't.
Credit goes to the doers
Eman was a great writer, period. Always had a way with words.
Exactly. I was part of a team, back when I started my environmental career, that obtained the first federal exemption for recycling hazardous waste. It was a significant accomplishment as it set the precedent for today’s standards for recycling hazardous waste. My point being establishing those standards was the significant accomplishment, not who did what first. We did work that benefited the entire regulated community but we were motivated by self interest.

Eman was more of an activist and a social climber. He certainly wasn’t a professional in the field.

Yes, he was an activist and never claimed otherwise.
What was her name on DCJ? I can't remember to save my life.

I can't recall either......

She claimed to live on an island called Roatan, or something. Damn I can't believe I can't remember it.

Beats the hell out of me. I have racked my pea-brain, to no avail. All I can remember is Roatan. Sailor will have to remember.

Where did you all find news or info about him passing away???

I searched using his screen name and his real name and found nothing in reference to him passing away.

Anyway, I did a search of archived DCJ pages for the girl you're wondering about. I searched through several archived pages over a span of a few years up until about 2014. I also searched through as much of the member list as it would let me. It only had the first page for each letter of the alphabet, but many of them were only one page anyhow.

The closest name I could come up with that sounded like it might have been her was...


Not sure if that's the one, but it kinda sounds like I remember it.

I also did a couple of screenshots of two classic Eman posts from The Zone, which was where he spent a lot of his time. I seem to recall he got banished there a lot.

If you former DCJ'ers recall, he was always lobbying to be President of DCJ and I think he eventually just appointed himself to the position.

Anyway, here are two of his posts:



There was a thread topic link for a thread he started about interracial dating that I wanted to open and possibly screenshot, but it wasn't working. I remember how he was always trying to piss us white guys off, talking about how he dated and had sex with a lot of white women.

"Where are the white women????" :laugh:

Here's the old header if anyone's interested:

Day-um, where did you find all of that, Wayback? If I could find some of the online now shots and see her name I would remember it. Wow, blast from the past! Ty
It has been reported several places, here is one-

He was a one of a kind, that's for sure.

I remember a couple of times, late, late at night, he and I being the only ones logged on to DCJ, arguing back and forth about one thing or another, for what seemed like what was going to be an eternity, until I'd finally have to shut it down so I could get some sleep.

RIP Eman.
Yep, that classic Eman there...........

Can argue w/ him for an hour & end up right back in the same place, rinse & repeat.......:rofl2:
A Memorial Service Celebrating the Life of Environmentalist and Wake Forest University Alum, NORRIS McDONALD [2/8/53 - 5/14/19] will take place this afternoon, Sunday, June 2nd, at 3:00 on the campus of Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, in Annenberg Forum Room of Carswell Hall, Gully Drive -- directly across from Bostwick Dorm.

Norris McDonald is an American environmental activist. He is the founder and president of the African American Environmentalist Association and the Center for Environment, Commerce & Energy. He was listed by Ebony (magazine) in 2012 as one of America's top 100 most influential African Americans.[1]
Norris McDonald, a leading black environmentalist, is the founder and president of the African American Environmental Association (AAEA), an organization dedicated to protecting the environment, enhancing human, animal and plant ecologies, and increasing African American participation in the environmental movement.
Norris McDonald was born to parents Sandy Norris McDonald Sr. and Katie Louvina Best in 1958 in Thomasville, North Carolina. Norris McDonald Sr. was a high school principal and Katie Louvina Best worked for the local public school system.