SARS-COV2 evolving to become a mass killer

Reminder: Geert does not today think that he is wrong about anything other than the timeline....He says that the human immune system is more robust that he thought.... he also says that there is still no way we win this evolutionary war in the end because we humans have completely bungled the fight.

I know. The end-of-the-world predictors keep pushing back that timeline, too.
Geert is still sure that he is right that in the end massive numbers will die of COVID...populations that took the death jabs will do the dying....those who did not will be fine:

Therefore, I firmly believe that the growing prevalence of chronic, vaccine-associated immune pathology (‘long Covid’) and the dominance of the JN.1 quasispecies signal the onset of the final, hyperacute phase of the C-19 immune escape pandemic. This phase is expected to be characterized by a spectacular surge in enhanced viral virulence caused by the rapid dissemination of HIVICRON throughout all organs of vaccinated individuals.

Last, for those who will be inclined to attribute a severe wave of what they call "disease X" to the out-of-the-blue emergence of this entirely new CoV, I emphasize that any newly emerging CoV subsequent to this immune escape pandemic, particularly one displaying high virulence in highly C-19 vaccinated populations, should be regarded as a delayed outcome of the large-scale C-19 vaccination program. As repeatedly discussed, the latter has merely catalyzed a cascade of diverse viral immune escape events, thus representing an unparalleled ‘gain-of-function’ experiment conducted on the very human species.
"I was right about everything but the timeline....the human immune system is more resilient than I thought"
Geert is still sure that he is right that in the end massive numbers will die of COVID...populations that took the death jabs will do the dying....those who did not will be fine:

Oh, OK.

I get it now.

More anti-vaxxer crap.

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Oh, OK.

I get it now.

Ore anti-vaxxer crap.


Humans made SARS-COV2, and then the leaders of the humans pumped the populations full of experimental substances that destroy our immune systems, promote cancers and other deadly problems, extended the pandemic and pushed the bugs towards being mass killers if Geert is right.

This is almost certainly go down as the biggest human caused tragedy in history if we dont do WW3 first...which these same leaders are pushing us towards.

Buckle Up.
From The NIH National Library of Medicine, National Center for Biotechnology Information

Most of Vanden Bossche’s arguments against SARS‐CoV‐2 vaccination have been disproven....


...but there is one fundamental aspect of his arguments that I have not seen fully addressed. The crux of Vanden Bossche’s and his disciples’ anti‐vaccination argument is essentially a resurrection of Lamarck's theories of adaptive evolution. Jean Baptiste Lamarck (1744–1829), rightly or wrongly, is most remembered for advocating the “inheritance of acquired characteristics”, which was discredited in modern biology almost 80 years ago. With respect to SARS‐CoV‐2 and vaccination, the argument goes that when the virus infects a vaccinated person, it acquires the ability to evade the immunity conferred by the vaccine, thereby becoming capable of infecting and growing in vaccinated hosts and immune individuals who recovered from COVID‐19. From their point of view, vaccination is thus fuelling the generation of immune‐resistant variants, which could ultimately become an existential danger to humanity. Thus, they claim, it is the vaccinated who threaten the unvaccinated, the opposite of what I argued in my letter in the Proceedings.

Vaccination does not generate variants resistant to the vaccine

What is wrong with this argument is that modern biology has demonstrated that mutation is random, not directed by the environment. The classic fluctuation test experiments of Salvador Edward Luria and Max Delbrück, published in 1943, showed that a bacterial cell's resistance to a virus is not induced by the virus, but results from random mutations that allow the cell to resist the virus. In other words, mutations occur without selective pressure, not the other way around. Thus, the evolution and inheritance of new characteristics is not subject to Lamarckism even if epigenetics and hypermutation provide some important modifiers to the underlying mutation‐selection process.
It sure looks like the experts know what is coming, that is what empowering the WHO for global domination the coming disease X (which we are assured will be here soon) is all about....the only question is if this was the planned destination all the time, to shed human populations and to enslave whatever remains.
The jabs will be useless because they look for the spike protein of the original Chinese created virus, but evolution will make that useless at best. Geert says that those who took the jabs will actually be much worse off for complicated reasons that he has explained so many times, and does again in the video above.

You'll never be able to handle anything coming down the pike if you listen to every idiot out there, without doing a little more research on your own.

MRNA vaccines are here to stay, and they are 99.99% effective. Most serious positive advancement in medicine so far this century!

So get your head straight first. You still seem to be fighting the facts and listening to idiots!

And, I learned a long time ago, not to worry about anything we can't do much about- UNTIL IT GETS HERE!

If SARS flares up again into pandemic proportion- I WILL SIMPLY GO DOWN AND GET THE JAB!
How many years will Hawkeye continue to predict that everyone who got vaccinated will die "any day now?"
This gets to what Geert has been talking about for at least a year and half, why Geert now says that disaster will be here in a few months at the latest.

The next U.S. COVID wave is coming. Why it will be 'much weirder than before
There are no 'variants' of a variant.
Covid19 is not a disaster. What Democrats did as part of the Covid Hoax IS the disaster. They started the current economic depression.