SARS-COV2 evolving to become a mass killer

Geert has now been proven right that increasingly it is those who took the jabs who are dying.

We are still waiting to see if he is right that SARS-COV2 will evolve into a much more lethal form.
To claim one is right by saying Covid will mutate and change is like saying you are correct when they tell us the days will get shorter as we approach winter. It is a virus, and like the flu, nothing stayers the same

And as far as the doomsday implications:

“We may be entering the next phase of the pandemic. Thanks to layers of immunity from vaccination and prior infection — plus lifesaving treatments such as Paxlovid — we will almost certainly never regress to the horrific era of collapsing ICUs and thousands of deaths per day.”

“For most U.S. residents, the new escape variants will be more of an inconvenience than a threat this winter”

How many people actually died of covid versus those who died with covid?
Geert has now been proven right that increasingly it is those who took the jabs who are dying.

We are still waiting to see if he is right that SARS-COV2 will evolve into a much more lethal form.

Total bullshit. You are 18 times more likely to die if you are fucking stupid enough to remain unvaccinated. How did you get so fucking stupid?
Total bullshit. You are 18 times more likely to die if you are fucking stupid enough to remain unvaccinated. How did you get so fucking stupid?

Says who? The people who told you how getting multiple vax jabs lowers your risk of contraction, let alone hospitalization? Tell that to Al Roker. Also, you might want to do some comprehensive, objective research to see the growing numbers of people of all ages developing all types of ailments from jabs...whether a pre-conditon or not.
Says who? The people who told you how getting multiple vax jabs lowers your risk of contraction, let alone hospitalization? Tell that to Al Roker. Also, you might want to do some comprehensive, objective research to see the growing numbers of people of all ages developing all types of ailments from jabs...whether a pre-conditon or not.

It looks like the injuries ramp up with each jab....the second causes more injury than the first, and the third even more than the second, and so on. The more important problem is that it is likely that we increasingly jack up our immune system with each jab we take.

I took two, which was a very iffy decision even with my comorbidities, and I am certainly done.

I am not taking any flu shots either as Geert thinks its a bad idea, and he has been right a lot up till now.
The experts are trying to figure out if the jabs either cause or make worse cancer.....something that would have been nice to know BEFORE it was pumped into so many arms. But they were very lightly tested.

This is a good place to remember that civilizations tend to die via hubris.
This gets to what Geert has been talking about for at least a year and half, why Geert now says that disaster will be here in a few months at the latest.

The next U.S. COVID wave is coming. Why it will be 'much weirder than before

You're a little bit off on this. Mutations aren't really the issue here, what Geert has been warning about was the "vaccinations.' The so called vaccinated are in serious danger, it's not covid that is the issue here, it's the lack of immune defense in the "vaccinated" that's the issue.
You're a little bit off on this. Mutations aren't really the issue here, what Geert has been warning about was the "vaccinations.' The so called vaccinated are in serious danger, it's not covid that is the issue here, it's the lack of immune defense in the "vaccinated" that's the issue.

That our experts dont understand evolution has a lot to do with why they have no idea what is going on.

Geert however does, and so do Bret and Heather.
The jabs will be useless because they look for the spike protein of the original Chinese created virus, but evolution will make that useless at best. Geert says that those who took the jabs will actually be much worse off for complicated reasons that he has explained so many times, and does again in the video above.

mRNA 'vaccines' do not look for viruses.
Most of the experts do not understand evolution at all.....Geert does....which is why he was able to correctly predict this coming disaster a long long time ago. Bret and Heather also understand evolution, and have been saying from the jump that Geert looks right, and lately have been saying that Geert has largely been proven to be right.

The experts really fucked this up.

Buckle Up.

Fear mongering. No variant of the Covid/SARS series of viruses kills.
To claim one is right by saying Covid will mutate and change is like saying you are correct when they tell us the days will get shorter as we approach winter. It is a virus, and like the flu, nothing stayers the same

And as far as the doomsday implications:

“We may be entering the next phase of the pandemic. Thanks to layers of immunity from vaccination and prior infection — plus lifesaving treatments such as Paxlovid — we will almost certainly never regress to the horrific era of collapsing ICUs and thousands of deaths per day.”

“For most U.S. residents, the new escape variants will be more of an inconvenience than a threat this winter”

Fear mongering. It is not possible to have a variant of a variant. There are only a dozen or so variants in the entire Covid/SARS series. NONE of them kill.
The experts are trying to figure out if the jabs either cause or make worse cancer.....something that would have been nice to know BEFORE it was pumped into so many arms. But they were very lightly tested.

This is a good place to remember that civilizations tend to die via hubris.

'The experts' is not a name. Give a name. Void argument fallacy.
Geert has been wrong about this one thing up till now. This is what he says about thatL:

I understand that the virus may evolve the way Geert has predicted andbecome more virulent and dangerous. However, is it also possible that the situationcalms and the virus simmers down? If so, how likely is that to happen?

Of course, after a huge wave of severe morbidity and death, the situation will calm down and the virus could even be eradicated for sufficient transmission. I don’t think this is the scenario you’re referring to. You probably refer to the evolutionary path of the virus abating rather than escalating. I don’t think we can fully rule out that possibility for the following reason:

In highly vaccinated populations, viral transmission is currently hampered by reduced shedding in vaccinees. As described in my book, The Inescapable Immune Escape Pandemic (,this is inextricably linked to enhanced immune selection pressure on viral virulence exerted by polyreactive, non-neutralizing antibodies (PNNAbs).Provided this condition persists long enough, a highly virulent variant capable of lifting the blockade on viral virulence could ultimately be selected and cause severe C-19 disease (thereby ensuring viral perpetuation!).

However, there is always a possibility that viral transmission in highly vaccinated populations becomes dramatically reduced before such a highly virulent variant emerges (and could therefore be selected). This could happen if vaccine-induced, potentially neutralizing antibodies (pNAbs) decline rather rapidly. Low concentrations of pNAbs that have largely lost their neutralizing capacity towards the circulating virus (Omicron descendants) will result in relatively low concentrations of PNNAbs (see book)and therefore, rapidly abrogate immune pressure on viral virulence. In this case, reduced viral transmission would not result in prolonged PNNAb-mediated immune pressure on viral virulence, and viral transmission could fall below the threshold required for viral perpetuation before a more virulent mutant gets selected. This might happen in countries with a relatively low vaccination or booster rate. However, there is also some uncertainty about the percentage of vaccinees who effectively develop measurable pNAb titers. As the vast majority of C-19 vaccinees in highly vaccinated countries are in the higher age groups (> 60Y), a substantial part of the population may not optimally respond to the vaccines (there are currently no detailed studies available on the % of non-responders in the elderly for lack of systematic serological surveys). Of course, if this is the case, many ‘highly vaccinated’ populations may not prove to be ‘highly vaccine-immunized’ and their impact on the evolution of the virus might be considerably overestimated.

In other words, a ‘simmer down’ effect might occur in vaccinated countries with a relatively low vaccination/ booster rate, or even more widely in ‘highly vaccinated’ industrialized countries because of the relatively high percentage of older age groups (comprising the majority of non-responders).

I am not ruling out the possibility that other scenarios for a ‘simmer down’ effect could also occur, but the two described above are those that came to my mind.

As for the second part of the question, how likely is this to happen? I don’t know! The problem is that we have no clue about the percentage of vaccinees that were effectively primed by those vaccines for lack of population-level serological data. This question is particularly valid given that this mass vaccination campaign has been focusing on the use of mRNA vaccines, primarily in elderly people.

It has also been shown that diminished neutralizing capacity elicits polyreactive non-neutralizing Abs[1]but nobody seems to care about measuring those, let alone performing large-scale testing on the presence of these Abs.

These are the unknowns, simply because the situation is unprecedented (we’ve never been massively immunizing before our elderly people with mRNA-based vaccines and especially data on the latter type of vaccines are missing). Of course, everyone is focused on the virus, not realizing that the suboptimal immune pressure it gets exposed to is what’s driving its evolution.

So the question really is this: Will this immune pressure persist for long enough to allow selection of a more virulent (but also a more elaborated [glycan decoration!] virus) before enhanced CTL responses in vaccinees will have reduced viral shedding down to a level where viral transmission is no longer sufficient?

One cannot rule out that this may occur when high titers of pNAbs are rapidly falling on a background of highly infectious virus circulation. It doesn’t invalidate my hypothesis (catastrophic scenario); it simply indicates that the proposed scenario may not unfold if vaccines do not meet the usual requirements for a vaccine to be marketable (e.g., due to poor and/ or short-lived immune response as a result of poor immunogenicity in the target population). I am not even sure whether repeated boosters would improve, or rather deteriorate, the immune response in the case of poor immunogenicity. But again, ‘ other’ doses could be very immunogenic in ‘other’ people under ‘other’ conditions.

People also tend to forget that mRNA is very fragile, and that stability thereof in the vaccine formulation may be problematic if not frozen, conserved, or thawed properly (see Jessica Rose’s reports on missing QC data on the physical integrity of the mRNA strand) . Again, where are the systematic serological surveys (on neutralizing anti-S Abs) in vaccinees?? The fact that some vaccinees continue to have repetitive episodes of C-19 disease may indicate that the vaccine ‘take’ in these people has been lousy.

My key message is that my predictions should be taken very seriously. To make this message strong enough, it’s better and reasonable to assume that these vaccines are sufficiently immunogenic in the target population. Potential assumptions suggesting that these vaccines may not properly immunize the target population would flaw the message and make it even more likely that it won’t be taken seriously (as it sounds quite incredible to people anyway)