SARS-COV2 evolving to become a mass killer

Geert has not changed his outlook:

How many more times will I have to tell you that this ‘immune escape’ pandemic will not have a happy ending?

Understanding the immunological consequences of mass vaccination during a pandemic of a virus causing acute self-limiting infection (e.g., SARS-CoV-2) is essential. The advent of Omicron signaled the irrevocable loss of the opportunity for the population to develop herd immunity and instead turned mass vaccination into an unprecedented and life-threatening "gain-of-function" experiment with the global population as guinea pigs. Just as Omicron came like a thief in the night, so too will Hi-Vi-Cron surprise society.

Predicting complex biological dynamics requires a rigorous scientific analysis of the fundamental causes of these dynamics and their alignment with forthcoming data and observations, rather than extrapolation from ad hoc data or previous observations. Regarding the ongoing immune escape pandemic, the dominant biological patterns are governed by the evolving dynamics of the virus, molded and remolded by the population-level immune response imprinted by mass vaccination. As these viral evolutionary dynamics were initiated in the wrong direction (the immune response should ideally adjust to the virus, not the other way around!), Nature is now compelled to eliminate all incorrect immune adaptations from the population. This scenario will, however, leave many vaccinated individuals (i.e., those who were vaccinated in ways that made them exclusively reliant on this mistaken immune imprinting) entirely unprotected. I cannot imagine how this would not lead to significantly increased mortality rates before protective herd immunity can be achieved. However, this may only transpire once the rate of excess deaths in vaccinees due to immune suppression or immune-related pathology indirectly resulting from mass vaccination has further increased. (https://www.voiceforscienceandsolid...ariants-in-highly-c-xx-vaccinated-populations).

The scenario depicted above represents the only means through which nature can transform the ongoing herd immune selection pressure (on viral virulence) exerted by highly COVID-19 vaccinated populations into a state of optimal, sterilizing herd immunity (primarily conferred by the unvaccinated).

The rise in hospitalization and mortality rates could rapidly strain healthcare and funeral service systems in highly COVID-19 vaccinated countries. I therefore urge all healthy unvaccinated individuals to be prepared to assist in such scenarios, whenever and wherever they may arise.*

Geert has said that we will get to the point that it is almost exclusively those who took the jabs who will be dying, and that the more jabs we take the more we wreck our immune systems.

He has been right all along the trail so far.
Is it Sacha Baron Cohen again?

The Kazakhstani government is out of control

while we worry about the Russians and Chinese.

Maybe they'll use Gennady Golovkin this time.
Update from a different person who suspects that Geert is right yet again:

In Anticipation of a Highly Virulent SARS-CoV-2 Variant: An ADDENDUM*


Those who took the jabs have wrecked our immune systems is the argument, because the mass vax program was somewhere on the scale of incredibly ignorant to criminally nefarious. The only hope for us are antivirals administered soon as this bad form of the bug shows up we all need to be on them....which of course wont happen.
Reminder: Geert does not today think that he is wrong about anything other than the timeline....He says that the human immune system is more robust that he thought.... he also says that there is still no way we win this evolutionary war in the end because we humans have completely bungled the fight.
The jabs will be useless because they look for the spike protein of the original Chinese created virus, but evolution will make that useless at best. Geert says that those who took the jabs will actually be much worse off for complicated reasons that he has explained so many times, and does again in the video above.

It’s obvious you didn’t read your own citation from the above post. Now, THERE’S a shocker!
When I think of Geerts understanding of what is going on and predictions based upon that understanding I think of how my brother says "But Steve, you have said that America was in big danger of collapse since the mid eighties, what makes you think you are right this time".

To which I respond "And I have been proven right, you simply dont understand the timelines of how these sorts of things work".
Update from a different person who suspects that Geert is right yet again:


Those who took the jabs have wrecked our immune systems is the argument, because the mass vax program was somewhere on the scale of incredibly ignorant to criminally nefarious. The only hope for us are antivirals administered soon as this bad form of the bug shows up we all need to be on them....which of course wont happen.

That’s Geert’s argument. So many have called bullshit on his bogus logic. His claim is that vaccines have caused selective pressure and caused the virus to mutate. That’s horseshit and is a misunderstanding of genetic mutations.