SARS-COV2 evolving to become a mass killer

Last year there were reports that as many of 70% of the deer herd in the upper midwestern states were infected with C-19. IMO that is pretty troublesome. Waiting to find out the consequences of such a high rate of infection on animal life if any.

Did you notice how long the COVID managers stuck to "We are going to rid the planet of COVID, that is why we need these harsh measures" after we knew that SARS-COV2 was in the wild animals already?

"It's all BullShit Folks!"
TONS of reports of inflammation of the heart in those who were jabbed as well.

Did you know that the heart was one of the few places in the body that does not go through cell replacement?

Putting this stuff in kids who are just starting out and need those cells to work for a long time for no good reason is straight up abuse of the worst kind, that is how badly we suck.
Did you notice how long the COVID managers stuck to "We are going to rid the planet of COVID, that is why we need these harsh measures" after we knew that SARS-COV2 was in the wild animals already?

"It's all BullShit Folks!"

I'm struggling to remember when the "COVID managers" said they were going to rid the world of COVID. Can you refresh my memory?
Here's the thing, Hawk, as it pertains to your signature.

Elites are elite for a reason.

Everyman Joe Sixpack is a useless slug for a reason as well.
In Germany, were over 75% are at least double jabbed, hospitals are filling up fast. The expectation is that this wave will be the worst yet for German hospitals.

Who told you hospitals in Germany are filling up?

The current rate of hospitalization in Germany for Covid are less per capita than the US had in June and only 1/4 of what the US had in January. This week in Germany the hospitalizations appear to be down by 50% from last week.
That was the excuse for the forced jabs. Did you forget that part?

Ummm, no. Vaccination can lead to elimination like in Small Pox but to my knowledge not all vaccines are out there with the intent of wiping the disease off the planet. For instance we have annual flu shots not with the plan to wipe out all flu virus, but rather control the impact of whatever variant is going around. I don't think anyone really expects that vaccines will eliminate all flu viruses.

Perhaps I am mistaken, but I don't see it that way.

The other poster indicated that it was a stated objective of the COVID doctors. I don't recall them saying ANYTHING even REMOTELY like that. I will continue to assume it was an incorrect point by the poster.
Ummm, no. Vaccination can lead to elimination like in Small Pox but to my knowledge not all vaccines are out there with the intent of wiping the disease off the planet. For instance we have annual flu shots not with the plan to wipe out all flu virus, but rather control the impact of whatever variant is going around. I don't think anyone really expects that vaccines will eliminate all flu viruses.

Perhaps I am mistaken, but I don't see it that way.

The other poster indicated that it was a stated objective of the COVID doctors. I don't recall them saying ANYTHING even REMOTELY like that. I will continue to assume it was an incorrect point by the poster.

You are correct. The COVID vax was meant to stop severity and hospitalizations and was/is treated more like the annual influenza vaccines. It contains nothing of the SARS-COV-2 virus, only enough of the RNA on its protein spikes to allow our immune systems to create antibodies against it and recognize it in the future.

BTW, my microbiology professor was one of Pfizer's human guinea pigs months before the vax was approved and open for the public. He continues to work with them as variants arise.

Semi-sentients like Minty/Life is Golden and her idiotic cohort think that vaccine = will never get that disease EVER.
I was reading that 1/6 of the Chinese are locked down, with the number growing. The only way this makes sense is if the Chinese either know or suspect that SARS-COV2 is much more dangerous, or will be, than most of the experts around the world believe.

Considering that they built it.....
Most of the experts do not understand evolution at all.....Geert does....which is why he was able to correctly predict this coming disaster a long long time ago. Bret and Heather also understand evolution, and have been saying from the jump that Geert looks right, and lately have been saying that Geert has largely been proven to be right.

The experts really fucked this up.

Buckle Up.

Don't worry Madwitch will be along presently to set the record straight!!
You are correct. The COVID vax was meant to stop severity and hospitalizations and was/is treated more like the annual influenza vaccines. It contains nothing of the SARS-COV-2 virus, only enough of the RNA on its protein spikes to allow our immune systems to create antibodies against it and recognize it in the future.

BTW, my microbiology professor was one of Pfizer's human guinea pigs months before the vax was approved and open for the public. He continues to work with them as variants arise.

Semi-sentients like Minty/Life is Golden and her idiotic cohort think that vaccine = will never get that disease EVER.

Here she is, Joan of Snark is looking a bit crispy though!
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