SARS-COV2 evolving to become a mass killer

You are a troll, personified.

The "vaccine" was untested. All MRNA trials prior to Covid failed because of ADE. I learned this early on.

No one knows wtf the end result will be.

The vaccine was tested on thousands of people. I'm not a troll. but if you want to respond to you, do what you just did. Make an argument. Now, here's your link:

"Clinical trials for COVID-19 vaccines have involved tens of thousands of volunteers of different ages, races and ethnicities. The FDA and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continue to monitor the safety of the vaccines and alert the public about health problems that are reported after vaccination."

Now, here's what you're supposed to do if you're serious: You're provide me some EVIDENCE the vaccine was untested. That's how debate works.

So again, provide me a link from a reputable source that the vaccine was untested, as you claim and I promise I will listen.
You are a troll, personified.

The "vaccine" was untested. All MRNA trials prior to Covid failed because of ADE. I learned this early on.

Well, you made up some shit you got from OAN about that, tardcunt. lol

No one knows wtf the end result will be.

Yes, we do. People who got vaxxed are still alive. People who did not -- because they believed the bullshit you do -- are not.

People who got vaxxed tend to be (D)s or (I)s.

People who did not get vaxxed tend to be (R)s like you morons.

People who did not get vaxxed tend to have worse outcomes, including death. We have almost three years of morbidity and mortality data, both pre-vax and post-vax, about the effectiveness of the vaccines.

People like you should probably learn science -- and realizing that more of your voting cohort is dead because they think science is too hard.
If people are stupid enough to believe you then they deserve what they get.

My sympathy tank is running on fumes.

Well, then I guess I'll be judged when it's time. I don't have high hopes for you, sadly. You've thrown your lot in with the Nazi fascists and won't back up any of your arguments. You just preach bullshit. It's pathetic.

And no one listens to you. Look at your percentage of "thanks" to your posts. We all know it's bullshit, you poor sorry drug-addled, failure as a human.
Well, then I guess I'll be judged when it's time. I don't have high hopes for you, sadly. You've thrown your lot in with the Nazi fascists and won't back up any of your arguments. You just preach bullshit. It's pathetic.

And no one listens to you. Look at your percentage of "thanks" to your posts. We all know it's bullshit, you poor sorry drug-addled, failure as a human.

There is no point in listening to known constant liars.
And yet in May of this year:

New study links COVID vaccines to 25% increase in cardiac arrest for both males & females

A new study by Israeli researchers and published in Nature has revealed an increase of over 25 percent in cardiovascular-related emergency calls in the young-adult population, following the rollout of COVID vaccines, among both males and females. No similar increase was found due to COVID infection alone.
You pay so much attention to me because you either know or suspect how close to the truth I am, and this fills you with fear.

You know.. you might be right.. OR.. perhaps, I just love bringing to your attention what a pathetic, ignorant, evil, lowbrow fucknut you are.

I also bring up again when aske to clarify your rantings, you run away like the little troll-bitch you are. You have no clue what you're talking about you just know you have to behave like a Nazi.

I bring up again your ratio of "thanks" to total posts. That's what people in the real world call, "evidence".

No one listens to you.
You know.. you might be right.. OR.. perhaps, I just love bringing to your attention what a pathetic, ignorant, evil, lowbrow fucknut you are.

I also bring up again when aske to clarify your rantings, you run away like the little troll-bitch you are. You have no clue what you're talking about you just know you have to behave like a Nazi.

I bring up again your ratio of "thanks" to total posts. That's what people in the real world call, "evidence".

No one listens to you.

Words mean less than actions, and you have over an extended time devoted enormous time and effort to me, proving that you think I matter.

Thanks, still finding my way around here.

No problem. If you have any other questions you can always ask Tom aka Primadonna aka The King of Thailand's Bath Boy aka The Kept Farang. You'll notice how he follows me ardently, hoping for some shreds of attention. He's our JPP Gossip Grrrl and (thinks he) knows everything. :rofl2:
This is BullShit....I used this piece only because it is the ONLY piece I have seen that is talking about what is going on at all. There will be many better articles in the coming weeks and months, the Mind Molders will not be able to avoid it.

ao your goal is to start the panic?......we've had our fill of you.....
No problem. If you have any other questions you can always ask Tom aka Primadonna aka The King of Thailand's Bath Boy aka The Kept Farang. You'll notice how he follows me ardently, hoping for some shreds of attention. He's our JPP Gossip Grrrl and (thinks he) knows everything. :rofl2:

Oh, I'll have to watch that play out. Who knows? Someday I might have a stalker!