Satan At Work. Through YOU!

Is it because you see yourself in me, Perry PhD?

Not in the slightest. I'm kind of an anti-narcissist. I am abundantly aware of my flaws. And ironically you seem to be have missed the real flaws to focus on your made up diagnoses.

On here I can afford to be more confident. There's no down-side, no price to pay. And it's even easier when I run across people like you who clearly lack anything like an ability to even marginally apply the science you supposedly "learned" and got your "degree" in.

The reason I think your degree is fascinating is because I've almost never heard you say anything would indicate even a nodding acquaintance with the DSM or regular psychological topics. Instead you seem to ONLY know about paranoid schizophrenia and bipolar disorder which are your go-to diagnoses for LITERALLY EVERYONE who even mildly disagrees with you.

(And it's also apparent you don't even have much statistical or inferential statistics background which I thought was meat and potatoes for you "Psychologists". Was it too hard for you? Like everything else school?)

So, yeah, you are fascinating!
Not in the slightest. I'm kind of an anti-narcissist.

I'd suggest we take a poll but you'd just claim it was pseudoscience.

I'd suggest we take a poll but you'd just claim it was pseudoscience.

Wow, I thought I'd made myself clear that I am not like my regular self on here. See, it's your lack of actual reading that causes so many problems I think. It might be why you weren't great shakes in university. You didn't actually read what was put in front of you but rather preferred your own version.

Interesting. Thanks!
Wow, I thought I'd made myself clear that I am not like my regular self on here....

Yes, you claimed that and you're only fooling yourself, Perry.

That said, thanks for confessing you are attempting to push a lie. It fits your personality, but I still disagree that the personality a person displays on JPP isn't part of the person posting it.
Yes, you claimed that and you're only fooling yourself, Perry.

That said, thanks for confessing you are attempting to push a lie. It fits your personality, but I still disagree that the personality a person displays on JPP isn't part of the person posting it.

I didn't say I was pushing a lie. Is this a new way you are using to troll? Now making up shit about other posters?

Well, I guess it makes sense given who you are.
I didn't say I was pushing a lie.

Is this a new way you are using to troll? Now making up shit about other posters?

Well, I guess it makes sense given who you are.
Agreed, you're just pushing a false personality...which is a lie.

It's just pointing out the truth. You claimed "I am not like my regular self on here". I responded to your claim. You became triggered, again, and now claim I'm "making up shit" about you. It's a curious response, but fitting for your personality, Perry.

Who am I, Perry? What do you know about me? It's all over this forum. I know you know how to use the search function but you only seem to focus on some aspects and never others. Why?
Agreed, you're just pushing a false personality...which is a lie.

Oh my! My oh my! Mr. "Psychologist" doesn't understand people can behave differently in different situations? It is 'lie'????

Is that why you think everyone who isn't you is a paranoid schizophrenic?

It's just pointing out the truth.

Don't you have to actually KNOW something first?

Who am I, Perry?

Just another anonymous prick who thinks being a douche online is "fun".

What do you know about me?

All I need to know. :)

It's all over this forum. I know you know how to use the search function

Suddenly you have learned how to do a search on here? Good for you!

but you only seem to focus on some aspects and never others. Why?

There isn't anything more to you as far as I'm concerned. Why should I care to know more? Just more pathetic douchiness I'm sure.
Oh my! My oh my! Mr. "Psychologist" doesn't understand people can behave differently in different situations? It is 'lie'????...
The lie is you denying your behavior on JPP isn't the "real" you, Perry PhD.

This is the "real" you, Perry:
Is that why you think everyone who isn't you is a paranoid schizophrenic?

Don't you have to actually KNOW something first?

Just another anonymous prick who thinks being a douche online is "fun".

All I need to know. :)

Suddenly you have learned how to do a search on here? Good for you!

There isn't anything more to you as far as I'm concerned. Why should I care to know more? Just more pathetic douchiness I'm sure.
People can decide for themselves if they like the real you or not, Perry.
The lie is you denying your behavior on JPP isn't the "real" you, Perry PhD.

This is the "real" you, Perry:

People can decide for themselves if they like the real you or not, Perry.

I note that lately you've been obsessing on getting other people to validate your "diagnoses" of me. Is that because you don't feel secure anymore in your "ability" to diagnose? I mean you have been pretty wide of the mark on many things so maybe that's it.

Maybe you are getting a bit annoyed. Someone doesn't just take your "decree" for it. Someone might -gasp- see through your charade. Hmmmmm.

Maybe try doing your "job" better and you won't need everyone else to validate for you.
I note that lately you've been obsessing on getting other people to validate your "diagnoses" of me. Is that because you don't feel secure anymore in your "ability" to diagnose? I mean you have been pretty wide of the mark on many things so maybe that's it.

Maybe you are getting a bit annoyed. Someone doesn't just take your "decree" for it. Someone might -gasp- see through your charade. Hmmmmm.

Maybe try doing your "job" better and you won't need everyone else to validate for you.
Does public scrutiny bother you, Perry PhD?

Being constantly spammed like Sybil does can be annoying, yes, but it's also very enlightening. While people can be in a bad mood for a day, if they maintain the same mood for several days, as you have, it defines their personality. As most scientists know, research takes time and patience.

What's my job, Perry?
Does public scrutiny bother you, Perry PhD?

Being constantly spammed like Sybil does can be annoying, yes, but it's also very enlightening. While people can be in a bad mood for a day, if they maintain the same mood for several days, as you have, it defines their personality. As most scientists know, research takes time and patience.

What's my job, Perry?

I'm curious why you are so desperate to get validation for your diagnoses. Earlier either today or yesterday you wanted to run a "poll" as to who thought what about me.

You are curious little fellow. Guess you should have stayed awake in your psychology classes.

When are you going to Google what the DSM is so you can improve your "diagnosis" game?
If you have an issue with God take it up with him!
But wait,you are an atheist, you don't believe God exists!
So how could God commit genocide?

I will attempt to explain this to you. I used to be a believer so the concept of God has always been interesting to me. I am asking a question of believers: how does one accept that God in the OT commanded genocides and when they weren't completed to their full murder list he turned away from Saul and that that is the same God in the NT who so loved the world that he sacrificed his only begotten son to atone man to himself and that his love applies to ALL PEOPLE?

If one is a believer then one has to explain this. As a non-believer I am free to simply say "It's all made up, God didn't command a genocide because he probably doesn't exist".

But if one is to debate whether God exists or not, would it not be valuable if someone were to be able to explain it such that it didn't make God appear to be a theologically void concept? Wouldn't that help bring those of us who no longer believe back to the fold?

This isn't the reason I stopped believing in God, but it certainly helps me understand that the entire concept of God is illogical and doesn't even make sense to the people who not only believe but WORSHIP that being.

Hope that clarifies it for you.
I will attempt to explain this to you. I used to be a believer so the concept of God has always been interesting to me. I am asking a question of believers: how does one accept that God in the OT commanded genocides and when they weren't completed to their full murder list he turned away from Saul and that that is the same God in the NT who so loved the world that he sacrificed his only begotten son to atone man to himself and that his love applies to ALL PEOPLE?

If one is a believer then one has to explain this. As a non-believer I am free to simply say "It's all made up, God didn't command a genocide because he probably doesn't exist".

But if one is to debate whether God exists or not, would it not be valuable if someone were to be able to explain it such that it didn't make God appear to be a theologically void concept? Wouldn't that help bring those of us who no longer believe back to the fold?

This isn't the reason I stopped believing in God, but it certainly helps me understand that the entire concept of God is illogical and doesn't even make sense to the people who not only believe but WORSHIP that being.

Hope that clarifies it for you.

What kind of half ass atheist are you? Either you believe God doesn't exist, or not! If you have a shadow of a doubt that God might exist,than stop claiming you are an atheist,and admit you have doubts!So start searching!328436771_745771023375749_112498888993250896_n.jpg
What kind of half ass atheist are you? Either you believe God doesn't exist, or not! If you have a shadow of a doubt that God might exist,than stop claiming you are an atheist,and admit you have doubts!So start searching!

You don't seem very sharp. Sorry you wasted my time.

Thanks, bye.